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1. Choose one piece of technology that you couldn't live without.

2. Record a ONE MINUTE AUDIO describing the piece of technology.

3. Include all the following information:

1. What's the name of the piece of technology?

2. Why is it so important for you? Give as much detail as you can.

3. How would your life be different without it?

4. If you could improve one feature, what would you change?

5. What piece of technology would you like to have in the future (example: time machine,
teletransporter, etc.)? Why?

Important things to consider:

Use adjectives to make your description interesting and the vocabulary you learned in this lesson.
Remember, you are talking about things in your present life, everyday as a routine, so use the
present simple. Remember to use "would" to talk about the technology you want but don't have,
for example: "I would like to have an iPhone."

"Post 1. L7. Dafne Che's favorite piece of technology."

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