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Essay Test
Consumer Behavior

Class: MKT1708
Student ID: HA160122
Instructors: Mr.Trinh Trong Hung

Ha Noi, 2022
of Contents

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5
. Define consumer addiction and give two examples of it.

Consumer addiction is when a person is, quite simply,

addicted to having to acquire “stuff” just for the sake
of acquiring “stuff.” It’s different from other types of
addiction in that our entire culture is immersed in the
malady (see society’s addictive consumerism above
and below). The person with the consumer addiction
can’t simply “stop” and probably doesn’t even realize
that he or she has an addiction.Consumer addiction
can manifest itself in a number of ways: hoarding,
shopping addiction, an overwhelming need to always
be “in-style” and “on-trend” (including the latest and
greatest electronics upgrades as they happen), or
even simply a sense of being “empty” if you haven’t
purchased something in a certain amount of time.

Example 1 : I have a friend who is

extremely "addicted" to buying brands
like Gucci, H&M ... She is so addicted to
shopping that she goes to stores 2-3
times a week or places orders on online
platforms. Branded goods piled up in the
closet, although she might not have used
them all, but she had to buy at least one
branded item a week. Because for her,
shopping for branded items is her
pleasure, helping to satisfy your shopping
Example 2: A man who is a
follower of Samsung, every time
samsung releases a new phone
model, he will immediately hunt
for that phone no matter how high
the price is. Because he is a huge
fan of samsung phones, he finds it
very suitable for him and it is also
his preference, his shopping habits
every time samsung launches a
new model because yet he was so
used to the purchase and the
purpose for which he used it.

2. Find examples of electronic recommendation agents on
the Web. Evaluate these. Are they helpful? What
characteristics of the sites you locate are likely to make you
buy products you wouldn't have bought on your own?

An electronic recommendation agent is a software tool that tries to

understand a human decision maker's multi attribute preferences
for a product category as it asks the user to communicate his
preferences.Based on that data, the software then recommends a
list of alternatives sorted by the degree to which they fit these
criteria. These agents do appear to influence consumers' decision-
making, though some evidence indicates that they're more effective
when they recommend a product based on utilitarian attributes
(functionality such as nutritional value) rather than hedonic
attributes (such as design or taste).

Today, when society is in a development period, along with it is

growing technology. Especially when the world has to go through
the COVID-19 pandemic, direct shopping has increased significantly.
Since then, there have been many websites used by people as a
place to exchange and buy and sell.
For example a website I want to mention is the electronic
website ''TAOBAO''. Currently, Taobao is the website that
dominates over 80% of the e-commerce market in China,
with millions of products. Connecting sellers and buyers
by providing free electronic stores. The business model
applied on this sales site is B2C, C2C. Taobao is holding
for itself many great advantages such as a large market. ;
many reputable brands; the huge number of users and
buyers; providing a diverse commercial environment with
many conveniences. Shopping on TAOBAO is also easier
than ever. For example, when I want to buy car pants but
I can't fly to China to buy them, buying them on e-
commerce websites is a very fast and convenient thing. I
can order directly and wait a few days to receive the item
without any problems I love it; besides, I can also read the
full product information on the e-commerce site such as
color, and size, ... In addition, I can read people's reviews
on that e-commerce site. That helps me to understand
the information about the product and make my own
purchasing decision.
+ We can buy goods on the e-commerce site anytime,
anywhere, whether it is day or night and especially can
easily use card payment methods instead of having to pay
cash as before.
--> It can be seen that TAOBAO is a potential e-commerce
site that provides electronic recommendation agents on
the Web in providing goods and stimulating consumer

Why is it difficult to place a product in a consumer's evoked
set after the person has already rejected that product? What
strategies might a marketer use to accomplish this goal?

In my opinion, it is very difficult to put a product in

the consumer's suggestion group after that person
has rejected the product because when a product
has been rejected by the consumer, it Perhaps the
product is not suitable for them, or it may be
because of the quality of the product, or the
marketing and service attitude is not professional.
Or it may be because consumers are used to a
certain brand and they are afraid, they refuse to
change to another brand. Or maybe they compare
the price with other brands and they find the price
more expensive and they don't have the need to
try the product --> And once they want to refuse
that product, then the psychology Their purchases
has been reduced by 50%. The negative perception
of a product makes it very difficult to get that
product into the elicited consumer group. It also
involves poor or wrong product positioning that
causes illusion and ambiguity among consumers
about the product.
-And to attract the attention of customers, we need
to come up with new appropriate strategies such

+ Reposition the product with the right target

volume: It can help the company correct mistakes.
The company should focus on the features of the
product that the target consumers want.
+ Associate with another popular brand: It helps
the company get consumers to start associating
the product with the brand that is already part of
the suggested set. The product also received a
positive boost due to its association with a popular
+ Using PATHOS: pathos is considered an approach
that focuses on emotional appeal to consumers.
Here, consumers can be sensitized so that
products can be added to the sensuous set.
+ Focus on product quality and communication.


List three types of consumer involvement, giving

an example of each type.

Product involvement refers to a consumer's level

of interest in a particular product.The more closely
marketers can tie a brand to an individual, the
higher the involvement they will create.
This process is especially powerful when the
producer allows the customer to participate in
creating the product. Concerned with a
consumer's inner thoughts about product value
based on a number of factors, including personal
interests, needs, and the perception of value.
Ever since it rose as a concept in the marketing
domain, product involvement has been
generously used in developing consumer
behavior theory, taking various exploratory and
intermediary roles.

For example, when my dad buys a car because

the car is often assigned a high value to the car
and thus represents a higher product
involvement when buying the car. So my dad
needs to do his research, then try to minimise
the risk of their purchase by asking other people
who have had the same car and making sure
their selection is good. On the other hand,
product engagement can be low for items like
food, since the main reason to buy food is to
satisfy hunger. As long as the food is delicious
and hygienic, customers will buy it and spend
less time deciding what to buy.
Message-Response Involvement: is a way that
consumers can get involved with the marketing
aspect of a product. Media platforms possess
different qualities that influence how motivated we
are to pay attention to what they tell us. Television is a
low-involvement medium because it requires a
passive viewer who exerts relatively little control
(remote-control "zipping" notwithstanding) over the
content. Print contrast, print is a high-involvement
medium. The reader actively processes the
information and is able to pause and reflect on what
he or she has read before moving on.

Purchase situation involvement refers to

differences in motivation during the process of
interacting with a store or Web site. One way to
increase this kind of involvement is to personalize the
messages shoppers receive at the time of purchase.

For example, I bought a computer as a gift for a friend

for his birthday which is an example of an
engagement situation that occurs when a consumer is
attached to a product for a short time. In this case,
the relevance will disappear as soon as the purchase
is completed. On the other hand, long-term
engagement occurs when the association attached to
a particular product lasts for a long time when the
high school student plans to buy a computer to use in
cutting, the past three years from now is an example
of long-term engagement.

Some consumer advocates have protested the use of super-thin

models in advertising, claiming that these women encourage
others to starve themselves to attain the "waif” look. Other critics
respond that the media's power to shape behavior has been
overestimated, and that it is insulting to people to assume that
they are unable to separate fantasy from reality. How do you

Today, when society is moving towards both economic and

cognitive development. Society encourages everyone to live
and do what they like. Therefore, it is quite special for
brands to use super skinny models in advertising. As the
world is filled with mass media such as television, movies,
music, newspapers and the Internet, we are deeply
absorbed in them and our lives are greatly influenced by
them. .

Mass media through advertising play an extremely

important role in people's self-image by informing and
reflecting what people consider beautiful or attractive. One
of the ways in which they do so is through the widespread
use of very thin and attractive models, often referred to as
having ideal bodies, conveying the way people believe they
must look to be. attractive and desirable by others.

A lot of people assume that such promotional images will

have a negative impact on how we see our bodies and can
lead to a negative body image where one can feel difference
between a person's body image and the reality of a person's
shape and size, when we start comparing our body with the
model skinny person in the supplement. The greater the gap
between what we think we look like and what we actually
look like, the more likely we are to struggle with negative
body image. This negative self-perception can affect our
behaviour and interfere with our social interactions and
feelings of security and happiness. But we forget that
everyone has a different outlook on life, and different
interests, and we are not necessarily forced to live according
to a model.
For example : Dove's "Campaign for real beauty" is a perfect
example of this in play.The idea of ​a beauty product
featuring realistic women had been bandied around in
advertising for many years, but no-one dared break the
convention until Dove was brave enough to run this poster.
The ad featured actual women, a format that had never been
used before in ads, but Dove had the guts to feature it. It
was rewarded with a 700% uplift in sales and, perhaps more
importantly, a huge brand platform that has yielded fantastic
creative work and a very clear place in consumers’ hearts.
This ad campaign helped people connect with the brand on a
personal level. Since dove's images have helped stand out,
the confidence and idealistic body image that is prevalent in
today's society; above all to construct and portray such
realistic and authentic body images of consumers through
such advertisements. They will help people realise what they
are capable of and understand their true shape and size.

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