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Methodist College of

Engineering & Technology

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Y. Madhu M. Reddy, Email:

Assistant Professor,
Phone number: +91-9700790007
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Methodist College of Engineering & Technology,
Hyderabad, India.


lt is my pleasure to recommend ''Mr.NADIMINTI DAYANVESH" who is applying for the Master of

Science program at your esteemed university. He is one of the most creative, intelligent and capable
individuals I have had the good fortune to work with and know. I am convinced that he would excel in
this program and be a true asset to your University.

I was his project guide,I can surely say that Mr.Nadiminti Dayanvesh is technically sound, inquisitive
in nature and possesses good analytical skills. He has consistently performed well in his studies and
was one among the students with a very good grade. He always strives to find the practical
applications of whatever he has learnt theoretically.

He had worked on an abrasive jet machine through the formal and informal interactions that I have
had with him, I can confidently state that Mr.Nadiminti Dayanvesh has immense enthusiasm for work
and a strong desire and motl.vatl.on towards hi.s goals. I am confi.dent that he would make the best of
any opportunity presented to him and I strongly recommend him for master's program of his interest
in your University

Y. Madhu M. Reddy

Kln8 Kotl Road, Ablds

Wvderlb.d . 500 001. T,S„ lndfi
pr`: oco]z¢753445, 247559g

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