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Departamento de idiomas (inglés)

Name:__________________________________ secc______________

I- Translate into spanish

1. Wedding___________________
2. carry-on___________________ 11. stranger___________________
3. climate____________________ 12. suitcase____________________
4. container__________________ 13. tag_________________
5. Departure__________________ 14. salt_____________________
6. Difficulty__________________ 15. sausage_________________
_ 16. seafood__________________
7. Flight_____________________ 17. shrimp__________________
_ 18. squid____________________
8. Gate______________________ 19. vegetarian________________
9. Liquid_____________________ 20. workaholic________________
10. photo identification________

II- Read this conversation and answer the questions

Reporter: Your group, The 5 Cs, is now famous around
the world with several hits. So, how did the
band start?
Connor: I posted a note on the bulletin board at our
high school asking for musicians. The band
was formed from the group of hopeful
candidates that turned up at my home.
We called it Revolution.
Reporter: Do you still have the original members?
Connor: Yeah. Charlie on the drums, Chris on the
keyboard, Carlos on the bass, and me on the
guitar and doing vocals.
Reporter: What about Cliff ? When did he join the band?
Connor: He came along a few months later. He used to
sing with another band, but he wasn’t into the
kind of music they played. So he joined our
group, and we changed the name to The 5 Cs.
Reporter: Where did you rehearse, and where did
you play?
Connor: We used to rehearse in my garage, and we
played as many shows as possible to get our
name out there. At fi rst, we even had to play for free.
Reporter: When did your fi rst big break come?
About the Conversation
1. How and where did the band members meet?
2. What was the group called originally?
3. Where did they use to rehearse?
4. Why did Cliff leave the other band?
5. What did they do to become known?

III- Complete the following information about yourself. Write complete

sentences. Childhood Memories

1. Place and date of birth ___________________________________

2. Earliest memories ___________________________________
3. Favorite toy ___________________________________
4. Favorite teacher in elementary school ___________________________________
5. Best friend in elementary school ___________________________________
6. Favorite pastime as a child ___________________________________
7. Things you used to do ___________________________________
8. First birthday party you remember ___________________________________

IV- Complete the sentences with something, anything, and nothing.

1. You’re a good cook. You always have __________ delicious for dinner.
2. The refrigerator is empty. There is __________ to eat in here.
3. I haven’t made __________ special for supper. Make yourself a sandwich.
4. There’s __________ better than a nice cup of coff ee after a meal.
5. Aren’t you having __________ for breakfast? You should eat __________ in the
morning. It isn’t good to go out on an empty stomach.

V- Write the simple past tense of these verbs

1. Hold 6. Dive
2. Lend 7. Cook
3. Look 8. Fight
4. Pay 9. Study
5. Play 10. Sit

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