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Prometheus and the gift of fire

Ever since the beginning of time, human beings have always had trouble with the gods.
Especially Greek gods. Most of them considered humans as toys they could play around with. But
others were particularly interested in the human race. Some of them even made friends with the
human beings.
This is the story of one of those gods. His name was Prometheus and it is thanks to him if we have
fire on earth today.
At that time in history, the first people living on Earth lived happily and in peace together. The
adults believed the gods were incapable of doing anything bad. But their children did not agree
with them, and they were not satisfied with the kind of life they had. These spoilt children were
always arguing and fighting among themselves, and sometimes they even had the courage to
argue with the gods.
Of course, Zeus did not approve of this and was terribly disappointed at their behaviour. So, he
decided to punish the human race once and for all: he was not going to them one of the most
important tools they needed: fire!
Without fire, humans were not going to last very long. Prometheus felt sorry for his human friends.
Fire was important for many things, for example heating and cooking. Prometheus stole a lightning
bolt from Zeus and gave it to a man. That's when man discovered fire.
Zeus was mad, he ordered Prometheus to chain himself to a rock as punishment for stealing his
lightning bolt, and for going behind his back to help the human beings.
To make Prometheus even more desolated, Zeus sent storms to beat angry waves against
Prometheus, helplessly chained to his rock, he made the sun shine brightly and burn his skin. He
even sent an eagle to taste the poor Prometheus' body. It was a big punishment for a god who had
only tried to help men. But he had defied Zeus, and that was what made him so angry.
It was Hercules who finally released the helpless god from torture. By the time he saved him,
nearly a thousand years had passed. That's probably not a lot of time if you are immortal. But
humans had changed a great deal over 1000 years.
By then, Zeus found humans quite entertaining, and he no longer cared if anyone rescued
Prometheus or not.

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