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Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system due to excessive electrical

activity patterns in the brain. This causes the sufferer to experience repeated
seizures in part or all of the body.


Seizures are the main symptom of epilepsy. Seizures in people with epilepsy are
divided into two types, namely total seizures and partial seizures. Therefore, the
symptoms that accompany seizures may vary according to the type.


People with certain health disorders can reduce their risk of developing epilepsy by
eating a balanced nutritious diet, exercising, and not smoking. Meanwhile, in
pregnant women, the risk of epilepsy in babies can be reduced by routinely
checking the womb.


1. World Health Organization (2019). Epilepsy. 

2. National Health Service UK (2020). Health A to Z. Epilepsy. 
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Epilepsy. Preventing
4. Mayo Clinic (2021). Diseases & Conditions. Epilepsy. 
5. Cherney, K. Healthline (2021). 10 Ways to Prevent Seizures.

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