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Surmounting Challenges in the New Normal

A year ago, the world of Education changed. The teachers who used to focus on
classroom teaching were somewhat unprepared to the changes brought by the pandemic. But as
the adage says, “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”
The CIS teachers began to attend webinars which would help them to cope and to come
up with innovative teaching strategies contributory to students’ continuity of learning despite the
difficult situation.
They also take the responsibility of monitoring learners’ progress through the created
GC, Google classroom or via phone call/ text messages. They ensure that the students received
quality education even without face-to-face teaching. From the planning of Weekly Home
Learning Plan to the downloading, printing, sorting, distributing, and retrieving of modules,
answering parents’ queries, and correcting learners’ responses.
“The struggle is real.”, teacher Maricon says.
There are times when teachers are stressful due to overloaded works but because of their
dedication and willingness to help the students, they positively take them as a challenge.
“As a teacher in the new normal, things may not be the usual we do everyday but being
adaptive to changes is the key to be able to pursue and continue the learning among our
clientele.” Says teacher Kenjie.
The teachers make sure that the learners stay engaged and motivated during these hard
times. They keep an eye on the learners’ performance and send learning materials through online
“At my age, I tried to keep up with the use of technology for the sake of my learners.”,
says teacher Normita.
Amid pandemic, the teachers’ effort is immeasurable. They find ways and means to
continue the learning process. They sacrificed, showed unending love, and lengthened their cord
of hard work and patience.
Indeed, CIS teachers are adaptable to change.

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