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An ideal job as for me

In a specific moment of our life, we all got an impulsive or serious

thought of becoming a worker of a certain profession. It could relate to
some certain things we really love to do, some special conditions which
this job has, amount of money it pays, or it could just be a simple
interest in certain profession. Each of us basically has own logic of
picking the dream job.
For example, most of the people’s choice of job would probably fall
for the least hardworking jobs. For example, someone simply needs to
test the new features or updates of their favorite or known game and get
good money for doing it. Same logic of picking an ideal job could tend
to be picking a wine, beer, or chocolate tester as own occupation. It may
not look as easy as a game tester job, but you still enjoy drinking, eating
and get paid well. Or in some other situations people tend to choose an
ideal, job because it is literally what they live by plus it is also easy and
can be paid normally. It could be a writer, Lego sculptor or a model. As
I think those occupations are more likely can be chosen by a people who
think that writing stories, sculpturing Lego builds or posing in cool
clothes is their life. By what I mean that it’s more of a calling, the job
they live by so as I think, it also counts as an ideal job.
But as for me, my ideal job would be a translator. I’ve been dreaming
about becoming one since the first time I managed to learn all the basis
of one language. Later that day, I started to research it and already can
come up with few special requirements which I look forward to in my
ideal job.
Firstly, I’d like to say that time management is really important to me,
and I want it to stay as much flexible as it can. Translator job’s schedule
can be enough flexible so I can be called on a duty well-planned, since I
can make major changes there too.
Secondly, the ability to work from home. I am not that type of person
who enjoys going out every day, but makes more productive work at
home. The profession of a translator of course won’t allow to be
completely freelance, but I think that most of the time it could be
possible because there may be translators needed in different countries,
while I am staying in mine.
And thirdly, I would pick the job of a translator as my dream jobs
relying on the reasons of majority of people – that’s just simply what I
live for. Every day I translate a lot of things and tend to help people with
loads of translations. Of course, I am mostly focusing on English
language, but if in future I manage to learn a lot of different one’s that
would just give me more energy to fulfill my dream of becoming a

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