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Executive Summary

Sea Shells on the Beach Restaurant is a family operated business which is located at the South
East Peninsula in the island of St. Kitts. It is a restaurant of prominence that focuses on servicing
authentic seafood cuisine and savory appetizers. The name of the establishment was chosen to
create a contrast between sea shells and the seafood that would be served, resulting in the dishes
being served being without a doubt as memorable as seeing beautiful sea shells while grazing
through the sands on a bay. Our business caters to mainly tourists and civilians who have a love
for seafood and are willing to experience the localized version of such dishes and appetizers.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans,
prominently including fish and shellfish. Food-related tourism ventures in St. Kitts provides an
opportunity to stimulate and diversify in the tourism sector as it promotes economic development
at the local level and involves a variety of sectors for example the agriculture sector. Also, it
allows foreigners to experience the diversity in foods that are made locally compared to the
dishes made at their respective countries. The target population consists of culinary travelers and
local citizens of all ages who desire to view the Caribbean through the lens of food. We use the
common methods of promotional strategies to broaden customer attraction beyond our reach and
to access new markets; for example, through distribution of advertising brochures, social media
and through a third party for example online travel agents. Two of our main competitors in the
area of the South East Peninsula are the Reggae Beach Bar and Tunisia’s Special Seafood Stop;
both restaurants being many major tourists’ destinations in the area. As newcomers we intend to
create a separation between our nearby competitors through innovation and niche marketing and
by striving to perform extraordinary customer activities and display such as karaoke nights and
designing a picnic table setting instead of regular seats and tables. Our main goal as an
establishment is to ensure that every customer that visits our restaurant leaves with exceeded
satisfaction after encountering our exceptional foods and services and like the ministry of
tourism, promote gastronomy in the federation and help grow our economy by promoting
authentic Kittitian styled seafood and finally open doors to provide jobs for locals who have a
passion for culinary arts.

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