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After the war between the Titans and the Olympians ended, Zeus tasked the titan; Prometheus and
his brother Epimetheus to create the humans. Prometheus, also called forethought as he always
thinks what will happen in the future. Contrasting his brother, Epimetheus, also called afterthought as
he always resides in the past and the happenings at the past only. The latter created the animals. He
gives all of the qualities that the animals will need to survive such as claws, fangs, fur, wings, and
more. Prometheus created the humans with the mold of clay and thinking that his brother left no more
good qualities to give to the mankind, he thought that making them stand like the Gods and
Goddesses will be a good present and last but not the least, the fire. Prometheus loves the human
beings than the Olympians. So, when Zeus demanded sacrifice from the humans, Prometheus tricked
him. He offered Zeus two options; one juicy meat wrapped around a huge bone and the other is a
less looking delicious meat but the inside is the finest meat to ever exist. Of course, Zeus have
chosen the first choice. When Zeus finds out that Prometheus deceived him, he took the fire away
from the humans. Prometheus climbed the mountains with a torch on his hand. He reached for the
sun to lit the torch and he immediately climbed down to bring back the fire for the mankind. When this
news reached Zeus, he is enraged. He will punish the human beings and Prometheus. He started
with ordering his son, the God of Blacksmith, Hephaestus to create the most perfect mortal woman.
Zeus called this woman Pandora which means the ‘all-gifted’ as all of the Gods and Goddesses
bestowed her wonderful qualities. Hera (The Goddess of marriage, women and family, and the
protector of women during childbirth) is the one who give Pandora curiosity which play the most
important part in the story. Lastly, Zeus handed Pandora a jar to which he warned the beautiful
woman to never open at any cost. Hermes, the messenger of the Gods and Goddesses send
Pandora to Epimetheus as a gift from Zeus. Prometheus warned his brother beforehand to never
accept any gifts, especially if it’s from Zeus. But Epimetheus couldn’t resist the beauty of Pandora so
he embraced her in his house. The day came when Pandora’s curiosity increased in great height. So,
she thought to herself that a small act such as peeking a little from the jar wouldn’t do any great
damage and so she has done the deed. After opening the jar, Pandora is appalled by what she has
witnessed. The jar released all evils to ever exist in the world: chaos, diseases, sadness, and other
calamity. The woman immediately closed the lid without knowing that the last thing left inside the jar is
the glimmer of hope. Zeus proceeded to punish Prometheus now. He commanded his servants to
chain Prometheus to the rocks of the Caucasus Mountain. After that, an eagle will feast on his liver.
But it doesn’t end there. When the night will come, since Prometheus is an immortal, his liver will
regenerate. By the time the morning comes, the very same eagle will satisfy itself with Prometheus
liver. Zeus offered Prometheus out of his torment; the first choice is Prometheus will tell Zeus who will
be the mother of the child that would dethrone him then the second choice is an immortal must die for
him and a mortal must kill the eagle so he would be free. Prometheus didn’t tell Zeus anything
though. But Chiron the centaur agreed to die for him and Heracles, who’s a mortal slayed the eagle
for Prometheus.

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