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Choose the most suitable relative pronoun to complete the following sentences:
1. Is this the person who/ which/ whose you asked me about.
2. Peter comes from Whitney, that/ who/ which is near Oxford.
3. This meal, that/ which/ whose wasn’t very tasty, was expensive.
4. This is the gun with that/ whom/ which the murder was committed.
5. Simon got good marks in the final exam, that/ which/who made his parents very happy.
6. She’s one of the kindest people that/ who/ which I have ever known.
7. There is something that/ who/ which I don’t understand.
8. She gives her children everything that/ what/ who they want.
9. My friend, Jack, that/ who/ whose parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.
10. The reason why/ that/ what I phoned him was to invite him to party.
11. 25 December is the day when/ where/ why children in Great Britain get their Christmas presents.
12. Edinburgh is the town that/ where/ why Alexander Graham Bell was born.
Relative Pronouns Relative Adverbs

1. Who………………………………………………. 6. When…………………………………………………
2. Whom……………………………………………. 7. Where………………………………………………..
3. Which……………………………………………. 8. Why ………………………………………………….
4. Whose/ of which………………………………...
5. That…………………………………………………..


Decide whether the statements are defining (D) or non – defining (N) relative clauses. Add comma (,) if necessary.
1. People who buy lottery tickets are often found at bingo. ...……D………
2. Those guys, who want to go to Big White for snowboarding, need to pay soon. ……...N……..
3. Students who don’t practice their English don’t improve very quickly. ………D………
4. The 207 bus, which leaves at 6:03, was late today. ………N.…….
5. The students who were waiting for their funding from the government were disappointed. ………D………
6. I am waiting for my student, who is writing his final exam early. ………N…….
7. Johnson, who was too poor to pay the fees, had to leave Oxford without a degree. ………N.…….
8. We don’t know all the guests who were invited to the party last night. ………D………
9. They said Catherine had been in prison, which simply wasn’t true. ………N.……..
10. The Moon, which is thought to have formed about 4.51 billion years ago, was first
reached in September 1959. ………N.……..
Defining relative clauses Non – defining relative clauses
- give necessary information - give extra information, not essential to the meaning of the main sentence.
- essential to the meaning of the - are put in commas.
main sentence. * some signals to recognize NDRC: when relative pronouns refer to:
+ a proper name: John/ Peter? Jenny…
+ a unique thing: the Sun/ the Moon…
+ a noun containing posessive adjectives: my/ your/ his/ her…
+ a noun containing determiners: this/ that/ these/ those
+ the whole preceding clause
+ all of, half of


Rewrite the following sentences using reduced relative clauses
1. The stock market, which crashed to its lowest point of the year, worried us.
-> crashing
2. Gas which costs over $4 a gallon can be seen in the Bay Area.
-> costs
3. The road which connects Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is called Number 1.
-> connecting
4. The survey which was conducted by the government did not indicate true public opinion.
-> conducted
5. The man who was caught by the police last night was a notorious criminal.
-> caught
6. The book which was written by Shakespeare is interesting.
-> written
7. Don’t let me be the last who knows your decision.
-> to know
8. Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space.
-> to fly
9. The next train which leaves the station is to London.
-> leaving
10. The man who saved me from the lake was very brave.
-> saved
11. Only a few of the movie that are shown at the Gray Theater are suitable for children.
-> shown
12. Any student who does not want to go on the trip should inform the office.
-> not wanting
13. This is the second novel which was written by this famous writer.
-> written
14. The steam engine which was invented by James Watt opened a new period in human development history.
-> invented
15.The only one who can understand this lesson is a good student.
-> to understand
Present participle clause (Ving) Past participle clause (PII) To – infinitive (to V)
+ relative pronoun: Subject of RC + relative pronoun: Subject of RC + relative pronoun: Subject of RC
+ + +

IV. RELATIVE CLAUSES WITH PREPOSITION: Suggest corrections or improvements to these

sentences or write (✓) if they are already correct.
1. The playground wasn't used by the children for who it was built.
-> for whom
2. The house into which the thieves broke is owned by Peter Brown.
-> which the thieves broke into
3. The building from that Mr Marcus emerged was little more than a ruin.
-> from which
4. The party, to which I've been looking forward all week, is at Mary's house.
-> which I’ve been looking forward to
5. The water that she fell into was freezing cold.
-> ✓
6. The college is home to 30 students from Nepal, almost all of who are studying economics.
-> all of whom
7. I have heard her on the violin and clarinet, both which she plays extremely well.

-> both of which

8. It was the perfect tree under that to sit on a hot, sunny day.

-> under which

9. The film was made at Tulloch Castle, part of it dates back to 1466.

-> part of which

10. A huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt.

-> ✓

Relative pronouns with prepositions Relative pronouns with phrases

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