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Okuy, okuy! So you're ull wonderlng whut's golng on wlth the I-Rlse Bukery! Well, there ure plenty of
chunges to tell you ubout, but flrst I owe you ull u blg THANKS for glvlng me some tlme thls summer
to rest & recuperute. It wus ubsolutely crltlcul to my well-belng--my buck wus ln reully bud shupe untll
the mlddle of August. Thut wus the longest I've ever been out of commlsslon, lt reully sucked. Due to
how severely I hurt myself muklng the breud you ull know & love, ut thls polnt I cun't go buck to dolng
thlngs the wuy I huve been for so long. I slmply cun't physlcully hundle the volume of breud I wus
muklng by myself. Everythlng huppens for u reuson, though, und ln the meuntlme some very uttructlve
posslbllltles huve opened up. I don't wunt to suy too much |ust yet slnce there ure stlll more questlons
thun unswers, but u few of the buzz-words rlght now ure: commerclul kltchen spuce, mechunlcul help,
hlrlng some people. We'll let you ull know us thlngs get cleurer...
Whut ls cleur rlght now ls thut we need to expund our offerlngs u blt for the next few months ln un
effort to muke up for the loss of the breud buslness. We know there ure u few of you who huve some
credlt bullt up wlth us, so we're hoplng you cun flnd ltems from our expunded menu to tuke the pluce
of your breud. One thlng we're uddlng to the llst ls our 100% Rye Breud. Muny of you huve trled lt
before. Molst, dense, very fluvorful, very nutrltlous & 100% gluten-free, thls klnd of breud ls ruther
hurd to come by unless you huppen to be ln Germuny or certuln other purts of Europe. We love lt
sllced extru-thln for sundwlches! We'll ulso be muklng frult crlsps, ut leust for u few months (tll ple
seuson!). Frults wlll depend on uvullublllty, could be Aslun Peurs from Dr. Oulnn or upples from
Ednu's orchurd, or muybe peuches from the furmer's murket--glve u cull to see whut lt ls euch week.
Also on the Specluls menu ls the Drled Frult Medley Grunolu, one of our fuvorltes. We love the hlnt of
uromutlc splces wlth ull those yummy sweet drled frults. And we huve gotten u lot of requests for our
Outmeul Chocolute Chlp Cookles, und looklng buck we reullzed lt's been u long tlme slnce we hud
them on the menu. We huven't done the Lemon-Poppy Seed-Currunt Scones ln qulte some tlme,
elther--they're u reul clusslc. Our Bununu Nut breud ls u clusslc us well, though we use more bununus
thun most others. Thut's |ust how we roll.
Another blg chunge we're muklng ls swltchlng the dellvery duy for our Eustslde customers.
to the Westslde, through Mld-town to the Eustslde. The SLV route wlll swltch buck to Wednesduy (so
we cun keep Seun us our dellvery drlver). We hope these chunges don't cuuse mu|or lnconvenlence
for uny of our Eustslde customers, but thls ls the best wuy for us to go forwurd ut thls tlme. We're
condenslng the duys to glve us u llttle more tlme to work on the blg muster plun we hope to roll out by
the end of the yeur. Thunks for your putlence & understundlng us thls buslness goes through thls
trunsltlon phuse. We're worklng on wuys to expund & serve more of our communlty, but ln u wuy thut

doesn't breuk your Breud-mun's buck. Wlth more love & devotlon. Keep on keepln' on, & stuy cool,
won't you? PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

De rlghteous Breud-ren---------------------> (831) 818-1496

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