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Review Test Unit 12

Name :
Date :
Level : Master Kids 3B
Teacher : Ms.Sari

Read this passage bellow to answer no 1-5.

Dear Mum,

I’m on holiday now with my class. I’m not very happy.

I want to get up late but we always have to get up early. I always
eat frogs and spiders for breakfast at home but here we only have
bread and milk. After breakfast, we have classes in the morning
but I want to play with my bat. We often paint and draw after
lunch. That’s nice. I always paint boxes because I think they’re
beautiful. My teacher says they are nice but I have to paint
flowers. In the evening, we sing and play music. The other
children are afraid when I sing so I have to be quiet.
Mum, I don’t like my holiday here. Can I come home on Friday,


1. Is it Agg happy or not?

2. What agg breakfast on his holiday?
3. Why Agg always paint boxes?
4. What they doing in the evening?
5. When the date Agg want to go home?

----GOOD LUCK----
Put so , because or but into the sentences.
1. I am studying English ___________ I love languages.
2. She went to the mall ___________ she didn’t buy anything.
3. Angga can playing guitar,____________ he can’t singing.
4. Dinda was late,____________ she can’t attend the class on time.
5. I was thirsty ___________ I drank a glass a water.
6. Arthur is abcent today,_________ he got sick.
7. Sue got the highest score in English Test,__________ she got a new shoes from her
8. Pex like eating bananas,______ he like the colour.
9. Max’s room getting messed,____ he clean it.
10. I like go to the beach,___ I hate when i getting dark because of the sun light.

What do you do in the holidays? Write complete sentences.

Pupil’s book pg.80

Workbook pg. 79

----GOOD LUCK----

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