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2.  Some live for the joy of helping their siblings to succeed in their own paths but if
there is a instances where a parents had child that had a crab mentality toward their
sibling, They will perceive a concerning actions because instead on having their own
appreciation on the abilities or uniqueness they have, Instead their siblings success
made them unlikeable or small that no parent would ever wish for their child to feel or
experiences in achieving their own goals.

3. Some studies believes that crab mentality happens in the family because of the
comparisons among siblings, cousins or extended families. Comparison when it comes
in the education attainment, business, talents and etc.

4. Conducting this study together with there is no such thing as an individual success
because there is a belief that each action is influenced and influences another thing. It
can be in mental health or the crab mentality that not just existed in the society but also
inside of the small group in our society, In every families. Because Crab mentality is
more destructive than we think and influences us more than we realize.

5. The importance of the study is on how can we able to identify ones self neither
abilities, talents, successes and other instances that make us unique and appreciate not
just the success of the other but also Ours. Also the mentality that leads to various
despair in example in business, mental health and the most destructive is the mentality
that leads to crimes.

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