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Genetic engineering defined as the faster way to produce new varieties than selective breeding.

involves the artificial transfer of selected genes from one living organism to another living
organism, which need not be of the same species. Despite of the good purpose of genetic
engineering it has advantage and disadvantage.
The advantage of genetic engineering are
It allows for a faster growth rate.
Genetic engineering allows of plants or animals to be modified so their maturity can occur at a
quicker stage.
It can create an extended life.
Genetic modification can help to create resistance to common forms of organism death.
Specific traits can be developed.
Plants and animals can have specific traits developed through genetic engineering that can make
them more attractive to use or consumption.
New products can be created easily.
With genetic engineering, new products can be created by adding or combining different profiles

on the other hand The disadvantage of genetic engineering are:

The nutritional value of foods can be less.
When animals grow, and mature quickly, the nutritional value of that product can be reduced.
There can be negative side effects that are unexpected.

Therefore Genetic engineering is guaranteed to make a change. Many of those changes are
positive, creating more and healthier foods. Some of those changes, however, can be negative and
The advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering show that the results can be generally
positive, but there must be controls in place to manage the negative when it occurs.

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