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STUDENT: Silvana Martinez Yance

1. There are more than 24.000 trees in Central Park.
2. The famous restaurant in Central Park is called the Tavern on the Green.
3. Every year, the New York Shakespeare Festival has plays in the park.
4. The top floor of the GE building is called the “Top of the Rock”.
5. On Ellis Island you can visit the Immigration Museum.
6. People from other countries started arriving on Ellis Island in 1892 to 1954.

My best friend is 22 years old, he works as a technical supervisor and coordinator in height
We have known each other since we were children, but two years ago we became best
He is an important person for me because he always supports me and is good at giving
We see each other every ten days because he works in the city of Barranquilla and on
weekends he comes to visit his family.
We go to the park, the movies or the beach together because we love it.

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