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Directions: Choose the correct letter in each number.

1. Which of the given intervals represents one-half
A. A to E
B. B to F
C. A to B
D. C to E
2. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to
another through:
A. alternately vibrating particles of the medium
B. vibrating particles and traveling particles
C. particles traveling with the wave
D. none of the above
3. In (1) waves, the individual particles in the medium
move parallel to the direction of travel of the wave. An
example of this is (2) ___.
A. (1) transverse (2) sound
B. (1) transverse (2) visible light
C. (1) longitudinal (2) sound
D. (1) longitudinal (2) visible light

4. What will happen as the frequency of a wave

increases and the speed remains constant?
A. The wavelength increases.
B. The decreases.
C. The amplitude increases.
D. The wave period increases.
5. Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an
anchored boat 1.25 s apart. The speed of the waves is
A. 0.25 m/s
B. B. 4.00 m/s
C. 6.25 m/s

D. 3 x 108 m/s

6. Energy from the sun reaches the earth through

A. infrared waves
B. ultraviolet waves
C. mechanical waves
D. electromagnetic waves

7. Which two waves have the same amplitude but

different wavelengths?
A. Waves A and B

B. Waves B and C

C. Waves A and C

D. All waves have the same amplitude.

8. Which two waves have varying amplitudes but the
same wavelength?
A. Waves A and B

B. Waves B and C

C. Waves A and C

D. All waves have the same amplitude.

9. Which wave has the highest frequency?

A. Wave A
B. Wave B
C. Wave C
D. All waves have the same frequency.
10. How does the frequency of infrared (IR) compare with
the frequency of ultraviolet (UV) waves?
A. Infrared waves have lower frequency than ultraviolet
B. Infrared waves have higher frequency than ultraviolet
C. Infrared waves have the same frequency as the
ultraviolet waves.
D. Infrared is not comparable in frequency with the

ultraviolet waves.

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