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Assignment Questions for FYJC “Science”

Sub: Biology MARKS: 25

Q1) What is cell junction? Describe different types of cell junction. (Chapter
no 10)

Q2) with the help of a neat labelled diagram , describe the location, structure
and function of skeletal muscles. (Chapter no 10)

Q3) Describe in detail the external morphology of cockroach. (Chapter no 11)

Q4) with the help of neat and labelled diagram, describe the digestive system
of cockroach. (Chapter no 11)

Q5) Describe the light -dependent steps of photosynthesis. How are they
linked to dark reaction? (Chapter no 12)

Q6) Explain: Hatch- Slack pathway. (Chapter no 12)

Q7) what is glycolysis? Describe the process of glycolysis with the help of
schematic representation. (Chapter no 13)

Q8) Explain the structure of tooth. Explain why human dentition is

considered as thecodont, diphyodont and heterodont. (Chapter no 14)

Q9) Draw a neat labelled diagram of stomach. (Chapter no 14)

Q10) Explain the L.S of kidney with a neat and labelled diagram. (Chapter no

Q11) Explain the process of urine formation in details. (Chapter no 15)

Q12) write a short note on role of contraction ions in contraction and

relaxation of muscles. (Chapter no 16)

Q13) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the following: (Chapter no 16)

I) Atlas vertebra
II) Axis vertebra
III) Thoracic vertebra
IV) Lumbar vertebra
V) Sternum

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