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Learning aims and  The number of sub CPMK is adequately achieve the CPMK.
objectives  Each Sub CPMK uses measurable action verbs
 The action verbs are higher level thinking skills.
 Each Sub CPMK clearly states the performance students are
expected to demonstrate after learning.
 Each Sub CPMK clearly states the degree in which students
will perform.
 The sub CPMK is so clear that students themselves understand
what learning outcomes are anticipated from the lesson and
feel motivated.
Resources and  The lesson plan clearly provides the detailed information of
Materials main and supporting resources.
 All of the resources are up-to-date.
 It also includes the learning material connects to “real world”.
 The material provides varieties to be developed as cases and
problems which are engaging and relevant to the students.
Learning Activities  The activities are meaningful and help the students to achieve
the lesson objective.
 The learning process involves self-discovery where students
take part in every case study and team project.
 In case based teaching, teacher as facilitator uses questioning
skill to build students critical thinking by using discussions and
 Each student accepts responsibility for seeking information and
bringing back to the group for viable solution development.
 Students offer an exchange of ideas and get feedback.
 The learning activities model the process of inductive learning
so in the end of class students conclude what has been learned
and discuss how concepts have been applied.
 In team-based project, students are facilitated to
collaboratively solve authentic problems that resemble their
future workplace.
 Students are given opportunities to transfer the course content
to life-situation and make final product in the end.
 Students are given an adequate amount of time to finish a
 Teacher observes and directs how the students analyse cases
and give feedback to help them build constructive
recommendation in group discussion.
Quality  The assessment is consistent with the learning objective.
Assessment  The assessment measures students’ progress towards each sub
 The assessment is authentic (not one-shot or timed written
test). Self and peer assessment or portfolio are recommended.
 The assessment is both process-based and knowledge-based
and given in regular intervals so that it gives students
information to help them develop their competence.
 The clear and easy to follow rubric is provided.
Organization  Well-planned
 Sequential
 Clearly organized
 Thorough development.

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