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The Game of Part I: Core Identity CREATING NPCS

Twenty Questions (Clan and Family) While GMs certainly

can use the rules in this
chapter to create NPCs
Ever since the publication of its first edition in 1997, The first few questions will define your character in (non-player characters)
the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game has general terms. if they wish, these rules
are more suited to the
used the Game of Twenty Questions to help players
1. What clan does your
creation of PCs (player
create the backgrounds and personalities of their char- characters). While this
acters. The game encourages you, the player, to ask
key questions about your character: What kind of char- character belong to? chapter contains many
useful ideas that could
shape the desires and
acter do you want to play? What is their history like? The seven Great Clans of Rokugan have ruled in the
motivations of NPCs,
What are their goals? What is the most important thing name of the Emperor since the founding of the Emer- NPCs created in this
in the world to them? ald Empire, and generations of legendary heroes have manner would be more
These questions are also used to build your charac- fought and died to maintain their power, prestige, and mechanically detailed
ter mechanically. As you answer the questions, you will than most of the exam-
influence. A samurai of one of the Great Clans is inher-
ples that can be found
be instructed to note down ring and skill increases, as itor to a weighty legacy. Each clan has an ancient and in Chapter 8: Non-Play-
well as other static values to be applied to your charac- unique assortment of beliefs and ideals it imparts upon er Characters.
ter. You will want to keep a running tally of your current its members, set forth by the clan’s founding Kami and
ring and skill ranks. developed over the centuries.
When creating a character, you should choose a
Character Sheets clan whose culture and values you find interesting from
a storytelling standpoint. Whether your character wish-
To get started, go to
es to rigidly adhere to these strictures, chafes under
There you can print out a copy of the Character Sheet
the pressure of them, or perhaps does a bit of both,
as well as the Twenty Questions Worksheet, both
clan identity is very important to who your character is
available to download. While you don’t need the char-
and how they exist in the world.
acter sheet or worksheet and can use a piece of paper
to record information about your character, having

Starting Values
those sheets makes the process eaiser.
When recording information on your character
sheet or the worksheet, it’s best if you use a pencil, as
When you begin to answer the Game of
your character will grow and evolve over the course of
Twenty Questions, keep in mind the following
the campaign. You will also need a ten-sided die for
baseline values for your character:
some tables.
Rings: 1 rank in each ring.
Limits on Skills

Skills: 0 ranks in each skill.

and Rings

$$ Honor: Determined in Question 3.

All characters begin with 1 rank in each ring and 0 ranks $$ Glory: Determined in Question 2.
in each skill. You cannot raise a ring or skill above rank
3 during character creation. If a choice would result in a
$$ Status: Determined in Question 1.
ring rising above rank 3 during character creation, then $$ Endurance: Calculated based on your
you must choose a different ring to increase instead, final ring values; (Earth + Fire) x 2.
as long as that ring would also not be increased above $$ Composure: Calculated based on your
rank 3.
final ring values; (Earth + Water) x 2.
Similarly, if a choice would result in a skill rising
above rank 3 during character creation, then you must $$ Focus: Calculated based on your final
choose a different skill that is not already at rank 3 to ring values; Fire + Air.
increase instead. $$ Vigilance: Calculated based on your
For more information on what the different ranks final ring values; (Air + Water) / 2.
mean for rings and skills, see page 22 in Chapter 1:
Playing the Game.


Part II: Role and School

Monks nominally stand aside from society, but many
samurai enter a monastic order. Most commonly, they
do this in their old age, but some become monks much
A character’s rings represent their potential, but their earlier. At various points in history, monks have been
school and skills represent their learned expertise. known to wield considerable political influence, even if
Each school grants a character access to a number of they are supposed to be above such earthly concerns.
starting skills, techniques, abilities, and equipment, Finally, some samurai serve their lords as shinobi—
along with a curriculum through which the character though none admit to it openly, for the work of these
can advance by spending experience (see page 97). assassins and spies is incompatible with adherence
If a school’s starting techniques or curriculum grants to the Code of Bushidō. Shinobi are often deniable
a character a technique or the ability to purchase that assets, and many were never samurai; however, some
technique, the character ignores any other prerequi- members of the samurai caste are trained in these arts,
sites listed for that technique. These prerequisites are especially among the Scorpion Clan. While shinobi are
found in the technique’s entry in Chapter 4: Tech- quite rare, their influence over the course of history has
niques. Techniques granted in exception to their pre- been as substantial as it has been difficult to prove.
requisites are marked with the = symbol. Each school fits into one or more of these role cat-
egories. A school’s role has little in the way of direct
3. What is your mechanical effect, but it is descriptive of the preparation

character’s school, and duties that will affect your character’s mind-set and
options during the campaign. For instance, if you want
and what roles does to play a character who wields supernatural powers, you
that school fall into? should select a shugenja or monk school. If you are more
interested in social exploration than combat, you should
In Rokugan, duty is central to every samurai’s life. Samu- choose a courtier or artisan instead of a bushi (or vice ver-
rai fulfill many different positions for their lords. Bushi are sa). If you want stealth and deception to be an important
warriors, guards, and instructors by trade, and courtiers part of your character’s story, you might choose a shinobi.
are politicians, emissaries, and civil servants. Artisans During this step, a player chooses a single school
are creators, advisors, engineers, and scholars of art. within their clan for their character. If you wish for
Shugenja are priests of the samurai caste who share a your character to study at another school outside of
special bond with the kami. This bond and the secrets of their clan, ask your GM’s permission and work out a set
their ancient schools let them invoke miraculous powers of circumstances that have allowed for your character
that more common religious leaders cannot wield. They to receive their unusual training.
are few in number, but substantial in their influence.

Elements of your school
Each technique in a cur- Each of the schools presented here follows a certain $$ Starting Techniques: These are techniques
riculum has its category mold. Let’s take a moment and go over the differ- your character starts the game with. Unless the
noted with a icon: ent elements that go into each school, and how that entry specifies that you must choose from a
modifies your character. list, your character starts with everything listed
 Kata (p. 174)
here. Techniques are listed in Chapter 4.
 Kihō (p. 182) $$ School Name: This is the name of your school,
$$ School Ability: Each school has a unique abil-
which also identifies the family who administers
 Invocations (p. 189) ity associated with it. Your character gains that
the dōjō of that particular school of training.
ability when you choose the school.
 Rituals (p. 212) $$ School Description: This is a brief flavorful
$$ Starting Outfit: This is the clothing and equip-
 Shūji (p. 214) description of your school.
ment your character starts play with.
 Mahō (p. 224)
$$ Rings: When you select this school, this speci-
$$ School Curriculum Table and Mastery Ability:
fies which of your character’s rings you increase
 Ninjutsu (p. 226) The rest of the school writeup consists of a cur-
by the specified amount.
riculum advancement table. This is organized
$$ Starting Skills: This entry specifies a collection into ranks, each with a number of advancements
of skills that you can elect to give your character listed (skills, skill groups, techniques, technique
a rank in. It also specifies the number of skills groups). The = symbol denotes privileged
you can choose (unlike the rings, you must access to techniques or groups. As you use
choose a number from the overall list). experience points to purchase these advance-
$$ Honor: This is your character’s starting honor. ments, you increase your character’s rank in their
school, which makes their school ability more
$$ Techniques Available: These are the types of
powerful. At rank 6, they gain a powerful and
techniques your character can purchase when
unique Mastery Ability as well.
they advance after character creation.
What does your
character know?
All Crab Clan characters have a greater
awareness of the following topics:

$$ You have a general awareness of the

politics within Crab lands. You can
name major family heads and other
leaders, and you know their respective
positions and allegiances.
$$ You can identify common Shadow-
lands creatures such as goblins, ogres,
and zombies, and you know how to
dispatch them.
$$ You grew up hearing stories and songs
CRAB CLAN CULTURE The Crab Clan of heroes who faced greater evils still,
In comparison with the Ring Increase: +1 Earth such as oni, but you likely have not
rest of Rokugan, the Crab Skill Increase: +1 Fitness encountered such horrors personally.
Clan is rowdy, direct to
Status: 30 $$ You know all too well the befouling
the point of rudeness, and
tends to look for pragmat- At the southern border of Rokugan stands a grim mir- Taint of the Shadowlands and how
ic solutions. Weakness of acle: the Kaiu Wall, stretching like a great puckered best to avoid it, and you can rec-
the individual is weakness scar along the landscape, its slate-gray blocks fitted ognize the advanced stages of this
of the group, for a single together seamlessly into a structure thirty feet thick unnatural corruption.
failure could bring down
and a hundred feet tall. To the south loom the blighted
disaster upon all. After
all, what honor or respite Shadowlands, the domain of the corrupted armies of
can be expected from the Jigoku, and to the north lie the lands of the Crab Clan, What Does Bushidō
foe when your enemies
are goblins, demons, and
the Wall’s crafters and defenders.
The Crab Clan are known as guardians and war-
Mean to Your Clan?
other monstrosities?
riors—slayers of monsters and protectors of the realm. Courage is the greatest virtue in Crab lands,
Even those who do not fight with weapons often wage for the Kami Hida placed an especially grave
war with their minds and words, securing key supplies task on the shoulders of his descendants.
for their clan, maintaining alliances to guarantee sup- The Crab safeguard the most perilous bor-
port of the Wall, or engineering new technologies to der of the Emerald Empire, warding it against
turn back the endless hordes of the Shadowlands. the terrible hordes of Fu Leng. The conse-
However, the Crab Clan’s task often weighs heavily quences of failure are obvious and dreadful
upon the disciples of the Kami Hida. They are known to contemplate.
as taciturn, battle weary, or even disillusioned. The glo- Rough and warlike, the Crab have never
ries of the battlefield are scant reward, and surviving truly adopted the strict social refinement the
to fight another day can seem its own punishment at other clans have come to demand of their
times when facing such a relentless threat. Still, these constituents, and so Courtesy is defined
people find ways to live and express them- somewhat more loosely for the Crab.
selves, and many revel in the small joys See page 301 for more information on
that life provides them. how these can affect your honor and glory.

The Kaiu Family
2. What family does your
character belong to? Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire
Skill Increases: +1 Smithing, +1 Labor
Even within a single clan, the customs and traditions of Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 5 koku
the various families inform the creation of a wide vari- Monuments to the skill of the Kaiu are everywhere in
ety of characters. Once your clan is chosen, pick which the Crab lands, from the vast Kaiu Wall itself to the
of the clan’s families your character hails from. armor and weapons used by those who stand guard
over it. The Kaiu are responsible for the road network
Crab Clan Families supporting the fortifications, the siege engines that
crush and shatter the Shadowlands forces, and defen-
sive works spread across the interior of the Crab hold-
The Hida Family ings. There are very few problems that the Kaiu will not
try to solve with applied engineering.
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire
Skill Increases: +1 Command, +1 Tactics
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 4 koku The Kuni Family
The Hida family stands guard against the Shadowlands, Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Void
its task an eternal vigil to keep the Empire safe from Skill Increases: +1 Medicine, +1 Theology
the dark forces of Jigoku. Like the family’s founder, the Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 4 koku
Kami Hida, they are large and strong, tough and endur- No shugenja family is more feared in the Empire than the
ing, with little patience for the weaknesses of others. Kuni, who root out any sign of corruption. The Kuni use all
Their harsh duty makes the Hida exceedingly pragmat- means at their disposal in their hunt; even Hida samurai
ic, with little time for the polite fictions of court. They sometimes pale at their methods. The Kuni are willing to
bitterly bear the mocking condescension concerning delve into the secrets of the Shadowlands using study,
their manners and dress from the clans they shield. observation, and even dissection, even though such close
contact with its dark creatures risks their very souls.
The Hiruma Family
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water The Yasuki Family
Skill Increases: +1 Skulduggery, +1 Survival Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water
Glory: 39 Starting Wealth: 3 koku Skill Increases: +1 Commerce, +1 Design
The Hiruma are the eyes and ears of the Crab beyond Glory: 39 Starting Wealth: 10 koku
the Wall, warning of attacks and staging spoiling raids The slim and loquacious Yasuki do not fit the Crab ste-
on the unending hordes, a desperate and unrewarding reotype, but they provide a vital service to their clan all
task. The warnings facilitated by the skills of the Hiruma the same. The first masters of markets in the Empire,
allow the Crab to respond quickly to any threat. Due to the Yasuki use the tools of trade and industry to keep
the ceaseless danger of the Shadowlands, the Hiruma the Crab armies well equipped and fed, even if it means
rotate between service beyond the Wall and service the occasional shady deal. The Yasuki trade network
inside the Empire, where they function as scouts, mes- extends throughout the Empire; members of this fam-
sengers, and yōjimbō (bodyguards). Slender and quick, ily can be found just about anywhere, looking for the
the Hiruma are a contrast to the staunch Hida, relying next arrangement.
instead on speed and precision.


Hida Defender School [Bushi] Martial Skills Skl. Grp. CRAB SCHOOLS

Producing the most stalwart protectors of Rokugan Command Skill

The Crab Clan is stalwart
against the horrors that mass beyond the Kaiu Wall, the Medicine Skill and practical in a way

Hida Defender School teaches its disciples fortitude, most other clans are not.
Survival Skill
courage, and practicality in equal measure. Goblins, Crab samurai cannot
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp. afford frivolity or distrac-
demons, and the unliving are not honorable foes, and
= Rushing Avalanche Style  tions to nearly the same
Hida Defenders cannot afford to behave as though the Technique
degree that most others
fight against these creatures is fair. While any warrior with Honest Assessment  Technique can, for a single gap in
a strong will can attempt to slay a stone-skinned oni or the Kaiu Wall can spell
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. death to hundreds, and a
die in the attempt, the Hida Defenders know their duty
Command Skill single missed shipment of
is to endure. From their heavily plated armor to their
goods can doom valiant
techniques for shattering iron hides with mighty ham- Labor Skill defenders. Despite their

mer blows, Hida Defenders have developed an armory Theology Skill grim circumstances, the
and fighting style that gives them the utmost advantage Crab are not without
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp. hope. Heroes arise every
and greatest chance of not just victory, but survival.
= Touchstone of Courage generation to strike down
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water  Technique
the monsters that threat-
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Slippery Maneuvers  Technique en the realm, great engi-
Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Martial Arts neers invent new solutions
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
[Unarmed], +1 Meditation, +1 Survival, +1 Tactics to combat the armies of
Fitness Skill the Shadowlands, and
Honor: 40
scholars uncover new
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

secrets that might turn

Starting Techniques: Meditation Skill the tides of battle. The
Crab Clan schools must
$$ Kata: = Lord Hida’s Grip Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp. prepare their students
= Iron in the Mountains Style  Technique for the worst. They seek
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Earth, Striking to draw out the best in
as Water Rallying Cry  Technique their charges so that they
can vanquish the dreadful
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Way of the Crab (School Ability): Ignore the Cumber- challenges they will
some quality of armor you wear. Fitness Skill inevitably face.
Once per round, before making a check to resist a Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

critical strike, you may reduce the severity of that criti- Meditation Skill
cal strike by the physical resistance of your armor plus
Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
your school rank (to a minimum of 0).
= Striking as Void
Starting Outfit: Lacquered armor, traveling clothes,  Technique
daishō (katana and wakizashi), tetsubō or ōtsuchi (war club A Samurai's Fate  Technique
or hammer), club, knife, traveling pack.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Survival Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique

The Mountain Does Not Fall

(Mastery Ability): At the beginning of your
turn, you may spend 1 Void point. If you do,
ignore all of your conditions, terrain, and

negative persistent effects of techniques and

abilities. Do not apply your disadvantages
to checks. If you would die, you cling to life
for a few moments longer instead (but still
die when the effect ends). This effect persists
until the end of your next turn.


Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Medicine Skill
Survival Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Threshold Barrier  Technique
= Slippery Maneuvers  Technique
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Smithing Skill
Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Skulk  Technique
Hiruma Scout School [Bushi, Shinobi] Lord Hida's Grip  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
The Shadowlands never sleep and neither can those
who watch them. Scouting the Shadowlands is a dan- Command Skill
gerous task and one that requires intense preparation. Skulduggery Skill

The Hiruma saw their lands swallowed by the forces of
Survival Skill
demons, and they will die before seeing more of the
Empire lost beneath their shadow. Trained to observe Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
and get out, only striking when the reward exceeds the = Deadly Sting  Technique
risk, samurai of the Hiruma School are about patience Touchstone of Courage  Technique
and endurance above all. They are masters of survival
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
and mobility. When a Hiruma Scout is rotated out to
serve within the borders of the Empire, their haunted Command Skill
look and wary demeanor marks them as a veteran. Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water Tactics Skill

Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Fitness, +1 Martial
Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Skulduggery,
+1 Survival, +1 Tactics, +1 Theology = Noxious Cloud  Technique
Honor: 35 Crashing Wave Style  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Command Skill
$$ Kata (choose one): = Pelting Hail Style, Smithing Skill

= Rushing Avalanche Style

Survival Skill
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Air, Striking as
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Flickering Flame Skirmisher (School Ability): After = Silencing Stroke  Technique
performing an Attack action, you may change your
stance. If you do, increase the TN of Attack checks by Slayer’s Slash (Mastery Ability): Increase

creatures of silhouette 3 or larger targeting you by your the severity of critical strikes you inflict on
targets of silhouette 3 or larger by your ranks
school rank until the start of your next turn. in Survival.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ashigaru armor,
daishō (katana and wakizashi), yari (spear) or yumi (bow)
and quiver of arrows, knife, traveling pack, finger of jade.


Kaiu Engineer School [Artisan, Bushi] Trade Skills Skl. Grp.

Since the Crab Clan’s founding, the Kaiu’s duty has Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
been to arm the clan’s samurai to defeat their enemies, Smithing Skill

be it with weapons, siege engines, or insight. As the
Tactics Skill
inventive arm of the Crab, the Kaiu Engineer supplies
all of these things. Trained in logistics, versed in tac- Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
tics, and filled with ingenuity, the Kaiu dōjō is not only = Pelting Hail Style  Technique
a warrior college, but also the foremost engineering Hawk’s Precision  Technique
school in the Empire. It is the Kaiu engineers who sup-
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
port the foot solders of the Crab, building bridges over
inhospitable terrain, crafting armor strong enough to Command Skill
withstand even an oni’s blow, and forging the rare Kaiu Medicine Skill

blades, which are among the greatest swords in the Smithing Skill
Empire. If the situation is bleak, and there is no clear
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
path to victory, then the Kaiu Engineer will forge one!
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Fire = Battle in the Mind  Technique
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Design, = Noxious Cloud  Technique
+1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Medicine, +1
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Smithing, +1 Theology
Honor: 40 Government Skill
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Starting Techniques: Smithing Skill

$$ Kata: = Tactical Assessment Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.

= Pillar of Calm  Technique
$$ Shūji: Stirring the Embers, Stonewall Tactics
Flowing Water Strike  Technique
Masterful Builder (School Ability): Once per scene,
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
when making a check to use an item you personally
crafted, you may add a number of kept  set to  Command Skill
results equal to your school rank. Labor Skill

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes, Tactics Skill

ashigaru armor, daishō (katana and wakizashi), club,
Rank 1–4 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
oyumi (crossbow), quiver of bolts, traveling pack.
= Soul Sunder  Technique
Iron in the Mountains Style  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Smithing Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Sear the Wound  Technique
Pin the Fan  Technique

Ingenious Design (Mastery Ability): When

you construct an item, you may add or

remove one quality from the item. You must

describe to the GM how the item possesses
(or lacks) the usual quality, and the GM is the
final arbiter of whether an addition (or sub-
traction) is appropriate.



KUNI INVOCATIONS Martial Skills Skl. Grp. Kuni Purifier School [Shugenja, Bushi]
Skulduggery Skill The Kuni Purifiers master knowledge and prayers to
The Kuni Purifier School
teaches its students Survival Skill deny the Shadowlands forces any foothold inside the
invocations by utilitarian RANK 1 Theology Skill
Empire. To this end, they have specialized in invoca-
names, for its members tions to the earth kami to strike down or banish the
know the kami will Rank 1 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. evil servants of Fu Leng. From the time of their school’s
answer their righteous
= Bind the Shadow  Technique founding, the Kuni Purifiers have sought to understand
cause without the need
for elaborate embellish- Biting Steel  Technique the nature of the threat the Crab fight against. This has
ments. (See Invocation led them down dangerous paths, and no small number
Names and Traditions on Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
have fallen to the very corruption they study. The Kuni
page 190 in Chapter 4: Command Skill Purifiers paint their faces in stylized Kabuki-like pat-
Performance Skill terns to protect their true identities from the insidious

tendrils of the Shadowlands. Eternal vigilance, shading

Skulduggery Skill
into unending paranoia, is the lot of the Kuni Purifiers.
Rank 1–2 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Fire
= Crimson Leaves Strike  Technique Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Martial Arts [Melee],
Symbol of Earth  Technique +1 Medicine, +1 Sentiment, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Sur-
vival, +1 Theology
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Honor: 35
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill Techniques Available: Invocations (), Kata (), Rit-
Sentiment Skill uals ()

Theology Skill Starting Techniques:

Rank 1–3 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp. $$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Earth, Striking
= Rise, Earth  Technique as Fire
Open Hand Style  Technique $$ Invocations: Armor of Earth, Jade Strike
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits, Threshold
Medicine Skill Barrier

Survival Skill Gaze into Shadow (School Ability): Once per round,

Theology Skill when you make a check targeting or involving a Taint-

Rank 1–4 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. ed being, you may choose a number of your kept dice
up to your school rank containing  symbols. Set each
= Tomb of Jade  Technique
of these dice to a  result. You cannot use this ability if
Flowing Water Strike  Technique you are unsure if a being is Tainted or not.
Social Skills Skl. Grp. Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, wakizashi (short
sword), knife, makeup kit, scroll satchel, traveling pack.
Government Skill
Theology Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Earthquake  Technique
Soul Sunder  Technique

Purge the Wicked (Mastery Ability): Once

per game session, you may spend 1 Void

point to wield an invocation against all the

wicked in your sight. Instead of affecting its
usual targets, the next invocation technique
you perform targets each Tainted being
in range.



Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Kuni Warden School [Monk]
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill A number of Kuni who lack the aptitude to become
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
shugenja are trained in the tradition of the Kuni War-

dens. These grim monks maintain the Barracks of the

Meditation Skill
Damned, a massive hospital, laboratory, and prison
= Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp. that is also their temple. Experts at subduing Tainted
Courtier’s Resolve  Technique humans and overcoming sorcery, even without weap-
ons, many serve at or near the Wall, but some War-
The Body Is an Anvil  Technique
dens occasionally make their way into the wider world.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. The order sometimes sends its agents to “tend to the
Performance Skill spiritual needs” of those who have been exposed to
Sentiment Skill the corruption of Fu Leng. This can include offering the

mercy of death, should their charge be fully consumed

Theology Skill
by the Taint.
Rank 1–2 Fire Kihō  Tech. Grp. Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Void
= Crimson Leaves Strike  Technique Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Command, +1 Mar-
= Coiling Serpent Style  Technique
tial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Medi-
tation, +1 Performance, +1 Theology
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Honor: 34
Fitness Skill Techniques Available: Kihō (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill Starting Techniques:

Theology Skill $$ Kihō (choose one): Cleansing Spirit, Flame Fist

Rank 1–3 Earth Kihō  Tech. Grp. $$ Rituals (choose one): Cleansing Rite,
= Thunderclap Strike  Technique Threshold Barrier
Rallying Cry  Technique $$ Shūji: Truth Burns through Lies
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Suppressing Blows (School Ability): When you per-
Command Skill
form an Attack action check using Martial Arts [Melee]
Government Skill or Martial Arts [Unarmed], you may spend  as follows:

Skulduggery Skill +: One character per  spent this way who is in range
of the weapon you used suffers the Silenced condition.
Rank 1–4 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
You can spend a maximum number of  this way up to
Bravado  Technique your school rank.
Death Touch  Technique Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, concealed armor,
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. daishō (kabutowari and wakizashi), calligraphy kit,
traveling pack.
Fitness Skill
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Meditation Skill
Rank 1–5 Void Kihō  Tech. Grp.
= Striking as Void  Technique
Sear the Wound  Technique

Sacred Fist (Mastery Ability): All of

your kihō gain the following additional

burst effect:
If you have 3 or more bonus successes, your
unarmed attack profiles gain the Sacred qual-
ity until the end of your next turn.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Design Skill

Government Skill
Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Tributaries of Trade  Technique
All in Jest  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Commerce Skill
Composition Skill

Culture Skill
Rank 1–2 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Ebb and Flow  Technique Yasuki Merchant School [Courtier]
Slippery Maneuvers  Technique
Enemies of the Crab say the Yasuki are little more than
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. merchants—the Yasuki would counter that they are
Commerce Skill much more. They are masters of the arts of commerce
and the flow of commodities, considered an uncouth
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

and deplorable set of skills in Rokugan. The Yasuki can

Seafaring Skill acquire goods and services, even ones that a person
Rank 1–3 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp. may not yet know they need, in exchange for promises
= Pillar of Calm  Technique of assistance for their family and clan in the future. The
Yasuki always keep their bargains, and they ensure that
Lord Hida’s Grip  Technique
their partners do the same.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp. Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth
Command Skill Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Commerce, +1 Com-
Government Skill position, +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Design, +1 Gov-

ernment, +1 Martial Arts [Ranged]

Sentiment Skill
Honor: 40
Rank 1–4 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp. Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
= Buoyant Arrival  Technique Starting Techniques:
Bravado  Technique $$ Shūji: = Artisan’s Appraisal
Social Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Shūji (choose one): Rustling of Leaves, Well of
Commerce Skill Desire
Culture Skill

Way of the Carp (School Ability): As a downtime

Design Skill activity, if you have access to a market, you may acquire
Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp. a number of items up to your school rank of rarity 4 or
The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique lower, or a single item of up to rarity 4 plus your school
= Lady Doji’s Decree rank. You do not need to make a check or expend mon-
 Technique
ey to acquire these items, nor do you need to forfeit or
Treasures of the Carp (Mastery Ability): stake honor or glory for the act of acquiring them, even
Once per game session, you may give away if they are not befitting of your station or Forbidden
one item in your possession to reduce the

TN of the next Social skill check you make (though displaying them openly later is a different mat-
targeting the recipient by an amount equal to ter). The GM can still apply rarity adjustments as usual
the rarity of the item. For each point by which
this would reduce the TN below 1, add a based on the specifics of the market available.
kept  set to an  result to your check. Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes,
wakizashi (short sword), knife, yumi (bow), quiver of
arrows, calligraphy set, traveling pack.


Yasuki Yōjimbō School [Bushi] Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Skillful and cunning warriors, the Yasuki Yōjimbō pro- Commerce Skill
tect people traveling to, from, or within the Crab lands Government Skill

and escort caravans and shipments bringing vital sup-
Seafaring Skill
plies to the front lines. These skilled bodyguards travel
alongside Yasuki Merchants and other courtiers across Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Rokugan. To combat any threat to their charges, the = Iron Forest Style  Technique
Yasuki Yōjimbō employ keen awareness and strong Trip the Leg  Technique
knowledge of the terrain they travel through. If a sit-
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
uation looks untenable, these warriors prioritize the
safety of those under their watchful eye, cleverly using Courtesy Skill
the terrain to lose pursuers or force groups of enemies Culture Skill

to face them one at a time.
Government Skill
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Martial [Melee],
+1 Martial [Ranged], +1 Tactics, +1 Commerce, +1 = Touchstone of Courage  Technique
Courtesy, +1 Seafaring, +1 Survival Unyielding Terms  Technique
Honor: 50
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji
Starting Techniques: Courtesy Skill
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

$$ Kata: = Crescent Moon Style
Sentiment Skill
$$ Shūji (choose one): Honest Assessment, Well
Rank 1–3 Ranged Kata  Tech. Grp.
of Desire
= Pillar of Calm  Technique
Claws of the Crab (School Ability): When you suc- All Shall Fear Me  Technique
cessfully perform the Guard action (page 264 of the
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
core rulebook), When you make a check to perform the
Guard action, you may spend  as follows: Command Skill
+: If you succeed, you may guard one additional char- Medicine Skill

acter in range per  spent this way. You can spend a

Survival Skill
maximum number of  this way up to your school rank.
Rank 1–4 General Kata  Tech. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Crossbow or spear, daishō, pony or
ashigaru armor, traveling pack, map of Crab Lands, = Soul Sunder  Technique
knife. A Samurai's Fate  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Commerce Skills
Seafaring Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Striking as Void  Technique

The Standing Death (Mastery Ability): Once

per game session, when you perform the
Challenge action (see page 263 of the core
rulebook), you may choose up to 6 additional
characters who can hear you as targets.
These targets must have status lower than or

equal to your original target's. If you succeed,

each target must fight you in a clash one at
a time in an order of their choosing (or flee
the battle). Each clash lasts one round. After
each clash, you regain fatigue equal to your
Earth Ring. Until all of these clashes have
concluded (or you have been killed), none of
your targets can perform Attack or Scheme
actions outside of their individual clashes.


What does your
character know? Ring Increase: +1 Air The Crane Clan’s political
Skill Increase: +1 Culture and cultural capital
are indistinguishable.
Status: 35
All Crane Clan characters have a greater As a result, refinement,
At the dawn of the Empire, after the Kami had fallen grace, and sensitivity
awareness of the following topics:
from the Celestial Heavens, they found themselves are not only the defining
plunged into a mortal world rife with cruelty and war. features of the Crane
$$ You have a strong awareness of the pol-
Clan, but chief among its
itics within Crane lands. You can name The Kami Doji—sister of Hantei, the first Emperor—
weapons. Those who fail
major family heads and other leaders, resolved to bring order to this savage realm. The in achieving excellence
and you know their respective positions embodiment of elegance and grace, Doji walked fall to obscurity and the
and allegiances. among the earthly peoples, calming them in the way silent shame of countless
fair weather calms a storm-tossed sea. Any Crane will unspoken criticisms.
$$ You know about the general state of gladly speak of how from her, humans learned writ-
political affairs between the clans. ing so they could record their achievements, politics
$$ You know proper etiquette and proto- to govern their affairs, economics and commerce to
col in the Imperial Capital. manage their wealth, and art and culture to lift them
from their lives of misery. Those she touched the most
$$ You have a working knowledge of the
became her devoted followers, the first samurai of the
high arts and the great masters of old
Crane Clan. Since that time, the Crane have become
(at least, among the Crane, for who
both the poets and the poetry of the Empire, at once
else truly warrants note?).
the swordsmiths and the duelists wielding the smiths’
blades. In every aspect of their lives, the Crane strive
What Does Bushidō for mastery in all things, an ideal that the other clans
can only hope to emulate.
Mean to Your Clan? The Crane Clan represents the pinnacle of
refinement in Rokugan, and its members are
Courtesy is of deep importance to you, as
known for their elegance, grace, and
your clan’s political power rests upon propri-
mastery of social customs. People
ety and the idea of others respecting their
expect them to be well-spo-
proper place—and your own.
ken, subtle in the extreme,
While many members of the Crane Clan
and unfailingly polite.
are deeply brave, Courage in excess can
lead to foolhardiness. Cool heads must pre-
vail, and sometimes that means avoiding a
fight altogether.
See page 301 for more information on
how these can affect your honor and glory.
Crane Clan Families The Doji Family
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water
The Asahina Family Skill Increases: +1 Courtesy, +1 Design
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 8 koku
Ring Increase: +1 Water or +1 Void The descendants of the Kami Doji have embodied the
Skill Increases: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Theology courtly arts and refined culture of the Empire since its
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 6 koku dawn. No major court is complete without its contin-
The Asahina seek harmony and peace in all things, gent of Doji spreading art, friendship, and—until very
embodying a philosophy of compassion and pacifism recently—generous gifts. For courtly news and rumor,
that sets them apart even from their fellow Crane. the Doji communication network is unrivaled. This net-
Through art and prayer, they seek to calm and soothe work aids the Doji in keeping ahead of their rivals as
the world around them and spread peace and accord much as their mastery of etiquette and art does. Rare
throughout the Empire. The Asahina know that only are those who can afford to offend the Doji; rarer still
through sacrifice can true peace be purchased, and it are those who do so more than once.
is a price they will pay to foster a better Empire.
The Kakita Family
The Daidoji Family
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Fire
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water Skill Increases: +1 Aesthetics, +1 Meditation
Skill Increases: +1 Fitness, +1 Tactics Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 7 koku
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 7 koku While the Doji seek excellence in all things, the Kakita
The Daidoji are practical and hardworking Crane tend to focus on a single skill, which they strive to mas-
who compose the core of the clan’s standing mili- ter thoroughly. Whether this skill is the art of the sword
tary. Devoted to serving their clan, the Daidoji are its or of the brush, they pursue it with a singular focus. The
under-appreciated foundation—from the Iron War- graceful Kakita usually exhibit the beauty of the Crane
riors who comprise the foundation of the Crane Clan’s in a more athletic manner than do their Doji cousins.
armies, to the wary yōjimbō protecting the courtiers They are renowned as some of the finest duelists in the
of the Doji, to the Daidoji Trading Council responsible Empire, and graduates from their academy defend the
for providing the raw materials and wealth for Crane honor of the Crane with sharp finality.
arts. The selfless efforts of the Daidoji are fundamental
to the defense of the Crane and the advancement of
its goals.



Asahina Artificer School Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
[Shugenja, Artisan] Courtesy Skill
The Crane Clan is
concerned foremost with Art and religion intertwine for the Asahina, for to them, Culture Skill

preserving Rokugani cul- faith, beauty, and peace are all aspects of the same Theology Skill
ture and ensuring civility truth. The Asahina take any opportunity to teach their
in the courts. To that end, Rank 1 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
philosophy and try to improve harmony in the Empire.
the schools of the Crane
Clan inculcate proper Their focus on the creation of beautiful things is sim- Path to Inner Peace  Technique
decorum in all their ply another aspect of their attempt to spread art and = Artisan’s Appraisal  Technique
students regardless of peace throughout Rokugan. Many a conflict has been
their primary curriculum, Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
defused by an Asahina religious ritual that presented a
so much so that Crane Aesthetics Skill
are sometimes perceived peaceful path forward. The Asahina do their utmost to
as priggish or haughty by live their pacifistic ideals in a world fraught with conflict. Design Skill

members of other clans. It is arduous, but they persevere, secure in their beliefs. Performance Skill
Crane samurai are also Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire
expected to have at least Rank 1–2 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Cour-
a basic appreciation for = Grasp of the Air Dragon 
tesy, +1 Culture, +1 Design, +1 Games, +1 Theology Technique
the arts if they are not
artisans themselves. Honor: 50 Tea Ceremony  Technique
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (), Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Shūji ()
Aesthetics Skill
Starting Techniques:

$$ Invocations (choose three): Blessed Wind,
Theology Skill
The Asahina Artificer = Armor of Radiance, Inari’s Blessing, Reflec-
School teaches its tions of P’an Ku, Token of Memory Rank 1–3 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp.
students invocations by = Wings of the Phoenix  Technique
Elemental names, for they $$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits, Cleansing Rite
continue the traditions Vapor of Nightmare  Technique
passed down from Isawa Spiritual Artisan (School Ability): When making a
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Asahina, their founder. check to mystically summon an illusion or to summon,
(See Invocation Names
augment, or awaken an object, you may add a number Fitness Skill
and Traditions on page
of kept  set to  results equal to your school rank. Performance Skill

190 in Chapter 4:
Techniques). Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, wakizashi (short Theology Skill
sword), knife, yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, scroll satchel,
Rank 1–4 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
traveling pack.
= Bend with the Storm  Technique
Rise, Air  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Aesthetics Skill
Design Skill

Performance Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Ever-Changing Waves  Technique
Buoyant Arrival  Technique

Stir the Slumbering Spirit (Mastery Abili-

ty): Once per game session as a downtime
activity, you may make a TN 4 Artisan (Void)
check to awaken an item’s spirit. If you suc-

ceed, until the end of the game session, it

becomes a nemuranai (see page 307) with
a sealed invocation of your choice based on
the item’s history. The GM is the final arbiter
of the appropriateness of any invocation
selected this way.

Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Courtesy Skill
Government Skill

Sentiment Skill
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Crescent Moon Style  Technique
Stonewall Tactics  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–2 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Flowing Water Strike  Technique
Lady Doji’s Decree  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Daidoji Iron Warrior School [Bushi]
Command Skill
The warriors from the Daidoji dōjō form the core of Courtesy Skill

their clan’s small standing army. They are highly trained

Sentiment Skill
heavy infantry who can hold the line and delay the
advance of any foe. Many enemies have broken on the Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
unwavering spears and iron discipline of the Daidoji = Crashing Wave Style  Technique
Iron Warriors. When there are no wars to fight, many are Ebb and Flow  Technique
assigned as protectors of Crane castles or as yōjimbō
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
(bodyguards) to traveling Crane courtiers. Their watch-
fulness and solidarity have prevented countless heated Fitness Skill
moments from getting out of hand, though it is said Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

that most Daidoji prefer the honesty of the battlefield. Tactics Skill
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Cour-
tesy, +1 Culture, +1 Fitness, +1 Government, +1 Mar- = Striking as Void  Technique
tial Arts [Melee], +1 Tactics A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
Honor: 55
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Starting Techniques: Aesthetics Skill
Culture Skill

$$ Kata: = Iron Forest Style

Government Skill
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Earth, Striking
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
as Water
The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique
Vigilance of Mind (School Ability): Once per round, Rouse the Soul  Technique
when another character within range of one of your
readied melee weapons would suffer physical damage, To Tread the Sword (Mastery Ability): When

you use the Guard action, instead of guarding

you may intercept. If you do, you may suffer fatigue up one character, you may choose to guard a
to your school rank to reduce the damage the target number of other characters in range up to your
ranks in Martial Arts [Melee].
suffers by twice that amount.
Starting Outfit: Lacquered armor, ceremonial clothes,
daishō (katana and wakizashi), yari (spear) or naginata
(polearm), yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, knife, calligra-
phy set, traveling pack.


Daidoji Spymaster School Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
[Courtier, Shinobi] Command Skill
Seen as nothing more than simple bureaucrats, clerks, Culture Skill

or scribes (even to most members of their own clan), Government Skill
the Daidoji Spymasters operate as intelligence gather-
Rank 1 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
ing agents who report directly to the Daidoji daimyō.
= Lady Doji's Decree  Technique
They monitor other clan representatives, infiltrate orga-
nizations, kidnap potential threats for interrogation, Weight of Duty  Technique
and steal private documents—all to gather valuable
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
information on their opponents’ plans. A Daidoji Spy-
Courtesy Skill
master moves about the court with as much charm as
any Doji Diplomat, but where the Doji form alliances Games Skill

and curry favors, the Daidoji look for vulnerabilities. Skulduggery Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth
Rank 1–2 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Cour-
= What's Yours Is Mine  Technique
tesy, +1 Culture, +1 Government, +1 Performance, +1
Sentiment, +1 Skulduggery Treaty Signing  Technique
Honor: 35 Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji
Culture Skill
Starting Techniques:
Sentiment Skill

$$ Shūji: Ancestry Unearthed
Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill
$$ Ninjutsu (choose one): = Like a Ghost, = Skulk Rank 1–3 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Air, Striking as Earth = Hidden in Smoke  Technique

Incisive Insight (School Ability): Once per scene, Open Hand Style  Technique
when making a check for a Scheme action targeting Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
another character, you may receive a number of strife Command Skill
up to your school rank to reduce the TN by that amount
Government Skill

(to a minimum of 1).

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes, Tactics Skill
wakizashi, sokutoki, disguise kit, opening and closing kit. Rank 1–4 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Cunning Distraction  Technique
Wolf's Proposal  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Martial Arts (Melee) Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Noxious Cloud  Technique
Bend with the Storm  Technique

Spy Network (Mastery Ability): As a down-

time activity in any place of human habi-
tation, you may make a TN 4 Skulduggery
check to find an agent of the Daidoji spy

network. If you succeed, you find this indi-

vidual among the inhabitants of the city and
gain the Ally advantage for them (see page
101 of the core rulebook). If you succeed with
2 or more bonus successes, the individual
may occupy a low-to-mid-level position in a
household or organization of your choosing.


Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Commerce Skill
Composition Skill

Courtesy Skill
Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Treaty Signing  Technique
Beware the Smallest Mouse  Technique
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Games Skill

Government Skill
Water Shūji Rank 1–2  Tech. Grp.
= The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique
Unyielding Terms  Technique
Doji Bureaucrat School [Courtier] Social Skills Skl. Grp.

The Crane Clan’s Doji Bureaucrats are formidable Commerce Skill

negotiators and researchers capable of understanding Culture Skill

complex systems of commerce, bureaucracy, and the Sentiment Skill

esoteric laws that govern them. They scrutinize covertly
Air Shūji Rank 1–3  Tech. Grp.
obtained journals, ledgers, and private missives to
maintain their mastery of history and culture. Their = Hidden in Smoke  Technique
familiarity with Rokugani law allows them to better nav- All Shall Fear Me  Technique
igate the complexities of the Imperial Court while turn-
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
ing the intricacies of the law against their rivals in other
clans. More so than members of any other school, Doji Command Skill
Bureaucrats have close relationships with the Impe- Meditation Skill

rial families, and they can use those relationships to Tactics Skill
amplify their authority in intrigues. Whereas Doji Dip-
Rituals Rank 1–4  Tech. Grp.
lomats use their charm and interpersonal savvy to earn
= The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique
the assistance of other courtiers, Doji Bureaucrats use
their extensive knowledge base to outmaneuver oppo- Rallying Cry  Technique
nents in intellectual debate. Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
Command Skills
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Com-
position, +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Games, +1 Gov- Performance Skill

ernment, +1 Meditation Tactics Skill

Honor: 55
Void Shūji Rank 1–5  Tech. Grp.
Techniques Available: Rituals, Shūji
Starting Techniques: Bend with the Storm  Technique
Formal Tea Ceremony  Technique
$$ Shūji: Courtier’s Resolve, Stonewall Tactics
Post Facto (Mastery Ability): Once per
Procedure and Protocol (School Ability): When you game session as a Scheme and Support
cause a character to receive strife as a result of a check action, you may make a TN 3 Government
(Earth) check. If you succeed, you reveal a

using a social approach, that character suffers addi- huge legal loophole or arcane precedent that
tional strife equal to your school rank. legally justifies the actions of you and your
Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothing, wakizashi, legal allies during the scene. Others can refuse
to accept your logic, but must forfeit honor
primer, blank forms, calligraphy kit, scroll designating the equal to your ranks in Government plus your
bearer as an individual of decidedly moderate authority. bonus successes to do so.


Social Skills Skl. Grp.

Aesthetics Skill
Culture Skill

Composition Skill
Rank 1 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Civility Foremost  Technique
= Tea Ceremony  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Courtesy Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique

Doji Diplomat School [Courtier] Artisan’s Appraisal  Technique

Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
No one plays the game of court better than the
Crane—after all, their clan wrote the rules. The Doji Courtesy Skill
Diplomats choreograph the courtly dance of favors Games Skill

exchanged, gifts given, and the right people invited Performance Skill
to private gatherings. The Doji are always on the lead-
Rank 1–3 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
ing edge of fashion and culture, and Doji Diplomats
= Regal Bearing  Technique
ATTENDANTS need never use an unkind word: their silence speaks
volumes, and a simple gesture says even more. Their Ebb and Flow  Technique
Some samurai travel networks of favors, gifts, and invitations allow them to
with an aid sent by their Social Skills Skl. Grp.
weigh the ebb and flow of the social side of the Empire
lord, a lower-ranking Government Skill
samurai they keep on re- and adjust the scales to their benefit.
tainer, or an apprentice. Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water Composition Skill

Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Com- Tactics Skill

To create an atten-
dant for a PC samurai position, +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Design, +1 Gov-
Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
assigned one, use the ernment, +1 Martial Arts [Ranged]
= Bend with the Storm  Technique
Humble Peasant profile Honor: 50
(see page 313), in- Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Pillar of Calm  Technique
crease status by +5, and
add one NPC Template
Starting Techniques: Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
(see page 311) of the
$$ Shūji (choose one): Cadence, Shallow Waters, Aesthetics Skill
player’s choice. Do
not select techniques, Whispers of Court Courtesy Skill

but each time the

character’s school rank
$$ Shūji: = Lady Doji’s Decree Command Skill
increases, the player Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
adds one technique to Speaking in Silence (School Ability): Once per scene
the attendant’s profile when making a check to persuade or influence some- Buoyant Arrival  Technique
from a listed category. one, you may add a number of kept  set to a  The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique
During conflicts, atten- results equal to your school rank.
The Lady’s Grace (Mastery Ability): Once per
Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, wakizashi (short

dants do not take their scene, you may spend 1 Void point to reduce
own turns. As a Support sword), yumi (bow) or yari (spear), calligraphy set, trav- your strife to 0. When you do, each friendly
action, a samurai may eling pack, an attendant or Rokugani pony (see page character in the scene may reduce their strife
instruct their attendant by your honor rank.
to perform one action.


Kakita Duelist School [Bushi, Artisan] Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
The Kakita Duelist School emphasizes “one strike, Aesthetics Skill
one kill,” seeking for its students to master the one Courtesy Skill

perfect strike performed in an iaijutsu duel. For the
Sentiment Skill
Kakita Duelists, such is the pinnacle of all martial skills.
While other martial skills are not neglected, neither are Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
they the focus of the Kakita Dueling Academy in Tsu- = Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade  Technique
ma. Although some might critique such single-mind- Cadence 
 Technique
ed dedication, the Kakita Duelists are the best in the Cadence  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Empire. Their skill with the katana in this arena com-
plements the Doji mastery of court, and reinforces the Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
Crane hold on the political flow of the Empire. Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth
Smithing Skill
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Courtesy, +1 Design,
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
+1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Meditation, +1
Sentiment, +1 Smithing = All Arts Are One  Technique
Honor: 50 = Thunderclap Strike  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
$$ Kata: = Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade Meditation Skill

$$ Shūji (choose one): Shallow Waters, Weight Survival Skill

of Duty
Rank 1–3 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Way of the Crane (School Ability): Once per round, = A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
you may increase or decrease the severity of a critical Heartpiercing Strike  Technique
strike you inflict by an amount up to your school rank.
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes,
daishō (katana and wakizashi), yari (spear) or Fitness Skill
yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, traveling pack, Tactics Skill

an attendant or Rokugani pony (see

Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
page 326).
Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Striking as Void  Technique
Pillar of Calm  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Aesthetics Skill
Survival Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Soul Sunder  Technique
Rouse the Soul  Technique

Strike with No Thought (Mastery Ability,

Action): Once per scene, as an Attack and
Movement action, you may make a Martial
Arts [Melee] (Void) check targeting one char-
acter at range 2–3 using a sheathed katana or
wakizashi. The TN of this check is equal to your
target’s vigilance.

You immediately move to range 1 of your

target and draw the weapon you used. If you
succeed, your target suffers a critical strike with
severity equal to the deadliness of your weapon
plus your bonus successes.
+: One character of your choice at range 0–2
of your target per  spent this way suffers the
Dazed and Disoriented conditions.
 +: Treat the maximum range of this technique
as 1 higher per   spent this way.

Kakita Swordsmith School Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
[Artisan, Courtier]
Courtesy Skill
Like all institutions of the Crane, the Kakita Swordsmith Culture Skill

School emphasizes perfection and excellence. The
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
blades they forge are renowned across Rokugan as the
finest that can be made; some duelists wait long years Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
for the opportunity to have one of these blades crafted = Blessing of Steel  Technique
for their use. Very rarely, a venerable swordsmith will Well of Desire  Technique
take on a promising youth as an apprentice, though
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
most apprentices spend decades before they are hon-
ored as “proficient.” Aesthetics Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire Meditation Skill

Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Martial
Smithing Skill
Arts [Melee], +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Sentiment,
+1 Smithing, +1 Theology Rank 1–2 Rituals  Tech. Grp.
Honor: 55 = Ebb and Flow  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Tributaries of Trade  Technique
Starting Techniques:
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Kata (choose one): Soaring Slice, Striking as Sentiment Skill
Air, Striking as Fire Smithing Skill

$$ Shūji: = Artisan’s Appraisal Theology Skill

= Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Patterns: Kakita Pattern. You can apply this item pat-
tern (see page 109) to any bladed weapon you craft. All Arts are One  Technique
Sacred Art of Steel (School Ability): Once per game Dazzling Performance  Technique
session when you make a check to craft, improve, or
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
maintain a weapon, you may add a number of kept 
set to  results equal to your school rank. Courtesy Skill
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes, Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

daishō (a personally crafted katana with Kakita pattern

Performance Skill
[see page 109] and wakizashi), smithing hammer,
traveling pack, an attendant (see page 64 of the core Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
rulebook) or Rokugani pony (see page 326 of the = Soul Sunder  Technique
core rulebook). Bravado  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Aesthetics Skill
Design Skill

Smithing Skill
Rank 1–5 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Buoyant Arrival  Technique
Striking as Void  Technique

Ashidaka’s Method (Mastery Ability): When


you create a new weapon, you may apply

two different patterns that you know to it
(instead of one).

What does your
character know?
All Dragon Clan characters have a greater
awareness of the following topics:

$$ You have a general awareness of the

politics within Dragon lands. You can
name major family heads and other
leaders, and you know their respective
positions and allegiances.
$$ You know more about monastic life and
traditions than most other clans, having
likely interacted with the Togashi Order
throughout your life.
CULTURE The Dragon Clan $$ Due to the rugged nature of your
homeland, you know how to properly
The Dragon Clan is Ring Increase: +1 Fire prepare mountain flora and wildlife for
diverse in its pursuits, Skill Increase: +1 Meditation human consumption.
even among members
Status: 30
of the same schools and $$ You have a working understanding of
traditions. However, it In an empire that usually prizes conformity and respect
many physical phenomena of the natu-
is unified in one philos- for tradition, the Dragon Clan is an enigma. Inspired
ral world, which others dismiss as unin-
ophy—a philosophy of by their mysterious founder, the Kami Togashi, the
commitment to the better- teresting or beneath their station.
Dragon place more emphasis than most of their fel-
ment of one’s self and,
therefore, the betterment
low samurai on the individual search for Enlighten-
of the whole Empire.
Despite the individuality
ment and expertise.
In the centuries since the Kami fell to earth, Togas-
What Does Bushidō
displayed by Dragon Clan hi’s followers have acquired a reputation for strange Mean to Your Clan?
samurai, they have been
behavior. Isolated by the mountains of their northern
united in their task to Sincerity—aligning one’s words and deeds with
watch over the Empire home and entrusted with watching over the Empire,
one’s intentions—is the greatest virtue to the
and record its history— the Dragon rarely participate as actively in the politics
which occasionally means Dragon Clan. In this way, its samurai may remain
of the Empire as other clans do—and when they do
coming down from their true to themselves even if they should fail.
intervene, it is often for reasons others can only guess
seclusion in the northern While members of the Dragon Clan take
mountains to experience
at. The secret of the Dragon is that they are guided by
their obligations seriously, they define Duty
the Empire face-to-face. their founder’s foresight, but even they do not always
and Loyalty somewhat differently than most
know what Togashi saw in his visions.
other samurai. To a Dragon, unquestion-
Togashi’s acolytes are known for their esoteric
ing loyalty is not loyalty at all, and Dragon
practices, innate curiosity, and veritable tradition of
Clan lords have been known to tolerate and
disregarding tradition—at least in the eyes of the other
even value criticism that others would see as
clans. People expect them to be insightful and hum-
grave insubordination.
ble, but also unpredictable, individualistic, and even
See page 301 for more information on
dangerous. They tend to look at problems from
how these can affect your honor and glory.
unexpected angles, and they seek solutions
others might not consider.


Dragon Clan Families The Mirumoto Family

Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water
The Agasha Family Skill Increases: +1 Fitness, +1 Tactics
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 5 koku
Ring Increase: +1 Fire or +1 Void The Mirumoto samurai are renowned for their unique
Skill Increases: +1 Medicine, +1 Smithing two-sword style, called niten or “Two-Heavens,” but
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 4 koku they are more than mere warriors. The Mirumoto over-
The Agasha are ever evolving, like the elements in nature. see the management and duties of the Dragon Clan,
Although founded by a pacifist, many of their techniques allowing the Togashi monks to pursue their eccentric
are invaluable in a fight. Once devoted to mysticism, paths on the way to Enlightenment. This makes the
they now combine it with the practical arts. Yet, perhaps Mirumoto surprisingly practical and down-to-earth,
change is only to be expected among the families of willing to step in and help their region’s peasants when
the Dragon. The Agasha have delved deeply into alche- needed. As the largest family of their clan, the Mirumo-
my, metallurgy, and medicine. They blend the practical to are the samurai whom most think of when they think
effects of chemistry and construction with the mystical of the Dragon, and they are the Dragon most often
effects of calling the spirits. It is a unique approach, and met outside of their lands.
one that leads to the occasional spectacular disaster.
However, they are rarely disheartened, as they often The Togashi Order
learn more from failure than they do from success.
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Void
The Kitsuki Family Skill Increases: +1 Fitness, +1 Theology
Glory: 45 Starting Wealth: 3 koku
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water More a monastic order than a true family, the Togashi
Skill Increases: +1 Government, +1 Sentiment Order welcomes anyone willing to embrace their teach-
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 6 koku ings and accomplish the challenges required to join, the
As befits the odd nature of their clan, even the courtiers first of which is finding one of the Togashi monasteries
of the Dragon are unusual: the samurai of the Kitsuki hidden high in the mountains. In truth, many of those
family are most well-known for their keen perception and able to find their way to the order were members of the
their investigative techniques that rely upon physical evi- order in a past life, returning to continue their training
dence. They bring to the physical world the same atten- and spiritual journey under the guidance of the Dragon
tion to detail that the Agasha bring to spiritual matters. Clan Champion. To the rest of the Empire, the order
A small family, they serve the Empire as magistrates and is known for skill with kōan (contemplative riddles) and
the Dragon Clan as courtiers. In both roles, their eye for the martial arts, as well as for the beautiful and mystical
deception and knack for finding the truth serve them well. tattoos that grant them supernatural abilities.


DRAGON SCHOOLS Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Agasha Mystic School [Shugenja]
Fitness Skill The Agasha Mystics mix practical arts with their invo-
Ostensibly, the Dragon
Clan’s chief aim is to Meditation Skill cations, using alchemical items and metallurgy as foci
record and reflect upon RANK 1 Smithing Skill
for their mystical arts. Through this, they have learned
the happenings of the that all of the Elements are linked, and there is great
Emerald Empire, but Rank 1 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. power to be found in the changing of their states. They
others wonder if there is
= Heart of the Water Dragon  Technique make chemical mixtures that enhance or are enhanced
some other objective the
Dragon are pursuing in Divination  Technique by their magic, which are used for everything from
secret. The schools of the simple entertainment to warfare. The Agasha weave
Kitsuki and the Agasha Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
their prayers into every item they create, from swords
train their scholars, inves- Fitness Skill to medicine, seeking to push the limits of their under-
tigators, and shugenja to
perceive the natural world Medicine Skill standing. Agasha Mystics are used to venturing out

and classify their observa-

Theology Skill
into the world, looking for inspiration from nature in all
tions, while the teachings its multitude of forms.
of the Mirumoto and Rank 1–2 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
Togashi dōjō seem more = Power of the Earth Dragon 
concerned with individual
Technique Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Fitness, +1 Mar-
Enlightenment, whether = Touchstone of Courage  Technique tial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Medicine, +1 Meditation, +1
through the sword or the Smithing, +1 Theology
soul. All Dragon samurai Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Honor: 40
emphasize individuality, Command Skill Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
however, and there is
often more variety among Medicine Skill Shūji ()

the students within the Theology Skill Starting Techniques:

same Dragon school than
there is between students Rank 1–3 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp. $$ Invocations (choose one): The Fires from
of different schools in the = Rise, Earth Within, Tetsubō of Earth
 Technique
other clans.
Earth Becomes Sky  Technique $$ Invocations: Path to Inner Peace, Jurōjin’s Balm
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Rituals: Cleansing Rite, Commune with the
Meditation Skill Spirits
Smithing Skill Elemental Transmutation (School Ability): When per-

Survival Skill forming an invocation, you may choose a different ring

Rank 1–4 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. with which to make the check. While using this school
= Ever-Changing Waves
ability, you cannot activate  of the original Element of
 Technique
the invocation, but you can activate  for the new Ele-
Rise, Water  Technique ment. You can use this school ability a number of times
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. per game session up to your school rank.
Command Skills
Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, wakizashi (short
sword), bō (staff), knife, traveling pack, scroll satchel,
Medicine Skill

set of glass vials, journal.

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Earthquake  Technique
Sear the Wound  Technique
The Agasha Mystic
Experiment and Adapt (Mastery Ability):
School categorizes the
Increase your supernatural resistance against
invocations it teaches by Air, Earth, Fire, and Water invocations by your

Alchemical names, reflect- ranks in Theology. After another character

ing the tradition’s empha- performs an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water invo-
sis on the experimental cation targeting you, you may spend 1 Void
and theoretical side of Point to immediately perform that invocation,
nature. (See Invocation even if you have not learned it.
Names and Traditions on
page 190 in Chapter 4:


Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Fitness Skill
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Skulduggery Skill
Rank 1 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Slippery Maneuvers  Technique
Honest Assessment  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Sentiment Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= All Arts are One  Technique
Feigned Opening  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Kitsuki Investigator School
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill [Courtier, Bushi]
Meditation Skill The Kitsuki Investigator School is a recent school,

Survival Skill founded when Agasha Kitsuki saved the life of the
Mirumoto daimyō by use of evidence. The Kitsuki
Rank 1–3 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Investigators use their methods of observation, exper-
= Regal Bearing  Technique imentation, logic, and reason to understand the truth,
Battle in the Mind  Technique which puts them outside the norm of the Rokugani
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. testimony-based judiciary system. The Kitsuki Investi-
gators gravitate toward legal work as magistrates and
Sentiment Skill
justiciars, in addition to serving as courtiers and repre-
Medicine Skill sentatives of the Dragon Clan.

Skulduggery Skill Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth

Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Culture, +1 Govern-
ment, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Medicine, +1 Senti-
= Sear the Wound  Technique
ment, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Survival
Bravado  Technique Honor: 45
Social Skills Skl. Grp. Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Starting Techniques:
Sentiment Skills
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill $$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Air, = Tactical

Skulduggery Skill Assessment

Rank 1–5 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp. $$ Shūji: Shallow Waters

Wolf’s Proposal  Technique Kitsuki’s Method (School Ability): When performing
Crashing Wave Style  Technique a check to investigate with any skill (see The Art of
Investigation, on page 170), you may treat your ranks
The Eyes Betray the Heart (Mastery Ability):
Once per scene when performing a skill check in the skill you are using as being equal to your school
to investigate, you may spend  as follows: rank. If your ranks in the skill are equal to or higher than
+: You may reserve up to one dropped die
your school rank, or if you have 5 ranks in the skill, you

per  spent this way. The next time you per-

form a check to interact with the person or may add a kept  set to an  result instead.
thing you were investigating (such as a check Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, wakizashi (short
targeting that person or a check to use that
object), you may add any number of these sword), knife, calligraphy set, bō (staff) or jian (straight-
reserved dice as kept dice. Then, remove any edged sword), traveling pack, journal of observations.
unused reserved dice.


Mirumoto Taoist Blade Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
School [Bushi, Monk]
Labor Skill
As the name suggests, the monks of the Mirumoto Tao- Survival Skill

ist Blade School make study of swordplay an integral
Theology Skill
part of their quest for Enlightenment. Such are their
skills that their blades act as if part of their bodies, strik- Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
ing as easily as fists would do for others. Their isolated = Crescent Moon Style  Technique
monastery and dōjō is nestled deep within northern Ki Protection  Technique
mountains within Dragon lands, and it is extraordinarily
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
rare for them to host visitors. Most Rokugani who wit-
ness their skills do so when one of these monks departs Fitness Skill
to walk the Emerald Empire in search of new insights Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

and possibly even new lessons in the blade.
Meditation Skill
Rings: +1 Void, +1 Water
Rank 1–2 Water Kihō  Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts
[Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Meditation, = Flowing Water Strike  Technique
+1 Survival, +1 Theology Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade  Technique
Honor: 48
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata (), Kihō (), Rituals ()
Starting Techniques: Medicine Skill
Survival Skill

$$ Kata (choose two): = Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade,
Theology Skill
Soaring Slice, Striking as Water
Rank 1–3 Earth Kihō  Tech. Grp.
$$ Kihō: Water Fist
Crimson Leaves Strike  Technique
Sharpened Ki (School Ability): Your kihō that affect Still the Elements  Technique
your unarmed attack profiles also apply to weapons
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
you wield in a one-handed grip. When you succeed
on a check to activate a kihō that affects your unarmed Composition Skill
attack profiles or a weapon you wield in a one-handed Martial Ats [Unarmed] Skill

grip, add bonus successes equal to your school rank.

Meditation Skill
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, daishō (any one
Rank 1–4 Void Kihō  Tech. Grp.
sword of rarity 7 or lower and wakizashi), traveling pack.
= Striking as Void  Technique
Crashing Wave Style  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Labor Skill
Sentiment Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Touch the Void Dragon  Technique
Way of the Edgeless Sword  Technique

The Effortless Path (Mastery Ability): When

making a check to active a kihō, you may

spend  as follows:
: If you succeed on this check, after you
activate the kihō, you may perform a Strike
action with a weapon you have readied in a
one-handed grip.

Mirumoto Two-Heavens Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Adept School [Bushi]
Composition Skill
The Mirumoto dōjō’s unique two-sword style, niten (or Labor Skill

Two-Heavens), is only one component of their mastery
Medicine Skill
of swords and combat. Its students follow the Tao of
Shinsei and use it to guide them in war and peace, Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
seeking to apply its practical lessons to all things. Like = Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade  Technique
all of the Dragon, they are used to physical hardship Stirring the Embers  Technique
and can persevere under great stress.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Fire
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Com- Command Skill
position, +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Medi- Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

tation, +1 Tactics, +1 Theology Meditation Skill
Honor: 50
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Starting Techniques: = Heartpiercing Strike  Technique
Slippery Maneuvers  Technique
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Fire, Striking as
Water, Striking as Earth Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Composition Skill
$$ Shūji: = Dazzling Performance
Smithing Skill

Way of the Dragon (School Ability): Once per round
Theology Skill
during a duel or skirmish when you are targeted by an
Attack check with a melee weapon, you may use one of Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
your weapons readied in a one-handed grip (or one of = Pillar of Calm  Technique
your hands, if it is empty) to ward or trap. Commune with the Spirits  Technique
If you ward, the attacker must reroll dice containing
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
 or  up to your school rank.
If you trap, reduce the TN of your next Attack Command Skill
check against the attacker this scene by your Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

school rank (to a minimum of 1). Meditation Skill

You cannot choose this weapon for
Rank 1–4 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Attack actions until the end of your
next turn. = Striking as Void  Technique
Starting Outfit: Traveling Crashing Wave Style  Technique
clothes, ceremonial clothes,
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
ashigaru armor, daishō (katana
and wakizashi) or wakizashi Composition Skills
(short sword) and any two Medicine Skill

weapons of rarity 6 or Survival Skill

lower, traveling pack.
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Sear the Wound  Technique
Rouse the Soul  Technique

Heart of the Dragon (Mastery Ability):

Once per round, when performing an Attack

action check, you may spend  as follows:

: Perform a Strike action with a readied
weapon you have not used for an Attack
action this turn.

Togashi Chronicler School Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
[Courtier, Monk]
Fitness Skill
By learning and meditating upon the stories of the Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill

past, the Dragon Clan’s Togashi Chroniclers see into
Performance Skill
the future. While most historians record events in detail
to instruct future generations or study the stars, Togashi Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Chroniclers instead collect stories, folktales, and lore = Lord Togashi's Insight  Technique
to capture truth. Not concerned with mutable details Beware the Smallest Mouse  Technique
such as names and dates, they search for patterns to
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
illuminate the conflicts of humanity that have unfolded
time and again since the first sword was forged and the Medicine Skill
first edict written. Slowly, a new rhythm surfaces, and Meditation Skill

chroniclers are able to use the new insight it provides Performance Skill
into human nature to foresee that which is yet to come.
Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Most chroniclers travel continuously, exploring the
wonders of the world. Their insightful nature makes = All Arts Are One  Technique
them welcome in many courts across Rokugan. How- Open Hand Style  Technique
ever, they are just as often found outside a straw hovel
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
trading stories with commoners for a bowl of rice.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water Culture Skill
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Culture, +1 Fitness, Commerce Skill

+1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Meditation, Mediation Skill

+1 Performance
Rank 1–3 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Honor: 40
= The Great Silence  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji
Starting Techniques: = The Ties that Bind  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Ritual: Divination
Culture Skill
$$ Kihō (choose one): Cleansing Spirit, Ki Protection
Medicine Skill

$$ Shūji (choose one): Honest Assessment, Truth

Burns Through Lies Performance Skill
Rank 1–4 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
A Grain of Truth (School Ability): Once per scene = Breaking Blow  Technique
after you succeed on a Social skill check, you may
choose a kihō with a prerequisite up to your school Foreseen Need  Technique
rank (whether you know it or not). You gain the benefits Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
of its Enhancement Effect (see Kihō on page 183 of the Fitness Skills
core rulebook) as if you had successfully activated it.
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill

This effect persists until the end of the scene.

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, bō, knife, Performance Skill
traveling pack. Rank 1–4 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Death Touch  Technique
The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique

Echoes of Ancient Days (Mastery Ability):

When you use your school ability, you may

choose a number of characters up to your

ranks in Performance who can hear you. Each
chosen character also gains the benefits of
the kihō's enhancement effect as long as it
persists on you.

Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
Fitness Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1 Fire Kihō  Tech. Grp.
= Way of the Earthquake  Technique
Honest Assessment  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Composition Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–2 Water Kihō  Tech. Grp.
Togashi Tattooed Order [Monk] = Open-Hand Style  Technique
The monks of the Togashi Order have dedicated them- Stirring the Embers  Technique
selves to discovering and fulfilling their soul’s destiny,
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
believing that to be their individual path to achieving
Enlightenment. They are aided in this by the prophetic Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
visions of their leader, the Dragon Clan Champion, as well Labor Skill

as the mystic tattoos that bind them to their order; the Meditation Skill
tattoos’ artistry is matched only by their unusual powers.
Rank 1–3 Air Kihō  Tech. Grp.
Only those who become true ise zumi know that the tat-
= Death Touch  Technique
toos’ power flows from the blood of Togashi, the Dragon
Clan Kami, which is mixed into the tattooing inks. All Arts are One  Technique EXAMPLE TATTOO
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Void Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Each tattoo is unique
Labor Skill
Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Medita- to the individual and
tion, +1 Survival, +1 Theology Medicine Skill represents their inner

Honor: 40 power. To customize

Survival Skill
your character’s tattoos,
Techniques Available: Kihō (), Shūji (), Rituals ()
Rank 1–4 Earth Kihō  Tech. Grp. select a symbol or an ap-
Starting Techniques: propriate image of the
= Touch the Void Dragon  Technique natural world or its crea-
$$ Kihō (choose one): Earthen Fist, Earth Needs Pillar of Calm  Technique tures. Below are some
No Eyes, Flame Fist, Ki Protection, Water Fist suggested motifs with
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. possible linked kihō:
$$ Shūji: = Lord Togashi’s Insight
Meditation Skills Mountain: Cleansing
Blood of the Kami (School Ability): You have one mys- Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill Spirit

tical tattoo that empowers your kihō, and gain more as Survival Skill
River: Water Fist
your school rank increases. When you make a check to Cloud: Riding the
Rank 1–5 Void Kihō  Tech. Grp. Clouds
activate a kihō linked to one of your mystical tattoos, if
you succeed, add additional bonus successes equal to Rank 1–5 Rituals  Tech. Grp. Volcano: Breaking Blow
your school rank. Rouse the Soul  Technique Bat: Earth Needs
Select a natural motif for your first tattoo and No Eyes
Blood of the Dragon (Mastery Ability):
choose one kihō for which you meet the prerequisites Once per scene, while you are benefiting
Tiger: Death Touch
that are linked to the tattoo. If you have not learned from the enhancement effect of a kihō linked Lotus: Touch the Void

it, you learn that kihō (without paying its XP cost). You to one of your tattoos, when you activate a Dragon
different kihō, you may spend 1 Void point. If
cannot choose the same kihō multiple times this way. you do, you may maintain both enhancement Vine: Way of the Willow
Each time your school rank increases, you gain one effects until the end of the scene or until you Meteor: Way of the
activate another kihō. Falling Star
additional tattoo this way.
Starting Outfit: Common clothing, bō (staff),
traveling pack.



What does your
character know? Ring Increase: +1 Water The Lion Clan is war
Skill Increase: +1 Tactics itself, forged by the Kami
Akodo to crush the Em-
Status: 35
All Lion Clan characters have a greater aware- peror’s foes and enforce
Every samurai who lives in Rokugan measures courage, Hantei’s will absolutely.
ness of the following topics:
honor, and duty by the standard set by the Lion Clan. Lion Clan culture lives and
The Lion’s military is unrivaled, as there are no sharp- breathes martial achieve-
$$ You have a general awareness of the
ment and glory. It expects
politics within Lion lands. You can name er tacticians and no larger armies in all of Rokugan.
its children to meet force
major family heads and other leaders, This proud military heritage has earned the Lion Clan with force and death with
and you know their respective positions a place as the Right Hand of the Emperor, sworn to a smile—a hard path
and allegiances. protect him by serving as his personal guard and his for anyone to walk, and
standing army. harder still for any gentle
$$ You know military history quite well, In light of this duty, fear means nothing to Lion
soul. Even those among
especially as it pertains to the glorious the Lion Clan who are not
samurai. The threat of death only serves to embolden warriors often couch their
deeds of your forebears. them and bolster their courage, for there can be no achievements in martial
$$ You can identify and know the proper greater end than to perish in honorable combat. As terms that glorify combat
as the highest of arts.
purpose of all Rokugani battlefield veterans of countless wars, the Lion know that those
weapons, even if you are not personally who attack first shall be victorious. Above all, the Lion
proficient in their use. live, breathe, and die for the Emperor and Rokugan.
Perhaps the most well-known battlefield warriors in
$$ You know about most common military
the Emerald Empire, the samurai of the Lion Clan are
maneuvers and engagements, such as
famous for their ferocity, loyalty, and courage. People
feigned retreats, flank attacks, raids,
expect members of the Lion Clan to be warlike and
and sieges.
aggressive, often forgetting that the Kami Akodo was a
master tactician as well, more than capable of learning
What Does Bushidō from past mistakes and adapting new stratagems on
the battlefield.
Mean to Your Clan?
Honor is at the center of the Lion Clan’s view
of Bushidō, especially in the context of mar-
tial virtue. Its samurai learn to be the harshest
judges of themselves and their actions, for
without honor, the other virtues ring hollow.
This emphasis on Honor colors the clan’s
perception of Compassion, for only those
who comport themselves with Honor are wor-
thy of the Lion Clan’s benevolence.
See page 301 for more information on
how these can affect your honor and glory.

Lion Clan Families The Kitsu Family

Ring Increase: +1 Void or +1 Water
The Akodo Family Skill Increases: +1 Meditation, +1 Theology
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 4 koku
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Earth All samurai venerate their ancestors, but the Kitsu
Skill Increases: +1 Command, +1 Government bloodline, which mingled with otherworldly beings,
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 5 koku produces members who can part the veil to speak with
The Akodo are the master strategists and tacticians of them. The Kitsu are known for being traditional and
the Empire; no one understands war better. The Ako- conservative, even among the Lion. All Kitsu answer
do embody the discipline and control of the Lion Clan, to the ancestors. Those without the talent to speak
always weighing several options in order to strike at to spirits keep genealogies, tend to the tombs and
the perfect time. They are warrior-scholars seeking to shrines, and otherwise honor the noble dead.
understand war and battle in all its complexity; no part
of the martial disciplines is too small for their study The Matsu Family
and no part too large to evade their understanding.
“No army led by an Akodo has ever known defeat” Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire
is a well-known adage, and no Akodo will allow it to Skill Increases: +1 Command, +1 Fitness
become untrue. Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 5 koku
The Matsu are the courageous, implacable heart of the
The Ikoma Family Lion. As the largest family in the Empire, the Matsu fill
the ranks of the vast Lion armies. Founded by Lady Mat-
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water su, one of the greatest of all samurai in the early Empire,
Skill Increases: +1 Composition, +1 Performance they retain many matriarchal traditions in her honor,
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 5 koku including several elite military units that are exclusive-
The Ikoma are the finest storytellers in the Empire. ly female. The Matsu exemplify the harsh militarism of
Their proud voices extol the virtues of Bushidō and, Bushidō. Due to their numbers, they are the Lion most
thus, the Lion Clan. They serve as the memory not only well-known in popular culture. Fiery, honorable, unre-
of the Lion Clan, but of the Empire as a whole; no fact lenting: while the stereotype of the Lion exaggerates
is considered historical truth if it is not part of the Ikoma these traits, they are all part of the Matsu character.
histories. The Ikoma courtiers are the expressive face
of the Lion; their bards openly show the emotion Lion
samurai must hide. Boasts, tears, and stories are the
tools the Ikoma use to advance the Lion in the courts.

Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Government Skill
Command Skill

Performance Skill
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Iron Forest Style  Technique
Honest Assessment  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Medicine Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Rallying Cry  Technique
Akodo Commander School [Bushi]
Lightning Raid  Technique
The Akodo War College’s curriculum is focused on con-
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
trol: of one’s weapons, of the battlefield, over the flow of
conflict, and ultimately, over oneself. Its students study Government Skill
LION SCHOOLS the advice of Akodo’s Leadership, which was written by Composition Skill

the Lion Clan Kami himself. In addition to training as Sentiment Skill
As befits the clan called
the Right Hand of the warriors, Akodo Commanders are educated to be bat-
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Emperor, the Lion Clan tlefield leaders. They often treat war as a game of Go,
has committed itself to = A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
to be decided by exact moves. Akodo Commanders
the study of warfare in all strike precisely and without hesitation with sword and Touchstone of Courage  Technique
its forms. It has schools
to train samurai for every
army alike. Their goal is the pinnacle of the art of war: to Social Skills Skl. Grp.
battlefield role, from minimize losses while achieving their objectives.
Government Skill
soldier to commander, lo- Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
gistician to tactician, and Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fit- Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

medic to morale booster.

ness, +1 Government, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Mar- Tactics Skill
Every student is trained in
at least one martial art to tial Arts [Ranged], +1 Meditation, +1 Tactics
Rank 1–4 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
cultivate the soul, but also Honor: 50
= Rouse the Soul  Technique
to allow them to serve if Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
called upon. Starting Techniques: Disappearing World Style  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Earth, Striking
as Water Martial Arts [Melee] Skills

Shūji: = Lord Akodo’s Roar Meditation Skill


Tactics Skill
Way of the Lion (School Ability): When you succeed
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
at an Attack or Support action check, you may remove
an amount of strife from yourself up to your school Bend with the Storm  Technique
rank. For each strife you remove this way, add that one Striking as Void  Technique
bonus success to the check and receive 1 fatigue.
Starting Outfit: Ashigaru armor, traveling clothes, Akodo’s Final Lesson (Mastery Ability):

Once per game session during a skirmish or

daishō (katana and wakizashi), yari (spear), any one mass battle, after you fail a check, you may
weapon of rarity 6 or lower, two knives, yumi (bow), attempt the check again, treating the TN as 1.
quiver of arrows, traveling pack.


Ikoma Bard School [Courtier] Social Skills Skl. Grp.
In the end—after trials, sacrifices, and death—all that Composition Skill
truly remains of a samurai is their story. The Ikoma Culture Skill

Bard School trains its students as historians, bards, and
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
tale-spinners; not just to preserve the stories of old,
but to inspire the warriors of the Lion Clan to equal and Rank 1 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
exceed the achievements of their ancient ancestors. = Slippery Maneuvers  Technique
Ikoma Bards are no less warlike than the other scions Soaring Slice  Technique
of the Lion Clan. However, their most important duty
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
lies in supporting each Lion’s drive to seize glory no
matter the danger—and to fight against any odds with Command Skill
the confidence that no hero will die unsung. Performance Skill

Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Water
Sentiment Skill
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Composition, +1
Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Per- Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
formance, +1 Sentiment, +1 Tactics = Dazzling Performance  Technique
Honor: 45 Spinning Blades Style  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Composition Skill
$$ Kata: Warrior’s Resolve Performance Skill

$$ Shūji: = Fanning the Flames, = Tributaries of Trade Survival Skill

Heart of the Lion (School Ability): Once per scene, after Rank 1–3 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
you perform a check using a Social skill that targets one or Rallying Cry  Technique
more characters, you may agitate or console: = Regal Bearing  Technique
If you agitate, transfer strife up to twice your school
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
rank from yourself to your targets (divided among them
as you choose). Government Skill
If you console, transfer strife up to twice your school Sentiment Skill

rank from your targets (divided among them as you

Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
choose) to yourself.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, wakizashi (short Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
sword), yari (spear) or tessen (war fan), yumi (bow), = Sear the Wound  Technique
quiver of arrows, traveling pack, any one Pillar of Calm  Technique
musical instrument, journal.
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skills
Performance Skill

Meditation Skill
Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Bend with the Storm  Technique
Buoyant Arrival  Technique

Lion’s Pride (Mastery Ability, Action): Once

per game session as a Support action, you
may attempt to convince everyone in the
scene of the glorious reputation of one char-
acter, embellishing the truth as needed, by
making a TN 5 Performance (Fire) check

targeting one character. The TN of this check

is 6 if you target yourself, and 4 if you target
another Lion Clan character.
If you succeed, reduce the TN of all of
the character’s Social skill checks by 3 until
the end of the scene, and the TN of all of the
character’s other checks by 1.

Ikoma Shadow School Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
[Courtier, Shinobi]
Performance Skill
The Lion Clan’s Ikoma family is known for its bards, who Skulduggery Skill

shed the tears and express the emotions that stoic war-
Survival Skill
riors cannot. However, this family also serves another
purpose: hidden among the bards and other entertain- Rank 1 General Kata  Tech. Grp.
ers it produces, it also trains a small number of students = What's Yours Is Mine  Technique
in stealth, political subterfuge, and even battlefield Rustling of Leaves  Technique
sabotage. These are the Ikoma Shadows.
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Ikoma Shadows infiltrate enemy camps in wartime
and enemy castles in peacetime, stealing or altering Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill
messages, putting twisted truths in the right ear, and Sentiment Skill

inflaming tensions between other clans. Their work is Skulduggery Skill
not exactly honorable, but most see their role as nec-
Rank 1–2 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
essary and justified. War is an ugly affair, and prolong-
ing it uglier still. Most Ikoma Shadows are unwilling to = Crackling Laughter  Technique
cross certain lines—such as the use of lethal poisons or The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique
the assassination of helpless targets—but if making an
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
enemy general sick ends a battle quickly or ambushing
an officer who has ventured far afield breaks the ene- Commerce Skill
my’s offensive, most don’t lose sleep over it. Labor Skill

Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire Seafaring Skill
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture,
Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
+1 Government, +1 Martial Arts (Melee), +1 Martial
= Artful Alibi  Technique
Arts (Ranged), +1 Skulduggery, +1 Survival
Honor: 40 All Arts Are One  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Command Skill
$$ Shūji: Whispers of Court Skulduggery Skill

$$ Ninjutsu: = Skulk Survival Skill

$$ Kata (choose one): Hawk’s Precision, Warrior’s Rank 1–4 General Kata  Tech. Grp.
Resolve = Deceitful Strike  Technique

Victory before Honor (School Ability): Once per Bravado  Technique

scene when performing a check, you may stake an Social Skills Skl. Grp.
amount of honor no greater than your school rank to Martial Arts (Ranged) Skill
re-roll a number of dice equal to twice the amount of
Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill

honor staked. For each re-rolled die result that does

not contain a  or , you forfeit one staked honor. Tactics Skill
Starting Outfit: Ashigaru armor or ceremonial clothes, Rank 1–5 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
daishō or wakizashi and kamayari, yumi, any one musi- = Silent Elimination  Technique
cal instrument or book of poetry, traveling pack.
Pin the Fan  Technique

Victory Is the Greatest Honor (Mastery

Ability): Once per session after failing a
Martial or Social check, you may stake up to

again, adding equal to the honor staked.

If you fail, you forfeit all honor staked. If
you succeed, you instead gain 1 honor and
1 glory.

Kitsu Medic School [Artisan, Bushi] Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Though the Kitsu family is known more for its shugen- Fitness Skill
ja samurai, the students of the Kitsu Medic School are Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

also of note. They are skilled in the martial arts, but
Survival Skill
their primary vocation is healing. As such, they are an
important part of any Lion army going into battle. The Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
warrior skills of Kitsu Medics mean they can be at the Commune with the Spirits  Technique
forefront of the fighting, killing foes as well as tending
Honest Assessment  Technique
to their clan’s wounded.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fitness, Medicine Skill
+1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], Survival Skill

+1 Medicine, +1 Sentiment, +1 Survival
Theology Skill
Honor: 44
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Rank 1–2 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Starting Techniques: = Flowing Water Strike  Technique
Rushing Avalanche Style  Technique
$$ Kata (choose one): = Crescent Moon Style,
Striking as Earth, Striking as Water Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.

$$ Rituals (choose one): Cleansing Rite, Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Threshold Barrier Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill

$$ Shūji: Stonewall Tactics Medicine Skill
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Field Medicine (School Ability): When you perform a
= Iron in the Mountains Style  Technique
Medicine check to remove fatigue or a condition from
a friendly character, that character removes additional Touchstone of Courage  Technique
fatigue up to your school rank. Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ashigaru armor,
Command Skill
daishō (katana and wakizashi), satchel of medicinal
supplies, traveling pack. Fitness Skill

Survival Skill
= Rank 1–5 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
Crashing Wave Style  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Medicine Skill

Sentiment Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Sear the Wound  Technique

Healer’s Hands (Mastery Ability): When you


make a check to remove a condition from

another character, you may receive 2 fatigue
to treat the TN as 1.

The invocations of the Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Kitsu Medium School
Command Skill
are Ancestral in nature,
reflecting the boons Meditation Skill
bestowed upon them by RANK 1
Performance Skill
Rokugan’s sacred dead.
(See Invocation Names Rank 1 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
and Traditions on page
190 in Chapter 4: Courage of Seven Thunders  Technique
Techniques). = Heart of the Water Dragon  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Government Skill
Fitness Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–2 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Hands of the Tides  Technique
Fanning the Flames  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Government Skill
Survival Skill Kitsu Medium School [Shugenja]

Theology Skill The smallest of the shugenja schools of the Great Clans,
Rank 1–3 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. the Kitsu Medium School maintains an esoteric focus
= Rise, Earth  Technique on the ancestors, which requires unique training and at
least a trace of the original Kitsu bloodline. This mystical
Ebb and Flow  Technique
connection to their forebears allows them to perform
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. magic that no others can. The Kitsu Mediums are the
Command Skill living bridge between the Lion Clan’s past and the pres-
Meditation Skill ent, acting as the voice of the ancestors in the present

day. As traditionalists, they use the ancestral names for

Performance Skill
prayers to honor those who first mastered them.
Rank 1–4 Rituals  Tech. Grp. Rings: +1 Void, +1 Water
HONORED ANCESTORS = Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami  Technique Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Courtesy, +1 Gov-
ernment, +1 Meditation, +1 Performance, +1 Survival,
Your character has Bravado  Technique
+1 Theology
countless ancestors, Social Skills Skl. Grp.
and there are thus any Honor: 50
number of individuals Government Skills Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
whose spirits they Shūji ()
Sentiment Skill

could summon. How- Starting Techniques:

ever, to be considerate Theology Skill
of your group’s time,
Rank 1–5 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp. $$ Invocations (choose two): The Rushing Wave,
you should prepare
the profile and a brief Sear the Wound  Technique Path to Inner Peace, Biting Steel
overview personality of $$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits, Cleansing Rite
any ancestor you wish Buoyant Arrival  Technique
to summon in advance.
Strength of a Thousand Ancestors (Mastery
$$ Shūji: Ancestry Unearthed
While roleplaying an Ability, Action): Once per game session, as
a Support action, you may summon the spirit Favor of the Ancestors (School Ability): Once per
ancestor, remember
of an ancestor to possess you until the end of scene, you may importune one invocation (see Impor-
that you are portraying the scene. While possessed, you count as an

that individual (rather Otherworldly being and use the profile of the tune Invocations, on page 189) with a school rank pre-
than your usual char- ancestor (a non-specific human NPC profile requisite up to your school rank without making the sacri-
acter) and they might such as the Venerable Provincial Daimyō on fices usually required and without the usual TN increase.
have a different agenda page 315, or, at the GM’s discretion, a PC
and desires! with up to 180 XP that you have created in Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, traveling clothes,
advance). Your character does not remember wakizashi (short sword), knife, bō (staff), scroll satchel,
any time they spend possessed.
traveling pack.


Martial Skills Skl. Grp. Matsu Berserker School [Bushi]

Command Skill The Matsu’s soldiers are the front line and main strength
Labor Skill of the Lion armies. Their bravery and zeal for battle

are unquestioned. The Matsu warrior dōjō teaches the

Survival Skill
primacy of offense and the necessity of seizing the ini-
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp. tiative in all things. Aggression is the hallmark of the
= Lord Akodo's Roar  Technique Matsu style; direct action is their watchword. This belli-
Stonewall Tactics  Technique cose attitude often puts them at odds with the careful
strategies of the Akodo, but the Matsu serve the Lion
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
and the Empire with unquestioned loyalty.
Command Skill Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Fire
Medicine Skill Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fit-

ness, +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts

Smithing Skill
[Ranged], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Survival
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp. Honor: 55
= Heartpiercing Strike  Technique Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Fanning the Flames  Technique Starting Techniques:

Martial Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Kata (choose one): = Rushing Avalanche Style,
Composition Skill = Spinning Blades Style

Government Skill $$ Shūji: Stirring the Embers


Theology Skill
Matsu’s Fury (School Ability): After you suffer a critical
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp. strike or unmask, you may suffer the Enraged condition
= Disappearing World Style  Technique to remove an amount of fatigue from yourself equal to
Rallying Cry  Technique your school rank.
Starting Outfit: Ashigaru armor, traveling clothes,
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
daishō (katana and wakizashi), nodachi (greatsword) or
Command Skill tessen (war fan), knife, yumi (bow), quiver of arrows,
Courtesy Skill traveling pack.

Culture Skill
Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Striking as Void  Technique
Bravado  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Labor Skills
Medicine Skill

Smithing Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Sear the Wound  Technique

Rending Jaws of the Lion (Mastery Ability):


Once per round, when performing an Attack

action check while Enraged, you may spend
1 Void point to alter each kept die containing
 to a result containing .
What Does your
character know?
All Phoenix Clan characters have a greater
awareness of the following topics:

$$ You have a general awareness of the

politics within Phoenix lands. You can
name major family heads and other
leaders, and you know their respective
positions and allegiances.
$$ You are familiar with the religious prac-
tices of Rokugan, such as the rites prac-
PHOENIX CLAN ticed by various priesthoods, the invo-
CULTURE The Phoenix Clan cations of shugenja, the Tao of Shinsei,
The Phoenix Clan values Ring Increase: +1 Void and even the traditions that existed
balance and the Tao of Skill Increase: +1 Theology before the Kami, such as the Fortunist
Shinsei far more than the
Status: 30 traditions of the Isawa and the animist
other clans, seeking har- practices of the Yobanjin who dwell in
mony between the mortal The Phoenix is a symbol of contradictions: explo-
sive power and great restraint, vast intelligence and the Great Wall of the North Mountains.
and spiritual realms, as
well as harmony within deep humility, immolating self-sacrifice and glorious $$ You know some of the most significant
themselves. The Phoenix rebirth. These entwined virtues illuminate the path of kami who reside in Phoenix lands by
know that every step
sends ripples throughout
Rokugan’s most mystical Great Clan, the keepers of the name from stories or perhaps even
the world, so one must Tao of Shinsei and caretakers of the Empire’s soul. personal interaction.
tread lightly and with a As the scent of incense wafts unseen to all corners $$ You know the names and locations of
peaceful heart, lest one’s of a shrine, so do the Spirit Realms overlap invisi-
actions sow disharmony all major shrines in Rokugan.
bly with the Realm of Mortals. The Phoenix mediate
or even chaos. Such
restraint, however, is between the worlds, appealing to the very soul of the
frequently viewed as
cowardice or passivity by
lands. Mountains collapse at their whispered requests,
dry rivers are convinced to flow again, plagues are
What Does Bushidō
the other clans. banished, restless ghosts are returned to slumber, and Mean to Your Clan?
crops flourish in previously barren wastelands. Never-
Righteousness drives the samurai of the Phoe-
theless, the Phoenix understand that even the purest
nix Clan in their pursuits, and they are willing
wish can have unintended and destructive conse-
to sacrifice themselves to ensure the right
quences if the elements are brought out of balance.
thing is done. They know that when samurai
Although others consider the Phoenix too hesitant in
do not govern their lands justly, the Heavens
their entreaties to the kami, few are foolhardy enough
themselves will voice their displeasure.
to test the Phoenix’s dedication to peace and harmony.
At the same time, some truths must not
The Kami Shiba and the priest Isawa were very
be revealed to the world, and some myster-
different sorts of leaders, one humble and the other
ies are not meant even for the other samurai
prideful, one calm in his wisdom and the other fierce in
clans. The Phoenix Clan takes a selective view
his brilliance. As such, people expect members of the
of Sincerity, certain in their belief that they
Phoenix Clan to be calm, thoughtful, and scholarly—
are the best equipped to protect and wield
but also passionate, and sometimes even arrogant due
certain knowledge.
to the vast knowledge their clan maintains. Both Shiba
See page 301 for more information on
and Isawa were deeply spiritual; this bond has defined
how these can affect your honor and glory.
the Phoenix Clan since its earliest days, and people still
expect members of the Phoenix Clan to be more
concerned with cosmic problems than
with matters mundane.

Phoenix Clan Families The Kaito Family
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Void
The Asako Family Skill Increases: +1 Fitness, +1 Theology
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 4 koku
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Fire The small Kaito family has been given the task of safe-
Skill Increases: +1 Culture, +1 Sentiment guarding the many shrines scattered across the Phoe-
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 5 koku nix holdings, from small altars sheltered by a single tree
The Asako are a quiet family, viewed as being content to massive sanctuaries. To fulfill their responsibilities,
to follow their scholarly and philosophical pursuits the Kaito have mastered the use of charmed arrows
while the Isawa drive the goals of the Phoenix. The and prayers to protect the shrines from spiritual foes,
Asako prize knowledge, but they prize wisdom even and practical archery to fend off more mortal dangers.
more, and they use their studies to advance their spir- The Kaito are rarely seen outside the Phoenix lands, as
itual evolution as well as their political agendas. The they have so many tasks within, but they occasionally
Asako serve as courtiers for the Phoenix, and they are make pilgrimages to visit other shrines.
much in demand as court scholars and tutors across
the Empire. The Shiba Family

The Isawa Family Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water

Skill Increases: +1 Meditation, +1 Tactics
Ring Increase: +1 Fire or +1 Void Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 5 koku
Skill Increases: +1 Meditation, +1 Theology The Shiba family descends from the Kami Shiba and
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 5 koku provides the Phoenix with a champion, but it bent the
The Elemental Masters who sit on the Council of Five knee to the Isawa family early in its history and has duti-
are the true rulers of the Phoenix, and these masters fully served it ever since. The Shiba focus on keeping
are almost always drawn from the Isawa. As one of the the Phoenix Clan safe and rely first and foremost on
oldest shugenja families in the Empire, the Isawa have diplomacy before resorting to force. They are expect-
had centuries to learn to commune with the spirits ed to be learned in scholarly ways as well as in the war-
and the most effective ways to request their blessings. rior arts, and they understand the shugenja they serve
Some might confuse authority with arrogance, but at better than do most bushi families.
heart, they are pious and dutiful, devoted to ensuring
harmony and balance.


New Schools Scholar Skills
Skl. Grp.

The following are new schools that PCs can select as Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Most of the techniques
part of character creation. Meditation Skill
listed in the school
profiles described in Rank 1 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp.
the following pages Asako Inquisitor School
Threshold Barrier  Technique
are covered in the core
[Courtier, Shugenja]
rulebook in Chapter 4.
Weight of Duty  Technique
Those shown in bold,
Unlike the horrors of the Shadowlands, mahō can arise
such as Essence of Jade, Social Skills Skl. Grp.
are new techniques anywhere and can exist in any location as a hidden cor-
not found in the core ruption. To root out and combat this, the Asako Inquis- Government Skill
rulebook. These are itors were formed in the third century. Originally, they Meditation Skill

covered later in this concentrated on their own clan, to purge the Phoenix of
chapter on pages Theology Skill
any who would engage in such foul practices, but over
114–115. Rank 1–2 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
time, their remit widened to include all of the Emerald
Empire. This has brought Asako Inquisitors, who answer = Essence of Jade  Technique
only to their clan’s Council of Five and the Emperor, into = Open Hand Style  Technique
conflict at times with people of the Kuni Purifier School.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Void
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Courtesy, +1 Martial Medicine Skill
Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Medita- Performance Skill

tion, +1 Performance, +1 Theology Theology Skill
Honor: 35
Rank 1–3 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
= Regal Bearing  Technique
Shūji ()
Starting Techniques: Touchstone of Courage  Technique
$$ Rituals: Cleansing Rite, Commune with the Spir- Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
its, Divination Courtesy Skill
$$ Shūji: Cadence, Truth Burns through Lies Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Traces of Passage (School Ability): Once per scene Survival Skill

as a Support action, you may scry to detect any super- Rank 1–4 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
natural abilities used at range 0–3 in the last day (such = The Soul’s Blade  Technique
as invocations, mahō, and kihō). Reduce the TN of
Bravado  Technique
your checks to investigate this phenomenon by your
school rank. Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, sanctified robes, Composition Skill
daishō (any one sword of rarity 7 or lower and Skulduggery Skill

wakizashi), scroll satchel, traveling pack.

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–5 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Striking as Void  Technique
Rouse the Soul  Technique

Resilient Readiness (Mastery Ability):

When you make a check to investigate a
supernatural phenomenon, you may spend

 as follows:
+: Increase your resistance against that
phenomenon (such as a specific invocation,
kihō, mahō, or NPC ability) by an amount
equal to the  you spend this way. This effect
persists until the end of the scene.


PHOENIX SCHOOLS Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Asako Loremaster School [Courtier]
Courtesy Skill The Asako Loremasters study widely, and from that
As caretaker of the
Empire’s soul, the Phoenix Games Skill broad and firm base, they develop their specialties. It
Clan imparts its theolog- RANK 1 Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
is rare for a Loremaster not to have at least passing
ical wisdom throughout knowledge of a subject, no matter how obscure. Act-
all its schools. A reverence Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp. ing as the courtiers of the Phoenix, the Asako Loremas-
for the spirits is instilled
= Open-Hand Style  Technique ters marshal arguments based on their expertise in the
in the students of every
dōjō, and the wisdom of Divination  Technique revered knowledge of the past. One should look for an
the Tao of Shinsei is a Asako first in the library and then in court, usually deep
fundamental part of every Social Skills Skl. Grp.
in discussion. Few care to challenge an Asako Loremas-
lesson taught. Just as the Government Skill ter on the field of knowledge, but such disputations are
four elements combine to
form something greater, Medicine Skill often one of the highlights of court.

together the warriors, Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth

Sentiment Skill
priests, scholars, and Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Culture, +1 Govern-
mystics carry out the Rank 1–2 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp. ment, +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Medicine, +1 Per-
Phoenix’s mission of = All Arts are One
ensuring balance and
 Technique formance, +1 Sentiment, +1 Theology
harmony. Tea Ceremony  Technique Honor: 45
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Courtesy Skill
Performance Skill
$$ Shūji: = Civility Foremost

Meditation Skill $$ Shūji (choose one): Ancestry Unearthed, Cadence

Rank 1–3 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp. Wisdom of the Ages (School Ability): When perform-
= Pillar of Calm  Technique ing a Scholar skill check, you may treat your ranks in the
Ebb and Flow  Technique skill as being equal to your school rank. If your ranks
in that Scholar skill are equal to or higher than your
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
school rank, or if you have 5 ranks in the skill, you may
Culture Skill add one kept  set to an  result instead.
Medicine Skill Starting Outfit: Ceremonial robes, sanctified

robes, traveling clothes, wakizashi (short

Theology Skill
sword), knife, scroll satchel, calligraphy set,
Rank 1–4 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp. traveling pack.
= Cleansing Spirit  Technique
Wolf's Proposal  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skills
Performance Skill

Meditation Skill
Rank 1–5 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Still the Elements  Technique
Bend with the Storm  Technique

Insufferable Genius (Mastery Ability):

After you succeed at a check to acquire or
remember information, you may spend 1 Void
point and choose any number of characters

with whom you can communicate. You must

describe how the knowledge you acquired
helps each character you choose. Each of
those characters reduces the TN of their next
check by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and suffers
1 strife.

Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Composition Skill
Command Skill

Meditation Skill
Rank 1 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Dance of Seasons  Technique
Cleansing Rite  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Meditation Skill

Performance Skill
Rank 1–2 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Fury of Osano-wo  Technique
Fanning the Flames  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Isawa Elementalist School [Shugenja] ISAWA INVOCATIONS
Composition Skill
No tradition has a more complete mastery of the way
The Isawa Elemental-
Meditation Skill of the spirits than that of the Isawa Elementalist School.

ist School teaches its

Survival Skill Since the time before the Kami fell to earth, the priests students invocations by
of the Isawa have sought knowledge and understand- Elemental names, for they
Rank 1–3 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. were the first to apply the
ing of the kami, the Fortunes, and the very elements
= Wings of the Phoenix  Technique philosophy of Shinsei’s
themselves. Over the centuries, they have perfected Five Elements to their
Strike the Tsunami  Technique the rituals and supplications to request great boons on interactions with the
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. behalf of the Phoenix Clan and terrible banes for cast- spirits. (See Invocation
ing down their enemies. Yet, they know that the spirits Names and Traditions on
Government Skill page 190 in Chapter 4:
require service in exchange for their blessings, making
Sentiment Skill Techniques).
the Isawa Elementalists hesitant to call upon the kami

Theology Skill except in times of great need. To do so without cause

Rank 1–4 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. is to risk upsetting the delicate balance of the natural
= Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami world—or bring the wrath of the spirits upon them.
 Technique
Rings: +1 any two different rings
Rise, Flame  Technique Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Composition, +1
Social Skills Skl. Grp. Courtesy, +1 Medicine, +1 Meditation, +1 Perfor-
Composition Skills mance, +1 Theology
Honor: 40
Sentiment Skill
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),

Theology Skill Shūji ()

Rank 1–5 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp. Starting Techniques:
Earthquake  Technique $$ Invocations (choose three): Extinguish, Grasp
Rouse the Soul  Technique of Earth, Path to Inner Peace, Tempest of Air
Master of Elements (Mastery Ability): Once $$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits, Divination
per round, after you perform an invocation,

you may spend 1 Void point to switch to any One with the Elements (School Ability): Once per
other stance and perform another invocation
that shares no action types with the first invo- scene when making the check to activate an invocation
cation (Attack, Support, etc.). technique, before rolling dice, you may reduce the TN
of the check by your school rank.
Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, wakizashi (short
sword), knife, scroll satchel, traveling pack.


Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.

Courtesy Skill
Culture Skill

Performance Skill
Rank 1 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Offend the Sensibilities  Technique
Fun and Games  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Aesthetics Skill
Government Skill

Meditation Skill
Rank 1–2 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique
Civility Foremost  Technique
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Government Skill
Shiba Artist School [Artisan]
Meditation Skill
Renowned throughout Rokugan for their deeply spir-
Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
itual works of art, the Phoenix Clan’s Shiba Artists are
= Formal Tea Ceremony  Technique
highly sought after for festivals and special events,
including the Winter Court. Artists expertly perform All Arts Are One  Technique
soulfully crafted song and verse to enthrall onlookers, Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
create unique works of clay or stone for their hosts, or
Performance Skill
even forge armor before enraptured crowds. What-
ever their art, Shiba Artists always make the act of cre- Composition Skill

ation a part of the work itself, whether it takes fleeting Smithing Skill
moments or days of labor. Most Shiba Artists train in Rank 1–4 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
a wide range of artistic forms, and they use each new
= Rouse the Soul  Technique
lesson they learn to inspire them in their next endeavor.
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Void Hidden in Smoke  Technique
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Com- Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
position, +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Design, +1 Per-
Culture Skill
formance, +1 Smithing
Honor: 50 Courtesy Skill

Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji Performance Skill

Starting Techniques: Rank 1–5 Rituals  Tech. Grp.
= Bend with the Storm Technique
$$ Ritual: = Tea Ceremony 

$$ Shūji (choose two): Assess Strengths, Court- Buoyant Arrival  Technique

ier’s Resolve, Fun and Games Sudden Clarity (Mastery Ability): When
you use your school ability, you may remove

Architect of Tranquility (School Ability): Once per one or more of the following conditions
from each chosen character: Dazed, Dis-
scene after you succeed at an Artisan skill check, you may oriented, Enraged, Exhausted, Intoxicated.
choose a number of characters in the scene equal to your Additionally, each chosen character removes
school rank. Each chosen character removes 3 strife. 3 fatigue.
Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, common
clothes, traveling clothes, wakizashi, traveling pack,
calligraphy set.


Martial Skills Skl. Grp. Shiba Guardian School
[Bushi, Courtier]
Courtesy Skill
Sentiment Skill As Shiba swore to protect Isawa, so the Shiba Guard-
RANK 1 Survival Skill
ian School emphasizes the defense of and cooperation
with the Isawa; its members complement and pro-
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp. tect priests, shrine keepers, and shugenja. The Shiba
= Civility Foremost  Technique Guardians are broadly trained, often as much scholars
Stirring the Embers  Technique as warriors, and they approach conflict as a problem to
be solved without bloodshed if possible. Those who
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
underestimate them due to their reluctance to take a
Fitness Skill life usually only do so once: the Shiba Guardians are
Meditation Skill as devoted to the perfection of the martial arts as any

Martial Arts [Melee] Skill samurai. Their commitment to theological study and
long hours of meditation have taught the Shiba Guard-
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
ians how to dance in harmony with elemental kami
= Rallying Cry  Technique called forth by the invocations of the shugenja.
Slippery Maneuvers  Technique Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Courtesy, +1 Fitness,
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
+1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Meditation, +1 Survival, +1
Culture Skill Tactics, +1 Theology
Meditation Skill Honor: 45

Martial Arts [Melee] Skill Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Starting Techniques:
Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= A Samurai’s Fate  Technique $$ Kata: = Lord Shiba’s Valor
Touchstone of Courage  Technique $$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Earth, Striking
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. as Water

Command Skill Way of the Phoenix (School Ability): Once per scene,
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill when a character at range 0–3 makes a check that con-

Tactics Skill tains 1 or more  symbols, you may negate all of those
 symbols. Then, that character removes strife and
Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
fatigue equal to your school rank.
= The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique Starting Outfit: Ashigaru armor,
= Touch the Void Dragon  Technique travel clothes, daishō (katana
and wakizashi), naginata
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
(polearm) or yari (spear),
Sentiment Skills traveling pack.
Survival Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Way of the Edgeless Sword  Technique
Rouse the Soul  Technique

Stand of Honor (Mastery Ability): At the end

of your turn, you may spend 1 Void point to
prepare to fend off advancing foes; this effect
persists until the start of your next turn. When

an enemy enters the range of one of your

readied weapons, you may immediately make
a Strike action using that weapon and target-
ing that enemy; if you succeed, the target
suffers the Immobilized condition in addition
to any other effects.

Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Fitness Skill
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Meditation Skill
= Rank 1 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Bind the Shadow  Technique
Striking as Air  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Performance Skill
Theology Skill

Smithing Skill
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Grasp of the Air Dragon  Technique Kaito Shrine Keeper School [Monk]
Divination  Technique
Kaito Shrine Keepers work alongside priests to protect
Social Skills Skl. Grp. temples across Phoenix lands, or keep smaller shrines
Labor Skill on their own. The Kaito learn mystical arts to propitiate
Medicine Skill the kami—sometimes even serving as vessels for them—

and practical ones to maintain the shrines. Shrine Keep-

Survival Skill
ers make use of protective magic—such as ofuda, paper
= Rank 1–3 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp. charms—and spiritually enhanced archery to defend
= Breath of Wind Style  Technique shrines against threats both mystical and mundane.
Flowing Water Strike  Technique Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Fitness, +1 Martial
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Arts [Ranged], +1 Meditation, +1 Performance, +1
Fitness Skill Smithing, +1 Theology
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill Honor: 45

Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()

Meditation Skill
Starting Techniques: The Kaito Shrine Keepers
Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp. make themselves vessels
= Rise, Air  Technique $$ Kata: Hawk’s Precision in which kami may dwell,
and so they know their
= Soul Sunder  Technique $$ Invocations: Tempest of Air invocations by the For-
tunist name of the spirit
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Rituals (choose two): Cleansing Rite,
they are invoking. (See
Command Skills Commune with the Spirits, Threshold Barrier Invocation Names and
Traditions on page 190
Sentiment Skill Sacred Arrows (School Ability): As an action, you may

in Chapter 4: Techniques).
Theology Skill augment one of your arrows with a prayer to the kami.
= Rank 1–5 Fire Invocations  Make the check to perform one invocation you know,
Tech. Grp.
reducing the TN by your school rank, and record the
= Tomb of Jade  Technique result. The arrow gains the Sacred quality, and remains
Pin the Fan  Technique infused with the invocation until the end of the scene.
After you perform an Attack action using the arrow
Demon, Begone! (Mastery Ability, Action):
As an action, you may make a TN 3 Medi- (or fire it at a location, at the GM’s discretion), you may
tation (Void) check by plucking the string resolve the effects of the invocation from the place the
of a bow you are wielding, targeting each
Otherworldly being within a number of range arrow landed. You may spend + to delay resolving the

bands equal to your ranks in Meditation. effects of the invocation for 1 round per  spent this
If you succeed, each target suffers strife way, and may spend   from a failed check to affect
equal to your ranks in Meditation plus your
bonus successes. one target of the attack that you missed.
: Each target must resist with a TN 3 Med- Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, wakizashi (short
itation (Void) check or treat its physical and sword), yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, bō (staff) or knife,
supernatural resistances as 0. This effect per-
sists until the end of the scene. scroll satchel, traveling pack.


The Scorpion Clan CULTURE

What does your

character know? Ring Increase: +1 Air The Scorpion Clan is a
Skill Increase: +1 Skulduggery group united by grave
purposes: to preserve
Status: 35
All Scorpion Clan characters have a greater life by killing, and to let
With six terrible words, the Kami Bayushi set his follow- others live out the ideals
awareness of the following topics:
ers in the newly founded Scorpion Clan on a dark and of honor by staining
dangerous path. Enemies loomed beyond Rokugan’s themselves via dishonor-
$$ You have a strong awareness of the able acts. Most Scorpion
politics within Scorpion lands. You can borders, but they also lurked within them. Bayushi swore
stake their humanity on
name major family heads and other to protect the Empire by any means necessary. Where one ideal of honor they
leaders, and you know their respective the Code of Bushidō tied the Emperor’s Left and Right can uphold or a personal
positions and allegiances. Hands—the courtiers of the Crane and the mighty bond that keeps them
legions of the Lion—the Emperor’s Underhand could still from slipping—while
$$ You know about the general state of others vanish completely
reach. To combat the liars, the thieves, and the traitors
political affairs between the clans. into their masks, truly be-
within the Great Clans, Bayushi’s followers would have to coming the villains others
$$ You are aware of the most substantial lie, steal, and cheat in turn. The weapons of the Scorpion believe them to be.
criminal cartels in the Emerald Empire, became blackmail, poison, and sabotage. The Scorpion
especially as their interests overlap or dirtied their hands so that others’ could remain pure.
conflict with those of the Scorpion Clan. Yet, in spite of—and perhaps because of—the clan’s
fearsome reputation, there is none more loyal than a
$$ You know the state of court matters in
Scorpion. In a clan of deceivers and manipulators, trust
the Imperial Capital.
is a hard-earned treasure to be cherished and guarded.
Betrayal is punished with swift retribution, the souls of
What Does Bushidō the treacherous forever bound into the horrific limbo of
the place known as Traitor’s Grove. Such fierce loyalty
Mean to Your Clan? is a small consolation, at least, given the dangerous but
vital role the Scorpion have played in the Empire from
Duty and Loyalty is the core tenet of the Scor-
the moment their Kami spoke his fateful words: “I will
pion Clan. They must be prepared to do—
be your villain, Hantei.”
and sacrifice—anything and everything in the
Bayushi’s successors are known for their insidious
service of the Empire.
skill at scheming, but also the potential benefits of
Honor and Righteousness fall by the way-
partnering with them—for without offering the proper
side for most Scorpion. While they are not
incentives to their allies some of the time, they could
wholly unimportant, obsessing over such mat-
never maintain their position as the great schemers
ters would make many vital tasks impossible.
of the Empire. People expect members of the Scor-
See page 301 for more information on
pion to be equal parts alluring and
how these can affect your honor and glory.
treacherous—and loyal only
to the Emperor.
Scorpion Clan Families The Soshi Family
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Void
The Bayushi Family Skill Increases: +1 Design, +1 Theology
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 6 koku
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Fire The Soshi are often overlooked, and that is how they
Skill Increases: +1 Courtesy, +1 Design prefer things to be. They are most effective when
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 8 koku unseen, offering up prayers in silence for the Scorpion.
The motto of the Scorpion Clan’s primary lineage, “I The Soshi live for subtlety: the gentle nudge, the whis-
can swim,” comes from a cautionary tale about their pered word that sets everything into motion. Some-
treacherous nature. Charming, ruthless, deceitful, and times this comes at a price, however, for their prefer-
Shinobi are covert agents
vicious, the Bayushi appear as the villains they claim ence for acting at the perfect moment often makes
and infiltrators who hide to be. They are the sinister side of power, using the them exceedingly cautious and prone to excessive
from sight and strike arts of blackmail, poison, and seduction to control the planning and information gathering.
with surprise and without enemies of the Empire, all while dancing a fine line to
honor. The shinobi are
a weapon of war, but
avoid falling to true villainy themselves. For the Bay- The Yogo Family
they are often used in ushi, the means are justified by the ends: a stable and
times of peace to hide the prosperous Empire. Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Void
origin of an attack and Skill Increases: +1 Composition, +1 Theology
deflect blame for drastic
The Shosuro Family Glory: 39 Starting Wealth: 4 koku
but precise violence. The
The Yogo family is the most unfortunate family in the
use of such tactics, and
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water Empire: each scion of their line is cursed to betray the
the shinobi themselves,
are officially banned Skill Increases: +1 Courtesy, +1 Performance one they love the most. They try to ignore the curse by
by Imperial edict, but Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 6 koku burying themselves in their work and devotion to duty
somehow rumors of their When the Shosuro family is known to outsiders, it is above all. To try to lift this curse, they have relentlessly
use remain. for their acting talent and theatrical skills. Little does studied prayers of protection and especially wards,
the Empire realize how fully the Shosuro embrace their through which they have mastered many techniques to
roles; many of the finest Scorpion spies are Shosuro identify and fight evil magic. The Yogo are the most
living as other people among the clans. While they are diligent and unappreciated servants of the Scorpion.
master entertainers, they are often asked to turn their
skills in acrobatics, acting, and other arts to darker and
bloodier ends for their clan.



New Schools Martial Skills

Skl. Grp.

The following are new schools that PCs can select as Games Skill

part of character creation. Skulduggery Skill
General Kata Rank 1  Tech. Grp.
Bayushi Deathdealer School = Deceitful Strike Techniques with bolded
 Technique
[Bushi, Shinobi] names are new to this
Spiteful Loss  Technique book and can be found
The school of warriors Bayushi founded trains under starting on page 113.
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
the principle that it is always better to be underesti-
Martial Arts (Melee) Skill
mated. Its doors are open to any aspirant who can sur-
vive its rigors, but its secrets are concealed to those Meditation Skill

who are not cunning and inventive enough to uncover Skulduggery Skill
them. Its curriculum includes the bow, the sword, and
Air Shūji Rank 1–2  Tech. Grp.
subtler weapons still. The school also teaches iaijutsu—
= Deadly Sting  Technique
but students are always reminded that it is merely a
tool of power like any other. Every tool has its proper Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade  Technique
place and proper uses, and the Bayushi Deathdealer Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
school gives its students the widest arsenal available.
Courtesy Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Cour- Smithing Skill

tesy, +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts (Melee), +1 Martial Arts Survival Skill

(Ranged), +1 Tactics, +1 Sentiment, +1 Skulduggery Close Combat Kata Rank 1–3  Tech. Grp.
Honor: 40
= Cunning Distraction  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji
Starting Techniques: All Shall Fear Me  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Air, Striking as Fire
Command Skill
$$ Shūji: Assess Strengths
Games Skill

Way of the Scorpion (School Ability): When you exploit Tactics Skill
a target’s disadvantage (see Turning Advantages and
Ranged Kata Rank 1–4  Tech. Grp.
Disadvantages, page 100 of the core rulebook) as part
= A Samurai's Fate  Technique
of an Initiative check for a duel or an Attack action, you
do not need to spend a Void point, and you may reroll Rallying Cry  Technique
additional dice up to your school rank. Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ashigaru armor,
Martial Arts (Melee) Skills
daishō, knife, shinobigatana or folding half bow,
traveling pack. Martial Arts (Ranged) Skill

Tactics Skill
Kata Rank 1–5  Tech. Grp.
= Stillness of Death  Technique
Hidden in Smoke  Technique

Strike First, Strike Last (Mastery Ability):

When you inflict a critical strike during a

duel or skirmish, treat the deadliness of

your weapon as increased by the difference
between your initiative and your target's
initiative (subtracting the lower of the two
initiative values from the higher).


Social Skills Skl. Grp.

Sentiment Skill
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill

Skulduggery Skill
Rank 1 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Fanning the Flames  Technique
The Weight of Duty  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Skulduggery Skill

Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
Rank 1–2 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Dazzling Performance  Technique
Veiled Menace Style  Technique
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Culture Skill

Bayushi Manipulator School [Courtier] Sentiment Skill
Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Through the adept use of deception, temptation, and
= Wolf’s Proposal  Technique
espionage, Bayushi-trained courtiers are the masters
of finding and exploiting the weaknesses of others. No = Skulk  Technique
method is too dishonorable as long as it is effective and Social Skills Skl. Grp.
untraceable. The Bayushi Manipulators are the shadow to
Aesthetics Skill
The Scorpion are loyal the Doji Diplomats’ light, and they are justly feared by all.
and pragmatic above Yet, no court is complete without its Scorpion scoundrel. Sentiment Skill

all, and so their schools The Bayushi Manipulators accept their roles as villains Medicine Skill
teach absolute loyalty to
in the play that is Rokugan, and in doing so, they help
the clan as much as they Rank 1–4 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
teach the means by which ensure that no true villains rise to threaten the Emperor.
= Buoyant Arrival  Technique
the clan achieves its ends. Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire
The differences between Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Cour- = Deadly Sting  Technique
appearances and reality, tesy, +1 Design, +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Perfor-
lies and truths, suspicion Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
mance, +1 Sentiment, +1 Skulduggery
and trust—and more im- Courtesy Skills
portantly, how and when to Honor: 35
use which—are all driven Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Performance Skill

home in their students, Starting Techniques: Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

point by painful point.
Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
$$ Shūji: = Lord Bayushi’s Whispers
Bend with the Storm  Technique
$$ Shūji (choose one): Cadence, Rustling of
Leaves Sear the Wound  Technique

Little Truths (Mastery Ability): When you

Weakness Is My Strength (School Ability): When you perform a check targeting another character
exploit a target’s disadvantage (see Turning Advantag- to which one of your advantages or disadvan-
es and Disadvantages, page 100) as part of a Scheme tages applies, you may choose another advan-
tage or disadvantage that shares a type with
action, you do not need to spend a Void point, and you it (see Advantages and Disadvantages, on

may reroll additional dice up to your school rank. page 99). Unless they have clear evidence to
the contrary, the target comes to believe that
Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, common clothes, you have the advantage or disadvantage you
traveling clothes, wakizashi (short sword), any one weap- chose instead of the one you actually have.
on of rarity 6 or lower, calligraphy set, traveling pack. If the target attempts to seize or exploit this
false advantage or disadvantage (see page
101), their check automatically counts as fail-
ing with a shortfall of 3. They suffer 3 strife and
the Disoriented condition.

Shosuro Infiltrator School Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
[Shinobi, Courtier]
Courtesy Skill
The Shosuro Infiltrators have perfected the art of Performance Skill

deception. With their well-honed abilities in acrobatics,
Skulduggery Skill
disguise, and stealth, these Scorpion agents encounter
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
very few places to which they cannot gain access. As
agents of surprise and disruption, they do not stand = Veiled Menace Style  Technique
and fight, but instead sow chaos and vanish—usually to = Skulk  Technique
disguise what their mission actually was. Many a yōjim-
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
bō has thwarted an apparent assassination attempt
that was merely a distraction from the target the Sho- Fitness Skill
suro Infiltrators truly sought. Such infiltrators can vanish Performance Skill

into shadows or, with equal skill, mingle with peasants Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
to become invisible to the eyes of samurai.
Rank 1–2 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Courtesy, +1 Fitness, Lord Bayushi’s Whispers  Technique
+1 Games, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts = Noxious Cloud  Technique
[Unarmed], +1 Performance, +1 Skulduggery
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Honor: 30
Sentiment Skill
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Starting Techniques: Performance Skill

Skulduggery Skill
$$ Ninjutsu: = Deadly Sting
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
$$ Shūji (choose one): Whispers of Court, Sensa-
= Bravado  Technique
tional Distraction
Dazzling Performance  Technique
The Path of Shadows (School Ability): While perform-
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
ing an Attack action against a target who is Compro-
mised, Incapacitated, Unconscious, or unaware of your Sentiment Skill
presence, treat the damage and deadliness of your Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

weapon as being increased by your school rank. Skulduggery Skill

Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, common clothes,
Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
traveling clothes, daishō (katana and wakizashi), knife,
= Silencing Stroke  Technique
yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, traveling pack.
A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skills
Performance Skill

Skulduggery Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Buoyant Arrival  Technique
Sear the Wound  Technique

The Final Silence (Mastery Ability, Action):

As an Attack and Movement action, you may
make a TN 4 Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Air)
check targeting any number of minion NPCs

at range 0–4.
If you succeed during a narrative scene,
you silently kill all targets over the course of a
few minutes. If you succeed during a conflict
scene, at the end of each of your turns, you
may silently kill one of these targets at range
0–2 (in addition to your other actions).


The Soshi Illusionist School Trade Skills Skl. Grp.

teaches its students invo- Courtesy Skill
cations using Fortunist
names, as their practices Fitness Skill
arose from the traditional RANK 1 Theology Skill
worship of the Fortunes—
under the guidance of the Rank 1 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
mysterious Soshi founder. = Mask of Wind
(See Invocation Names
 Technique
and Traditions on page = Skulk  Technique
190 in Chapter 4:
Techniques). Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Medicine Skill
Sentiment Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–2 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Vapor of Nightmares  Technique
Soshi Illusionist School
Lord Bayushi’s Whispers  Technique
[Shugenja, Courtier, Shinobi]
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
The Soshi Illusionist School is the school of whispers and
Games Skill
shadows. “Subtlety” is the illusionists’ watchword as
Courtesy Skill they go about their tasks. Even their religious rituals and

Skulduggery Skill duties tend to be understated, though they are no less

Rank 1–3 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
faithfully executed. When the Scorpion need spiritual aid
in court, their subtle invocations and keen understanding
= False Realm of the Fox Spirits  Technique
of the kami allow them to work their prayers unseen and
= Noxious Cloud  Technique unheard. The Soshi Illusionists are among the most practi-
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. cal shugenja in the Empire, preferring discriminating and
effective use of invocation over pomp and ceremony.
Performance Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water
Sentiment Skill Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Courtesy, +1 Fitness, +1

Theology Skill Games, +1 Performance, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Theology

Rank 1–4 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. Honor: 30
= Deadly Sting
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
 Technique
Shūji ()
Rise, Air  Technique Starting Techniques:
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Invocations (choose three): Bō of Water, Cloak
Courtesy Skills
of Night, Nature’s Touch, Token of Memory
Fitness Skill

$$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits

Skulduggery Skill
$$ Shūji: All in Jest
Rank 1–5 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Buoyant Arrival  Technique The Kami’s Whisper (School Ability): While you are
= Silencing Stroke
performing an invocation technique or channeling, char-
 Technique
acters with a vigilance lower than or equal to your school
World of Shadows (Mastery Ability): You rank plus one cannot detect any physical sign that you
may spend 1 Void point to attempt to estab- are in the act of invoking the spirits. They can still observe
lish that something in the scene has been
an illusion all along. This could be an object, effects of the invocation, however.
image of a person, or other illusory phenom- Increase the TN of Theology checks to detect or
enon you could summon with an invocation.
You must make the check to summon this
study your supernatural activities by your school rank.

illusion using an invocation, with adjustments Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, inconspicuous
to the TN for plausibility determined by the garb, wakizashi (short sword), knife, scroll satchel,
GM. If you succeed, you reveal that the thing
you chose is in fact an illusion you wove, and traveling pack.
has been for at least a few moments. If you
fail, your character clearly did not think to set
up an illusion—the object is as it appears.
As with all matters, the GM has final say over
acceptable uses of this ability.


Artisan Skills Skl. Grp. Yogo Preserver School [Shugenja]

Culture Skill Like all Scorpion, Yogo Preservers view their duty to the
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill Emperor as being beyond the considerations of honor.

Theirs is a special task, bound to the cursed destiny of

Theology Skill
the original Yogo—protecting shrines that contain arti-
Rank 1 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp. facts best lost to history, such as the Black Scrolls. Using
Cloak of Night  Technique their paper servants called shikigami, these somber indi-
Reflections of P’an Ku  Technique viduals poison, murder, and thieve—in the name of stav-
ing off the darkness that threatens all Rokugan.
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Void
Aesthetics Skill Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Cour-
Courtesy Skill tesy, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Sentiment, +1 Skul-

duggery, +1 Theology
Skulduggery Skill
Honor: 38
Rank 1–2 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
= Hands of the Tides  Technique Shūji ()
= Skulk  Technique Starting Techniques:

Trade Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Invocations: By the Light of the Lord Moon,
Government Skill = Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin, Yari of Air

Smithing Skill $$ Rituals: = Craft Shikigami, Threshold Barrier


Theology Skill
Warded Shikigami (School Ability): You can have a
Rank 1–3 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp. number of additional shikigami (see page 115) up to
Vapor of Nightmares  Technique your school rank. Once per scene, after you perform an
= Wings of the Phoenix  Technique action, you may instruct one of your shikigami to perform
an action, for which it benefits from your assistance.
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, sanctified robes,
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill concealed armor, wakizashi, bō (staff), traveling pack.
Performance Skill

Sentiment Skill
Rank 1–4 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Silencing Stroke  Technique
Suijin’s Embrace  Technique
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Culture Skill
Government Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Ever-Changing Waves  Technique
Tomb of Jade  Technique

Kingdom of Paper and Ink (Mastery Abili-

ty): When one of your shikigami performs an

action, it may spend  as follows:

+: Another one of your shikigami at range
0–3 of you may perform an action. Increase
the  cost of this ability by  for each of
your shikigami that has acted this turn.


Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Yogo Wardmaster School [Shugenja] YOGO INVOCATIONS

Composition Skill Founded by Asako Yogo when he joined the Scorpion Founded by Yogo, a
shugenja formerly of the
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill clan, the Yogo Wardmaster dōjō is the Empire’s fore-

Phoenix Clan, the Yogo

most school of gyosetsudō, the art of supernatural Wardmasters continue to
Skulduggery Skill
warding through mystical calligraphy. Entrusted with the use the Elemental names
Rank 1 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. protection of the twelve Black Scrolls, the Yogo devel- for invocations. (See
= Civility Foremost  Technique oped their founder’s techniques to prevent the scrolls’ Invocation Names and
Traditions on page 190
Path to Inner Peace  Technique detection by dark forces and contain their corrupting in Chapter 4: Techniques).
power. By inscribing sigils of power onto slips of paper
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
imbued with their ki, masters of this school can erect
Composition Skill invisible barriers, bind spirits, and foil incantations. For
Skulduggery Skill the Yogo, an ounce of preparation is more than enough.

Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water

Theology Skill
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Composition,
Rank 1–2 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
+1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts
= Ebb and Flow  Technique [Unarmed], +1 Meditation, +1 Theology
Embrace of Kenro-ji-jin  Technique Honor: 40
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Shūji ()
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill Starting Techniques:
Performance Skill

$$ Invocations (choose two): Jade Strike, Grasp

Theology Skill
of Earth, The Rushing Wave
Rank 1–3 Fire Invocations  Tech. Grp.
$$ Shūji: Shallow Waters
= Open-Hand Style  Technique
$$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits, Threshold
Earth Becomes Sky  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Mystical Script (School Ability): You can have a number
Composition Skill
of additional wards with prepared invocations (see page
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill 190) up to your school rank. Decoding or using one of

Skulduggery Skill your wards requires any other character to make a The-
Rank 1–4 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. ology (Void) check with TN equal to your school rank.
Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, concealed
= Skulk  Technique
armor, wakizashi (short sword), bō (staff) or
Rise, Water  Technique knife, three shuriken (throwing stars),
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. calligraphy set, scroll satchel,
traveling pack.
Composition Skills
Performance Skill

Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Deadly Sting  Technique
Tomb of Jade  Technique

Bound in Ink (Mastery Ability): Once per

scene, when you are targeted by an invoca-

tion or mahō technique, you may resist with

a TN 4 Composition check. If you succeed,
you absorb the invocation or mahō, nullifying
all of its effects and creating a ward contain-
ing it (see page 190) .

CULTURE The Unicorn Clan
What does your
Ring Increase: +1 Water
character know?
The Unicorn Clan values
novelty and flexibility of Skill Increase: +1 Survival
tradition in a way that
Status: 30
other clans do not. Mem- All Unicorn Clan characters have a greater
bers of the Unicorn Clan A thousand years ago, the Ki-Rin Clan rode out of
awareness of the following topics:
tend to be very receptive Rokugan, seeking to discover enemies hiding beyond
to new ideas and cultural the Emerald Empire’s borders. Their journey was $$ You have a general awareness of the
elements without fearing
arduous, and they found many strange and power- politics within Unicorn lands. You can
the loss or erosion of their
own, for they preserved ful threats. In defeating each one, the clan learned, name major family heads and other
a consistent culture changing its fighting styles, magical practices, and leaders, and you know their respective
throughout their long even philosophy. To survive, it was forced to adapt— positions and allegiances.
centuries of journeying. and overcome. After eight centuries of wandering, the
However, the Unicorn are
Clan of the Wind returned to the Empire as the Unicorn
$$ You know many basic facts of life about
driven by an ambition foreign lands, particularly the Burn-
that is not easy to quell, Clan. They wear fur, speak foreign tongues, and wield
strange weapons. Although they still revere the Kami ing Sands, the Ivory Kingdoms, and
and those seen as lacking
in drive are often pushed Shinjo, they have drifted far from the traditions and beyond, even if you have not journeyed
out by more aggressive
ways of the Emerald Empire. there yourself.
members of the clan.
Shinjo’s descendants are known for their skill as rid- $$ You know at least some foreign words
ers, skirmishers, and messengers, and many are trained from numerous languages, such as
in foreign fighting techniques or schools of philosophy. Nehiri, Ivindi, Myantu, and Portuga,
People expect them to be worldly and gregarious, and might fluently speak one of these
if perhaps a bit rough around the edges in polite or even a language wholly unknown in
Rokugani society, given that many members of the Emerald Empire.
the clan spend much of their lives ranging $$ You know the basics of mounted com-
across the wilds in Unicorn lands
bat tactics, along with various other
and beyond.
aspects of the proper handling and
care of horses.

What Does Bushidō

Mean to Your Clan?
Compassion is the most significant tenet
of Bushidō to the Unicorn Clan, for mutual
understanding and cooperation was the key
to the clan’s survival during its long journey
across the wider world. On this journey, mem-
bers of the Unicorn Clan met many people
with a wide variety of beliefs, cultures, and
values, and they became far more accus-
tomed to coexistence with strange outsiders
than are most Great Clan samurai.
The Unicorn Clan has had several centu-
ries to acclimate to the Emerald Empire, to
which it has returned, but the customs and
culture they adopted during their travels
remain a powerful force within the clan. These
customs often clash with the Rokugani con-
cept of Courtesy, and the Unicorn’s seeming
dismissal of Rokugani politeness is one of the
most contentious ways in which Shinjo’s clan
differs from those of her siblings.
See page 301 for more information on
how these can affect your honor and glory.

Unicorn Clan Families their stocky builds and the heavy beards of their men, to
their style of dress, the Moto seem foreign and strange
to Rokugani samurai. Indeed, the Moto have no use for
The Ide Family the soft trappings of what some call civilization; they
are nomadic warriors seeking the next battle, and they
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water
embrace that harsh life. While their heritage and culture
Skill Increases: +1 Commerce, +1 Courtesy
are often questioned in Rokugan, their bravery is not.
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 9 koku
The Ide tirelessly serve as diplomats, couriers, and mer-
chants across Rokugan. While they are Unicorn through
The Shinjo Family
and through, the Ide have learned to blend their for- Ring Increase: +1 Fire or +1 Water
eign customs with the traditions of the Empire to better Skill Increases: +1 Sentiment, +1 Survival
treat with their cousins. The Ide work to radiate calm Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 8 koku
and competence, seeking to build alliances and friend- The Shinjo are the core of the Unicorn, the clan of
ships throughout the Empire. explorers who followed their Kami, Shinjo, into the dan-
gerous world beyond the Empire. This love of discovery
The Iuchi Family has not left the Shinjo, and they travel widely when they
can. They administrate and lead the Unicorn, working to
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Void
keep all of the parts of the clan yoked together. Master
Skill Increases: +1 Meditation, +1 Theology
equestrians and scouts, the Shinjo pursue peace, but
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 5 koku
never flinch from the prospect of war.
The Iuchi are a priestly family, whose practices stretch
back to the time before the Unicorn returned to
Rokugan. Iuchi shugenja practice a unique form of sor-
The Utaku Family
cery known as meishōdō, the art of using talismans and Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire
names to manipulate the spirits. Their history makes Skill Increases: +1 Survival, +1 Tactics
them more open to exploring different mystical paths Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 6 koku
than are those bound by centuries of tradition. No other Unicorn family has so deeply and spiritual-
ly embraced Bushidō as the Utaku, who embody it in
The Moto Family their elite Battle Maidens, the Shiotome. The matriar-
chal Utaku allow only their women to ride to war; the
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire
Utaku men serve afoot as infantry and in the stables and
Skill Increases: +1 Command, +1 Survival
households, making them unusual among their own clan.
Glory: 40 Starting Wealth: 6 koku
There is no finer heavy cavalry in the Empire than the
The Moto are considered to be the least civilized of the
Battle Maidens, and no finer equerries than Utaku men.
Unicorn families by the standards of the Empire. From

UNICORN SCHOOLS Trade Skills Skl. Grp.

Courtesy Skill
In a holdover from the
Unicorn’s days journeying Fitness Skill
the Burning Sands and RANK 1 Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
beyond, every Unicorn
child learns to ride, pack, Rank 1 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
and travel to where they
= Feigned Opening  Technique
are needed most at a mo-
ment’s notice. More than Hawk's Precision  Technique
other schools, Unicorn
dōjō are innovative in Social Skills Skl. Grp.
the development of their Commerce Skill
techniques and receptive
to borrowing methods Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

and equipment from other

Survival Skill
cultures. They do not
take pride in upholding Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
tradition so much as they = Ebb and Flow  Technique
value forging their own
traditions to best serve Lady Shinjo's Speed  Technique
their clan.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Aesthetics Skill
Commerce Skill

Games Skill Ide Trader School [Courtier]

Rank 1–3 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp. The ever-friendly face of the Unicorn is the Ide. Ide
= Pillar of Calm  Technique Traders always attempt to solve problems with nego-
tiation first and foremost, as they know any business
All Arts are One  Technique
dealings between friends and equals forge bonds as
Social Skills Skl. Grp. strong as steel. While some of the other clans think of
Aesthetics Skill the Ide as soft, none can point to when they were able
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill to take advantage of this perceived weakness. The Ide

Traders ignore insults and politely welcome compli-

Sentiment Skill
ments in equal measure. They have a vast knowledge
Rank 1–4 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp. of cultures, both Rokugani and foreign, which allows
= Sear the Wound  Technique them to tailor their dealings with precision.
Regal Bearing  Technique Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Commerce, +1 Cour-
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
tesy, +1 Games, +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1
Command Skills Medicine, +1 Survival
Fitness Skill Honor: 45

Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()

Games Skill
Starting Techniques:
Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Bend with the Storm  Technique $$ Shūji: = Tributaries of Trade

The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique $$ Shūji (choose one): Cadence, Shallow Waters

A Friend in Every City (Mastery Ability): As Vendor of Strange Wares: Ignore the Forbidden qual-
a downtime activity in any place of human
habitation, you may make a TN 4 Commerce ity when acquiring and handling items.
(Water) check to find a merchant with whom

When acquiring, selling, or gifting an item, you

you (or your relatives) have done business. may treat its rarity as reduced or increased by your
If you succeed, you find this individual
and gain the Ally advantage for them (see school rank.
page 101), which predisposes them to assist Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, wakizashi (short
you in various ways. sword), yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, calligraphy set, trav-
eling pack, Unicorn warhorse (see page 326), journal.


Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Iuchi Meishōdō Master School IUCHI INVOCATIONS
[Shugenja, Artisan]
Courtesy Skill
As they developed their
Design Skill The Unicorn understanding of magic and the spirits has traditions with help from

been greatly influenced by their years exploring outside sorcerers in the Burning
Survival Skill Sands, the Iuchi Meishōdō
the Empire, and the making of magical talismans remains
Rank 1 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp. Masters know invocations
the focus of their craft, meishōdō. The Iuchi Meishōdō
by Foreign names. (See
= Sympathetic Energies  Technique Masters’ magic is unique among Rokugan’s shugenja; Invocation Names and
Cleansing Rite  Technique using words of power taught to them by foreign sorcer- Traditions on page 190
ers, they bind the spirits into talismans, which can then in Chapter 4: Techniques).
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
be gifted to others to use. Their heritage makes the Iuchi
Design Skill one of most open-minded of the shugenja families.
Theology Skill Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water

Survival Skill Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Aesthetics, +1

Design, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Meditation, +1
Rank 1–2 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Survival, +1 Theology
= Hands of the Tides  Technique Honor: 40
Artisan’s Appraisal  Technique Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
Shūji ()
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Performance Skill
Survival Skill $$ Invocations (choose two): Grasp of Earth,

Jurōjin’s Balm, The Rushing Wave

Theology Skill
$$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits
Rank 1–3 Rituals  Tech. Grp.
= Rise, Earth  Technique
$$ Shūji (choose one): Ancestry Unearthed, Well
of Desire
Dazzling Performance  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp. The Way of Names (School Ability): As a downtime
activity, you may make a TN 2 Design check using any
Medicine Skill
ring to bind a spirit to an inanimate vessel, creating a
Survival Skill meishōdō talisman for one invocation of that Element

Theology Skill that you have learned. While you have the talisman
Rank 1–4 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. in your possession, reduce the TN of checks to acti-
= Rouse the Soul vate that invocation by 1. You can give the talisman to
 Technique
another shugenja, allowing them to perform that invo-
A Samurai’s Fate  Technique cation even if they have not learned it and reducing the
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp. TN to activate it by 1, but the talisman ceases to func-
Culture Skills tion after a number of uses equal to your school rank.
You can sustain a number of meishōdō talismans up
Survival Skill

to your school rank. You can only have one meishōdō

Theology Skill talisman for any single invocation.
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp. Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes,
wakizashi (short sword), one weapon of rarity 6 or low-
The Soul’s Blade  Technique
er, calligraphy set, traveling pack, Unicorn warhorse (see
Ever-Changing Waves  Technique page 326).
The Spirits Unbound (Mastery Ability): At
the end of your turn, you may spend 1 or
more Void points to unleash the powers within

an equal number of your meishōdō talismans,

destroying these talismans and freeing the
entities within. You may immediately perform
each of the invocations for which the talismans
were created, reducing the TN by 3.


Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Moto Avenger School [Shugenja]
Command Skill The Moto revere life, death, and the passage between
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill the two. Life comes from the meeting of earth and

sky as the rain falls to the plains; at death, the two are
Survival Skill
divided, for the body returns to the soil while the spirit
Rank 1 Rituals  Tech. Grp. returns to the sky. Moto spiritualists work to guide spir-
= Bind the Shadow  Technique its to their proper place, that they may return to the
eternal cycle, keeping the cosmos in balance. Howev-
Caress of Earth  Technique
er, some beings defy the cycle through heresies such as
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. undeath—and Moto Avengers are specialists trained to
Culture Skill rectify such perversions of the natural order. The many
Medicine Skill Moto who have became Tainted within the Shadow-

lands have drawn Avengers from the distant corners of

Theology Skill
the Moto lands, that they might destroy these abom-
Rank 1–2 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. inations and free the spirits of their fallen comrades.
= Essence of Jade  Technique Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth
= Touchstone of Courage  Technique Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Courtesy, +1 Cul-
ture, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Sentiment, +1 Surviv-
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
al, +1 Theology
Courtesy Skill Honor: 44
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill Techniques Available: Air and Earth Invocations (),

Rituals (), Shūji ()

Tactics Skill
Starting Techniques:
Rank 1–3 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Earthquake  Technique $$ Invocations: Grasp of Earth, Tempest of Air

Earth Becomes Sky  Technique $$ Shūji: Ancestry Unearthed, Honest Assessment

Social Skills Skl. Grp. Hands of Earth and Sky (School Ability): When you
Medicine Skill perform an invocation that targets at least one other
Sentiment Skill character, if you succeed, you may nourish or drain:

If you nourish, you may receive fatigue up to your

Theology Skill
school rank. One target removes fatigue equal to the
Rank 1–4 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp. amount you received.
Rise, Air  Technique If you drain, you may remove an amount of fatigue
Wolf’s Proposal  Technique from yourself up to your school rank. One target
receives fatigue equal to the amount you removed.
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ashigaru armor,
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill wakizashi, scroll satchel, finger of jade, traveling pack.
Performance Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Tomb of Jade  Technique

Empathic Transfer (Mastery Ability): When

you nourish, you may remove one condition

the target is suffering by transferring it to

yourself. When you drain, you may remove
one condition you are suffering by transfer-
ring it to one of your targets.

Moto Conqueror School [Bushi] Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
While most Unicorn dōjō focus on swift and complex Command Skill
techniques, the martial style of the Moto Conquerer Performance Skill

favors straightforward, unrelenting force. They fight
Survival Skill
loudly, use sweeping movements, and wield weap-
ons many Rokugani do not recognize. As a result, few Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
samurai know how to react to the Moto style, let alone = Crescent Moon Style  Technique
defend against it. Other clans consider the Moto to be Stir the Embers  Technique
barbarians, and the horde uses this to their advantage.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
If the Empire will not make an effort to understand the
Moto’s ways, then how can they stand against them? Performance Skill
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Water Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fit-
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
ness, +1 Performance, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Mar-
tial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Survival, +1 Tactics Rank 1–2 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Honor: 35 = Heartpiercing Strike  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Veiled Menace Style  Technique
Starting Techniques:
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Shūji (choose one): = Lightning Raid, Fitness Skill
= Slippery Maneuvers
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

$$ Shūji: All in Jest Tactics Skill

Swirling Desert Wind (School Ability): When per- Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
forming an Attack action during a skirmish or mass bat- = Bravado  Technique
tle, you may spend  as follows: Dazzling Performance  Technique
: Choose an enemy other than your target whom
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
you can perceive. Increase the TN of that enemy’s
Attack checks targeting you by your school rank until Command Skill
the start of your next turn. Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, concealed armor,

Tactics Skill
daishō (scimitar and wakizashi), yumi (bow), quiver of
arrows, two knives, traveling pack, Unicorn warhorse Rank 1–4 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
(see page 326). = Striking as Void  Technique
Crashing Wave Style  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skills
Government Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Sear the Wound  Technique
Buoyant Arrival  Technique

Scouring Sirocco (Mastery Ability): Once


per round, after you inflict the Incapacitated

condition on a target (or defeat a minion
NPC), you may perform a Strike action
against a different target.

Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Commerce Skill
Courtesy Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Pelting Hail Style  Technique
Cadence  Technique
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Flowing Water Strike  Technique
= Dazzling Performance  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
Performance Skill

Survival Skill
Shinjo Outrider School [Bushi, Courtier]
Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
The core of the Unicorn military, the Shinjo Outriders = Crashing Wave Style  Technique
emphasize speed and flexibility. All Shinjo Outriders
learn the art of reconnaissance and how to get the most Crimson Leaves Strike  Technique
out of their horses. No samurai is more mobile than a Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
mounted Shinjo Outrider. Their preferred weapon is the Command Skill
Shinjo horsebow, which they use with great accuracy
Skulduggery Skill

even while riding at a gallop. Trained to live off the land,

the Shinjo Outriders thoroughly learn the terrain of each Survival Skill
potential battlefield before having to fight over it. Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Fire = Bend with the Storm  Technique
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Commerce, +1 Mar-
tial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Medi- Bravado  Technique
cine, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Survival, +1 Tactics Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Honor: 40 Government Skills
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Meditation Skill
Starting Techniques:

Survival Skill
$$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Fire, Striking Rank 1–5 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
as Water
Pin the Fan  Technique
$$ Kata: = Lady Shinjo’s Speed
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Born in the Saddle (School Ability): Once per scene, I Will Always Return (Mastery Ability):
before rolling dice, you may declare that you are direct- Once per game session, you may call out for
ing your horse (who must be present) to aid in a task your steed. At the beginning of the following

round, your horse arrives, regardless of any

and describe how its efforts help in those circumstanc- barriers that might normally have prevented
es. Reduce the TN of the check by your school rank. it from reaching your location. If your steed
has recently been slain, its spirit will possess
Starting Outfit: Ashigaru armor, traveling clothes, the closest horse to you and come to your
daishō (katana or scimitar, wakizashi), yumi (bow), quiv- aid regardless, such is its loyalty to you.
er of arrows, knife, traveling pack, Unicorn warhorse
(see page 326).


Utaku Battle Maiden School [Bushi] Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
The most traditional and prestigious of the Unicorn Clan’s Command Skill
schools, the Shiotome, or “Battle Maidens,” are revered Smithing Skill

as legendary cavalry. The dōjō only accepts women who
Survival Skill
carry the Utaku name, and even then prospective stu-
dents must meet stringent standards of prowess and Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
honor. This is the only school in the Empire that teaches = Lady Shinjo's Speed  Technique
the secrets required to tame the powerful Utaku steeds, Striking as Air  Technique
massive warhorses that refuse all other riders. In battle,
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
graceful, continuous movements mark their style, as
does their unnerving serenity. Even when charging into Fitness Skill
the fray, Battle Maidens often move in utter silence. Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth
Tactics Skill
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fit-
ness, +1 Government, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Rank 1–2 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Meditation, +1 Smithing, +1 Survival = Thunderclap Strike  Technique
Honor: 50 Rushing Avalanche Style  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Medicine Skill
$$ Kata (choose one): = Crescent Moon Style, Survival Skill

= Iron Forest Style
Theology Skill
$$ Kata: Warrior’s Resolve
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Heroic Charge (School Ability): When you succeed = Pillar of Calm  Technique
at an Attack action check, add bonus successes equal Touchstone of Courage  Technique
to the number of range bands you have moved this
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
round, to a maximum of your school rank.
During a duel or mass battle, if you are mounted on Command Skill
your steed, you always count as having moved a num- Fitness Skill

ber of range bands equal to your school rank this turn.

Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
Starting Outfit: Lacquered armor, ceremonial clothes,
daishō (katana or scimitar, wakizashi), yari (spear), yumi Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
(bow), quiver of arrows, knife, traveling pack, Utaku = Soul Sunder  Technique
steed (see page 327). Breath of Wind Style  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skills
Culture Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Bend with the Storm  Technique

Sensing the Breeze (Mastery Ability): Once


per round, after you defend against damage,

you may move 1 range band and you may
switch to a different stance.

There are many minor

clans in Rokugan, but
perhaps the most
famous—or certainly
the most infamous,
if you are in Crane
lands—are the Mantis.

Players who wish to

build a Mantis character

What does your

can do so using the
clan, family, and schools
provided here. The
Worldly Rōnin school character know?
on page 87 of the core
rulebook is also a good
The Mantis Minor Clan All Mantis Clan characters have a greater
school for a Mantis awareness of the following topics:
Ring Increase: +1 Water
character, especially
one who joined the clan Skill Increases: +1 Seafaring
$$ You have a general awareness of the
later in life. Status: 25
politics of Crane and Crab lands, as well
The Mantis minor clan are a group of rugged sailors,
At the GM’s discretion, as ports many Mantis call home, such as
a Mantis character having grown from a loose alliance of merchants, rōnin,
Tempest Island and Thunder Dragon Bay.
could alternately study and castoff members of the Great Clans to a massive
at a Great Clan school, organization that operates along Rokugan’s coastline. $$ You know many basic facts of life about
or a character from a While the Crane Clan has historically been one of the lands accessible by sea, such as the
Great Clan could fall
Mantis’ major clients, recent political turmoil has pushed Isles of Silk and Spice, as well as foreign
in with these motley
seafarers. As with any them apart, and the Mantis have sought allies elsewhere lands like the Ivory Kingdoms.
character extending in the Empire. They sail from mainland ports to the Isles $$ You know at least some words from for-
beyond their clan’s of Silk and Spice and beyond, and rival the Unicorn Clan
teachings, the GM has
eign languages such as Ivindi, Myantu,
in their exposure to foreign cultures. Having risen from and Portuga, and might even be fluent.
final say over whether
a particular concept less than the Great Clans, they are not so quick to look
down upon those of lower station—but humble origins
$$ You know how to make yourself use-
is appropriate for the
story being told. do nothing to quell the ambitions of their dashing and ful aboard a ship, and are used to
piratical leader, Mantis Clan Champion Yoritomo. shipboard life.

The Families of the Fleet

What Does Bushidō
Ring Increase: +1 Fire or +1 Water Mean to Your Clan?
Skill Increases: +1 Commerce, +1 Survival
Glory: 36 Starting Wealth: 7 koku The Mantis believe that everyone must prove
For complicated historical reasons, the Mantis do not themself—higher station of birth carries certain
have a family name. Its samurai all belong to the Man- benefits, but comes with an expectation that
tis Clan fleet, however, and so they take their names an individual will achieve greater heights to
from the kobune ships they sail with. Tsuraikaze no match. Even the lowliest member of the clan
Kudaka (Kudaka of the Bitter Wind) or Susano-o no can advance if they serve exceptionally. Cour-
Hitoshi (Hitoshi of the Susano-o) are how they style age (Yu) holds a special place for the Mantis.
themselves, changing their names as they sign on with Most members have ancestors who were
different crews. Those Mantis who stay on land are born as commoners or fell from grace, so the
known by the port where they live, such as Kinushima Mantis is more tolerant of foibles than other
no Miaka or Tokigogachu no Tōya. clans. The Bushidō tenet of Honor (Meiyo) is
less important to members of the Mantis Clan.
See page 301 of the core rulebook for
more information on how these can affect
4 your honor and glory.

Trade Skills Skl. Grp. Storm Fleet Sailor School [Bushi]
Fitness Skill Osano-wo’s Boast is
Life on the seas between and beyond the Isles of Silk
a new technique that
Games Skill and Spice has made the Mantis Clan practical. Its sailors can be found on page

know most true fights do not take place in a dōjō, but in 7 of this document
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
wild ambushes and on the rocking decks of kobune. A (indicated by bold).
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp. sailor must know when to push their luck—and when to
= Skulk  Technique settle for what they have. Opportunists to the core, the
Shallow Waters  Technique warriors of the Mantis Storm Fleet eschew no weapon,
push every advantage, and yield only to the rolling sea.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Water
Commerce Skill Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Commerce, +1 Fitness,
Seafaring Skill +1 Games, +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts [Melee],

Survival Skill +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Seafaring

Honor: 35
Rank 1–2 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
= Flowing Water Strike  Technique Starting Techniques:
= Osano-wo’s Boast  Technique
$$ Kata: = Pelting Hail Style
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Shūji (choose one): All in Jest, Stirring
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
the Embers
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Sailor’s Fortune (School Ability): Once per round

Seafaring Skill
when making a Trade skill check, if you are not Com-
Rank 1–3 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp. promised, you may receive a number of strife up to
= Bravado  Technique your school rank to reroll that many rolled dice.
Heartpiercing Strike  Technique Starting Outfit: Sailor’s garb, wakizashi (short sword),
knife, any two weapons of rarity 6 or lower, yumi (bow),
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
quiver of arrows, traveling pack, rope (twenty feet),
Command Skill gambling set (cards or dice), fishing rod and line.
Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill

Tactics Skill
Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Buoyant Arrival  Technique
Crashing Wave Style  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Commerce Skills
Seafaring Skill

Sentiment Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
Sear the Wound  Technique

Storm Lord’s Gambit (Mastery Ability): You


may receive 1 additional strife to use your

Sailor’s Fortune ability on any check instead
of only a Trade skill check.

Storm Fleet Tide Seer [Shugenja]

The tenkinja are priests of the tide, trained in the ways
of reading the sea and appeasing the kami of wave and Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
storm. These seers have served the Mantis Clan for Fitness Skill
generations, and without their blessing at the outset of Labor Skill

a journey, even the most seasoned of Mantis sailors are
Seafaring Skill
uneasy to take to the open ocean. As with most Mantis
traditions, the tenkinja have no formal center of learn- Rank 1 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
ing, instead training individual apprentices during their = Summon Fog  Technique
journeys and periodically congregating in the Isles of Reflections of P’an Ku  Technique
Silk and Spice to share the wisdom they have attained.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Commerce, Fitness Skill
+1 Fitness, +1 Games, +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts Tactics Skill

[Melee], +1 Seafaring, +1 Theology
Theology Skill
Honor: 40
Techniques Available: Air and Water Invocations (), Rank 1–2 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Rituals (), Shūji () = Hand of the Tides  Technique
Starting Techniques: Call upon the Wind  Technique

$$ Invocations: Dominion of Suijin, Tempest of Air Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.

Performance Skill
$$ Invocations (choose one): Bō of Water, Path to
RANK 3 Seafaring Skill
Inner Peace, Yari of Air
Survival Skill
$$ Rituals: Commune with the Spirits, Divination
Rank 1–3 Rituals  Tech. Grp.
Eye of the Storm (School Ability): When an invocation = Fury of Osano-wo  Technique
technique you perform would affect "each character"
Osano-wo’s Boast  Technique
or "each other character" at a specified range, you
may exclude a number of characters up to your school Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
rank from all effects of the invocation except for spir- Command Skill
itual backlash (see page 190 of the core rulebook).
Games Skill

Starting Outfit: Sailor’s garb, wakizashi

(short sword), knife, any one weap- Theology Skill
on of rarity 6 or lower, traveling Rank 1–4 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
pack, divination set (cards, = Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami  Technique
shells, or dice).
Rise, Water  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skills
Seafaring Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Ever-Changing Waves  Technique
Rise, Air  Technique

Storm Surge (Mastery Ability): When you


perform an invocation that smites one or

more targets, treat each target’s supernatural
resistance as 1 lower per kept  symbol on
the check.

Deer Clan What Does Your

Player Characters Character Know?
Characters from the Deer Clan often possess hidden
agendas, and they must often walk a tightrope of All Deer characters have a greater awareness
weakening one side in a conflict just enough to bal- of the following topics:
ance it against its adversary, but without completely
$$ You have a strong awareness of the
destabilizing it. As such, scions of the Deer Clan are
specific traditions and plans of the
taught that developing strong feelings for anyone out-
Deer Clan, including details about the
side their clan is a risk, for they may one day have to
Fortune Musubi; the hidden history of
act against them. Of course, this aspiration is rarely
the clan; the clan’s current goals and
achieved, and the Deer are accepting of flaws—includ-
targets; and the groups it is seeking
ing this one.
to reinforce.

The Deer Minor Clan $$ You know about the general state of
political and military affairs between the
Ring Increase: +1 Air Great Clans and where the balance of
Skill Increase: +1 Sentiment power lies among them at the moment.
Status: 30
$$ You have a working knowledge of sur-
The Deer seek societal balance. When the Great Clans
vival in forested areas.
are equal in power, they strive to outdo each other,
but do not dare go to war. Oneness and harmony are $$ You are well aware of the traditions,
impossible ideals in a world where differences and con- etiquette, and processes of forming
flict are unavoidable. Therefore, when the Deer observe and breaking alliances, especially with
that one clan is strong and another weak, they strive to regard to marriage.
make them equal. They are manipulators, working for
balance within the Empire. Shika Matchmakers mingle
with high society to collect information and guide the What Does Bushidō
courts, while Speardancers carry out secret missions in
the shadows. They save and they destroy, all for the
Mean to Your Clan?
sake of balance. The Deer believe that nobody can follow all
aspects of Bushidō at once, as such would
The Shika Family require an impossibly perfect person. There-
fore, they believe that individuals and organi-
Ring Increase: +1 Water or +1 Fire
zations should strive to embody one or more
Skill Increases: +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture
of Bushidō’s aspects in each of their actions
Glory: 35 Starting Wealth: 5 koku
rather than maintain all at once. By making
The Shika family are the descendants of the clan’s
a particular action conform to one element
founders and their first followers. Members of the
of Bushidō and then taking a different action
Shika family support one another with encourage-
that conforms to another, the individual and
ment and acceptance, but this love is reserved for the
the group alike can achieve true balance.
Deer alone. Outside of their borders, the Shika learn
The Deer have a dual nature, so Sincerity
to silence their hearts and coldly observe people as
is of lesser importance to them. Additionally,
means to their Clan’s ends. They are taught they must
because the Deer can see the deep bonds
be personable without letting their bonds with outsid-
between others, but must often blunt their
ers grow too deep, deadly without spilling too much
own emotions to prevent forming such con-
blood, and flawed while remaining confident and calm.
nections with future foes, Compassion is of
Unsurprisingly, many do not live up to these ideals.
less importance to them. What the Deer lack
in Sincerity and Compassion they make up
for in their sense of Duty and Loyalty—Duty
and Loyalty to other members of the clan, to
Musubi, and to balance itself.
See page 301 of the core rulebook for
more information on how these can affect
your honor and glory.


Shika Matchmaker School Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
[Courtier, Shugenja]
Courtesy Skill
Shika Matchmakers are shugenja guided by Musubi, Games Skill ROKUGAN

the secretive Fortune who binds together the fates of
Meditation Skill Shika Matchmakers are
people. While they are skilled in the art of invocation,
Air Invocations Rank 1  Tech. Grp. hardly the only match-
their greatest power is their ability to see the bonds
makers in Rokugan—
people form—with other people and with destiny. A Ancestry Unearthed  Technique while they possess unique
practitioner of Musubu can sense the future results of Fun and Games  Technique abilities, the job is done
fortuitous or inopportune matches, and they use this by many people, and the
Social Skills Skl. Grp. process has certain simi-
information to serve the Deer Clan’s goal of achieving a
Medicine Skill larities in many parts of
balanced world. Although most of their matches prove Rokugan. A matchmaker,
successful for all involved, occasionally a couple’s hap- Sentiment Skill or nakōdo, meets with

piness must be sacrificed for some greater goal. noble patrons who seek
Theology Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water guidance in forming
Water Shūji Rank 1–2  Tech. Grp. familial, financial,
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Composition,
political, or romantic
+1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Meditation, +1 Senti- = Strike the Tsunami  Technique relationships. Using a
ment, +1 Theology Civility Foremost  Technique method of introduction
Honor: 50 called hashikake, the
Social Skills Skl. Grp. matchmaker hosts
Techniques Available: Air and Water Invocations,
meetings to determine
Rituals, Shūji Commerce Skill
the strength of a pairing.
Starting Techniques: Culture Skill If the exchange goes

smoothly, the matchmaker

$$ Ritual: = The Ties that Bind Government Skill
plays the role of mediator,
Water Invocations Rank 1–3  Tech. Grp. eventually stepping back
$$ Invocation: Yari of Air to monitor the relation-
= Rise, Air  Technique
$$ Invocation (choose two): Blessed Wind, Path to ship from afar.
Inner Peace, = Sympathetic Energies, Tempest of Air The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Gift of Musubi-no-Kami (School Ability): You may
Meditation Skill
perform The Ties that Bind ritual as an action, instead
of as a downtime activity. When you make a check to Sentiment Skill

perform this ritual, you may add kept  set to  results Theology Skill
equal to your school rank.
Air Invocations Rank 1–4  Tech. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes,
= Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami  Technique
wakizashi, tea set.
Treaty Signing  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Composition Skill

Performance Skill
Air Shūji Rank 1–5  Tech. Grp.
Buoyant Arrival  Technique
Formal Tea Ceremony  Technique

Curse of Musubi-no-Kami (Mastery Ability):

Once per scene, after successfully perform-
ing the Ties that Bind ritual, you may spend

1 Void point to catch a glimpse of all major

future consequences of the relationship iden-
tified by the ritual. You also learn of one other
relationship between your target and another
character that will guarantee that the conse-
quences you predict will not come to pass.


Shika Speardancer School Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
[Bushi, Shinobi]
Games Skill
Shika Speardancers are yōjimbō and shinobi, but to Skulduggery Skill

the outside world, they are simply seen as messen-
Survival Skill
gers, known well for their swiftness and neutrality. They
deliver urgent or romantic missives to both dignitaries Air Shūji Rank 1  Tech. Grp.
and lovers throughout Rokugan. The Deer Clan directs = Like a Ghost  Technique
its Speardancers to monitor targets deemed crucial Soaring Slice  Technique
to maintaining or restoring balance in Rokugan. Their
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
cover as couriers frees them to work as bodyguards
or assassins without drawing attention. Speardancers Courtesy Skill
exude fierce independence and tenacity. These wild Culture Skill

warriors focus on becoming an extension of their yari, Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
practicing a unique set of kata that combine dizzying
Close Combat Kata Rank 1–2  Tech. Grp.
spins, lightning-speed twirls, and deadly accuracy.
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire = To Float or Sink  Technique
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Martial Arts [Melee], Crescent Moon Style  Technique
+1 Meditation, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Survival, +1 Fit-
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
ness, +1 Sentiment, +1 Courtesy
Honor: 35 Smithing Skill
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shūji Games Skill

Starting Techniques: Skulduggery Skill

$$ Kata: Trip the Leg General Kata Rank 1–3  Tech. Grp.
= Slicing Wind Kick  Technique
$$ Kata (choose 1): Striking as Air, Striking as Fire
Pole Vault  Technique
Typhoon in the Bamboo Grove (School Ability):
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
When making a Martial Arts [Melee] or Fitness check,
you may spend   to cause a number of characters Command Skill
no greater than your school rank and within range of Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

your readied weapon to suffer the Dazed condition. Survival Skill

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, stealth cloth-
Fire Shūji Rank 1–4  Tech. Grp.
ing or ashigaru armor, yari or kamayari, wakizashi,
traveling pack. = Rouse the Soul  Technique
Disappearing World Style  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Government Skill
Sentiment Skill

Tactics Skill
General Kata Rank 1–5  Tech. Grp.
= Silent Elimination

The Ties that Bind  Technique

The Lowest Bow (Mastery Ability): When

performing an Attack action using Martial
Arts [Melee], you may spend  as follows:

+: Choose one character other than your

target at range 2 with vigilance lower than
or equal to  spent this way. That character
suffers a critical strike with severity equal to
your weapon's deadliness plus your ranks in
Martial Arts [Melee].

Falcon Clan What does your

Player Characters character know?
Players who wish to build a Falcon Clan character can
do so using the clan and family information provided All Falcon Clan characters have a greater
here. At the GM’s discretion, a Falcon character could awareness of the following topics:
study at a Great Clan school, or a character from a
Great Clan could fall in with these grim spirit hunters. $$ You have a strong grasp of the poli-
The rules for one of the most iconic schools of the tics within the Falcon land of Toritaka
Falcon, the Toritaka Phantom Hunter School, can be Province, as well as general information
found on page 94. As with any character extend- concerning the Crab Clan.
ing beyond their clan’s teachings, such as be part of a $$ You know much about the Shinomen
school outside of their clan, the GM has final say over Forest and the dangers that lurk within.
whether a particular concept is appropriate for the sto-
$$ You have a strong familiarity with yūrei
ry being told.
and may have even had firsthand
experiences with one or more of them.
The Falcon Minor Clan
$$ You may know one or more terrifying
Ring Increase: +1 Void secrets gained through meditation.
Skill Increase: +1 Theology
Status: 26
What Does Bushidō
Mean to Your Clan?
While the Crab guard the Emerald Empire from the ter-
rors that seek to destroy the Wall and invade Rokugan,
the Falcon guard against more subtle threats: the
The Falcon have studied what results from
malign creatures from the Spirit Realms. Ghosts and
lives that do not follow Bushidō and see this
similar dangers can occur anywhere, so the Falcon
every time they face ravenous gaki or other
must remain ever watchful. This holds especially true in
foul spirits. This is what comes of lives that are
the nearby Shinomen Forest, perhaps the most haunt-
without honor, so the Falcon feel they know
ed region in all of the Emerald Empire. Though most of
better than any how important this tenet of
the Great Clans ignore or dismiss their work, samurai
Bushidō truly is. For this reason, Honor (Mei-
of the Falcon Clan know what lurks just out of sight in
yo) holds a special place for the Falcon
every dark room or obscured copse.
The Falcon have little time for the nice-
ties of courtly life or such trivialities as poet-
The Toritaka Family ry. They rarely care to develop skills in these
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water areas, but they also know that it may result
Skill Increases: +1 Survival, +1 Meditation in dishonorable behavior. To avoid this, they
Glory: 35 Starting Wealth: 3 koku instead simply refrain from such settings as
The Toritaka are the foremost family of the Falcon, and much as possible, much in the same way a
most outsiders are likely unaware there are any others. perfect defense is to simply not be present
Most are large and stocky, reflecting their shared heri- for an attack. Thus, the Bushidō tenet of
tage with the nearby Hida, but unlike Hida, the Torita- Courtesy (Rei) is less important to members
ka are typically quiet and reserved. Many believe them of the Falcon Clan.
distant and cold, but the Toritaka view themselves as See page 301 of the core rulebook for
focused and calm, ready to stand between Mortal and more information on how these can affect
Spirit Realms. They know emotion can often lead to your honor and glory.
turbulence between the two, and so hold that only
by controlling their own passions can they effectively
understand, mediate, and if necessary, eliminate the
dangers yūrei can bring to the living.


Toritaka Phantom Hunter Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
School [Shugenja]
Courtesy Skill
From the days of the Falcon Clan founder, Toritaka Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Yotogi, Toritaka Phantom Hunters have sought out gaki
Survival Skill
and other malign supernatural beings, a task that is
often unfortunately easy, given the clan’s proximity to Rank 1 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
the haunted Shinomen Forest and the corrupted Shad- Bō of Water  Technique
owlands. Phantom Hunters often act in concert with Threshold Barrier  Technique
Crab Clan warriors, using their legendary abilities to
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
detect supernatural threats that others, even the skilled
bushi stationed on the Wall, cannot perceive. Culture Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water Sentiment Skill

Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Culture, +1 Govern-
Theology Skill
ment, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Sentiment, +1 Sur-
Rank 1–2 Water Shuji  Tech. Grp.
vival, +1 Theology
Honor: 40 = Essence of Jade  Technique
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (), Striking as Air  Technique
Shūji ()
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Government Skill
$$ Invocations: By the Light of Lord Moon Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

$$ Rituals: Cleansing Rite, Commune with the Sentiment Skill
Spirits, = Tea Ceremony
Rank 1–3 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
$$ Shūji: Courtier’s Resolve = Rise, Water  Technique
Eyes of Yotogi (School Ability): Otherworldly beings = Crescent Moon Style  Technique
treat your vigilance as being increased by your school Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
rank. When you make a check to search for Other-
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
worldly beings, or make an Initiative check in a conflict
against them, if you succeed, add bonus successes Performance Skill

equal to your school rank. Theology Skill

Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, sanctified Rank 1–4 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
robes, daishō (katana and wakizashi), scroll satchel,
= Rouse the Soul  Technique
traveling pack.
= Soul Sunder  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Courtesy Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Flowing Water Cut  Technique
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami  Technique

Yotogi’s Piercing Gaze (Mastery Ability):

You can perceive beings that are normally

invisible to human sight, such as spirits

and characters concealed by supernatural
abilities. When you deal damage to an Oth-
erwordly being, you ignore an amount of its
resistance up to your ranks in Meditation.

?art \wo: \ortoi3e Cfatt WHAT DOES YOUR

?f~er C~aracter3 All Tortoise Clan characters have a greater
awareness of the following topics:
Players can use the following information to create play-
er character samurai from the Tortoise Clan. This can ED You have a strong grasp of the politics
be especially useful for new players joining a group, as within Tortoise lands, as well as general
characters made this way can organically join existing information of the clan's major cities and
PCs in Slow Tide Harbor for Dark Tides. Tortoise samu- ports such as Kyuden Kasuga and Slow
rai also make perfect replacement characters should a Tide Harbor.
PC not survive their time here!
© You know much about gaijin lands such
as Pavarre and the Ivory Kingdoms,
including their local customs, and may
Ring Increase: +1 Air know several gaijin traders personally.
Skill Increase: + 1 Commerce © You can speak one or more foreign lan-
Status: 25 guages such as lvindi, Myantu, or Portu-
It is possible there would never have been a Tortoise ga fluently, and are at least conversant
Clan if not for the terrible events of the Battle of White in almost any foreign language that one
Stag. The conflict clearly displayed the dangers of might encounter in Rokugan.
unchecked and unmonitored gaijin activities in Rokugan,
though, and it is now the duty of this unheralded and
© You know the importance of keeping
secrets and abiding lesser infractions
unassuming clan to be the eyes of the Emperor against
of law and honor for the good of
this menace. From their merchant fronts they act like
the Empire.
mere peasants (and often behave and dress like them),
ignoring the open contempt from other samurai. Most
clans simply ignore them, though Tortoise con nections
to the smuggling of gaijin goods are an open secret in WHAT DOES BUSHIDO
many areas. All the while, the Tortoise secretly serve the MEAN TO YOUR CLAN?
Emperor by controlling and limiting such smuggling and
gathering intelligence on gaijin activities. Such a life may The Tortoise believe in the Path of No Path,
seem like one without honor or glory, but the Tortoise whereby each clan member can choose a direc-
know their duty is more important than their image. tion for their life individually, rather than a sin-
gle, established path that all must follow. This
The Kasuga Family grants greater flexibility for solving problems
within the clan, and also greater moral flexibi lity
Ring Increase: + 1 Earth or + 1 Water when dealing with criminals and gaijin. The only
Skill Increases: +1 Skulduggery, +1 Government thing that binds all Tortoise samurai is their man-
Glory: 33 Starting Wealth: 9 koku date from the Emperor. For this reason, Duty
The main family of the Tortoise, the Kasuga can trace (Chugi) holds a special place for the Tortoise as
their lineage even beyond the clan's formation to the their every honorless action is done to as per
Dragon, from which the Tortoise founder Agasha Kasu- Imperial decree.
ga originated. It was Kasuga who rescued the stranded The Tortoise have little patience for courtly
gaijin after their fleet was crushed, and it was Kasuga deeds, though, and care even less for diplo-
who the Emperor charged with forming a new minor matic niceties. Such things are trivial when the
clan out of a motley collection of clanless ronin, heimin, entire Empire is at stake should they fail to
and even some of those same gaijin. When samurai prevent another Battle of White Stag, after all.
think of the Tortoise (if they do at all), they generally Thus, the Bushido tenet of Courtesy (Meiyo) is
think of the Kasuga and their smuggling and other crim- less important to members ofthe Tortoise Clan.
inal activities. The Kasuga follow their duty, no matter See page 301 of the Core Rulebook for
who they must deal with and the honorless actions they more information on how these can affect your
must endure. They eschew higher status, knowing that honor and glory.
their service in this vital matter is its own reward.

Kasuga Smuggler School [Courtier]
Trade Skills Ski. Grp.
The Kasuga have several schools t hat are the public fac-
Culture Skill
es of the Tortoise. Outsiders who are even aware of the
Smuggler school believe it to be linked to tawdry mer- ...
Courtesy Skill
chant affairs, and thus beneath their notice. The Torto ise
do their best to foster this misconception, for it actual-
ly trains their samurai who oversee the clan 's ext ensive
Martial Arts [Melee]
Rank 1 Water Shuji
,, Skill
Tech. Grp.

smuggling and covert t rading operations.

Kasuga smugglers must be proficient in a wide range
+Coiling Serpent Style
Courtier's Resolve
~ Technique
of act ivities, from simple deception and disguise t o Social Skills Ski. Grp.
negot iat ing with gaijin t raders and Rokugani criminals.
Commerce Skill
Many_travel to gaijin lands and might spend long peri-
ods at sea. N Seafaring Skill
As they rise through the school, their focus can shift z<( Skulduggery Skill
from base smuggling and dockside brawls to more
refined operations as t hey interact with wider strat as of
a:: Rank 1-2 Kata
~ Tech. Grp.

Rokugani society of various legitimacies. At the heig ht

of their power, they may acquire foreign works of art for J
• Ebb and Flow
Tributaries of Trade
,, Techn ique
Rokugani collectors or command large t rading concerns Trade Skills Ski. Grp.
that interact with many other clans. Some even "retire"
Fitness Skill
to small merchant concerns, using t heir years of experi-
ence to better monitor gaijin activit ies and gaijin goods (") Government Skill
at a lower level. No loyal Kasuga ever forgets the true z<( Martial Arts [Ranged]
,, Skill
reason for the Tortoise, after all, and all know the price
should they fail.
Rings: +1 Ai r, +1 Water
a:: Rank 1-3 Air Shuji
All Arts Are One
,, Tech. Grp.

Starting Skills (choose five): + 1 Commerce, +1 Culture, + Breath of Wind Style ~ Technique
+ 1 Courtesy, + 1 Martial Arts [Melee], + 1 Seafaring, + 1 Scholar Skills Ski. Grp.
Design Skill
Honor: 29
Techniques Available: Kata (\i. ), Rituals (S!'.t), Shuji ((/) '<I' Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
Starting Techniques: z<( Skulduggery Skill

© Kata: + Rushing Avalanche Style

a:: Rank 1-4 Kata
~ Tech. Grp.

© Shuji (choose one): Honest Assessment,

Well of Desire
• Buoyant Arrival
Rega l Bearing
,, Technique
Techn ique
Trade Skills Ski. Grp.
Way of the Tortoise (School Ability): You never need to
Aesthetics Skills
stake glory to publicly use a Trade skill, so long as you
are doing so as part of your duty to your clan. L/) Courtesy Skill
Once per scene, you may add a number of kept •
set to :,.;~ results equal t o your school rank to a check to
z<( Sentiment
,, Skill

interact with one or more gaijin, peasants, merchants,

a:: Rank 1-5 Water Shuji
,, Tech. Grp.

burakumin, o r any other character with status of 20

or lower. I'.
Bend with the Storm
Immovable Hand of Peace
,, Technique
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, wakizashi (short Shell of the Tortoise (Mastery Ability):
sword), any o ne weapon of rarity 6 o r lower, calligraphy I» Once per game session as an action, you
set , knife, kiseru, abacus or gaijin compass, traveling may invoke the shell of the Tortoise: the '
pack, pouch of gaijin coins. Emperor's remit to operate as you deem
'<I necessary. Until the end of t he scene, treat
z<( your status as 90, and other characters
must forfeit honor and g lory equal to the
difference between your status rank and
,, their status rank to accuse you of wrongdo-
ing related to the acquisition or transport of
goods, illicit or otherwise.


New Answers for the Game What Does Your

Character Know?
of Twenty Questions All Imperial Family characters have a greater
Several of the new
schools presented here When creating a character, a player may choose from awareness of the following topics:
are exceptions to the the following new clan, families, and schools, in addi-
general guideline that
tion to those in the core rulebook.
$$ You have a general awareness of the
a character must select politics within Otosan Uchi. You can
a school from within
name Imperial family heads, ranking
their clan. The Fortunist The Imperial Families bureucrats, and other leaders, and
Monk and Shinseist
Monk schools represent Ring Increase: +1 Air you know their respective positions
broad approaches to Skill Increase: +1 Government and allegiances.
the monastic life for
Status: 40 $$ You know Imperial history quite
samurai who have
renounced their clan It may be tempting to view the Imperial families as well, particularly as it pertains to
loyalties. A Kolat mere adjuncts to the Great Clans, similar to the various the deeds of the Emperor and the
Saboteur may come Minor Clans. Indeed, in terms of numbers, lands, and Imperial families.
from any family, and holdings, they are considerably smaller than the Great
likely maintains a cover $$ You know proper etiquette and proto-
Clans. In many important respects, however, they are
identity based on a le- cal in the Imperial Capital.
gitimate school. Kitsune more powerful and influential than any of the Great
who dwell in human Clans. As their name implies, the Imperial families have

What Does Bushidō

society mimic the traits a direct connection to the rulership of the Empire, one
of the family they join,
that is tied much more closely to the Throne than any
so they choose a clan
and family normally. of the Great Clans. The Hantei family, which includes Mean to the
the Emperor and his immediate family, is truly “Impe-
rial,” insofar as the Emperors who have reigned over
Imperial Families?
Rokugan have come from this family. Three other fam- Duty and Loyalty to the Empire and the
ilies are considered Imperial: the Seppun, the Otomo, Emperor drives the Imperial families in all
and the Miya. All three stand close to the Throne by they do. The ancient ties of blood and service
virtue of a combination of blood, duty, and history. All between them and the Hantei line bind the
wield enormous political and cultural might, far out of Imperial families together.
proportion to their relatively small “footprint” on the The good of the Emerald Empire out-
greater landscape of Rokugan. weighs all other needs, and samurai of
Because they are members of the kuge, the senior the Imperial families must often act with
nobility of the Empire, the Imperial families stand apart little Compassion.
from the bulk of the samurai, the buke. This distinc- See page 301 of the core rulebook for
tion is expressed in a variety of ways. Most obviously, more information on how these can affect
the Imperial families have a degree of access to the your honor and glory.
Emperor and the senior Imperial authorities, such as
the Emerald Champion, Imperial Advisor, and Imperial
Chancellor, that the Great Clans can only envy. They
tend to have few lands and holdings, but those they relative status of a samurai and a member of an Impe-
do have are protected by standing Imperial decree rial family, the latter is always treated with the same
from attack or seizure by the clans. When respect and consideration that would be given
addressed, a member of one of the to a higher-status samurai. However, these
Imperial families is always entitled rules don’t apply if the other samurai in
to be addressed by the honorific question is another member of an
-sama, regardless of the status of Imperial family, a senior Imperial
the speaker. Also regardless of the official, or of course, the Emperor.

Although a character
of the Imperial families
The Miya Family This allows the Miya to act as the dispassionate is not a member of any
Great Clan, they follow
eyes and ears of the Imperials, noting and recording
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Earth the same process for
events affecting the Empire with a minimum of bias character creation,
Skill Increases: +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture
and reporting them back to the Emperor and the with one exception. For
Glory: 44 Starting Wealth: 8 koku question 1 of the Game
other Imperial families. Their relatively guileless and
The Miya family is the youngest of the Imperial fam- of Twenty Questions,
open nature allows the Miya an unparalleled degree
ilies, formed only after the passing of the first Han- on page 41 of the Core
of access across Rokugan while also ensuring that Rulebook, choose
tei. Miya, a loyal follower of Otomo, was a young,
they remain reasonably unscathed during their travels the Imperial Families
quick-witted and charming man who quickly became
among the clans. instead of a Great Clan.
a favorite among those close to the Emperor. When Within the rules, this
In terms of other roles in the Empire, the Miya
the war against Fu Leng was finally won, it was Miya choice functions identi-
are frequently found among the ranks of the Imperial
who brought the news of the victory to the first Han- cally to that of a Great
Legions and the Emerald Magistrates. Their reputation Clan. Likewise, within
tei, who lay dying. The Emperor commanded Miya to
for loyalty to the Emperor and impartiality in their deal- Rokugan, a samurai’s
continue spreading the news of the war’s end across identity as an Imperial
ings with others serves them in good stead in both of
the Empire. As he did so, he and his retainers assisted Family member is
these stations. For the same reason, members of the
the war-ravaged Empire in rebuilding, leaving a sense akin to a Great Clan
Miya family are often found serving as arbitrators and samurai’s identity with
of hope and purpose in their wake. When he returned
judges, overseeing matters ranging from simple dis- their clan,
to Otosan Uchi a hero, the wily Otomo saw an oppor-
putes over land and property, to sanctioned and formal
tunity. He convinced the new Emperor, Hantei Genji, to
duels between samurai, to complex trials over serious
allow Miya—still Otomo’s loyal follower—to found his
transgressions of Imperial law. It should also be noted
own family, and a new Imperial family was born.
that one particular Imperial office, that of the Imperi-
The Miya have always been the smallest of the
al Herald, is a hereditary one traditionally held by the
Imperial families, and the one with the least direct influ-
Miya family daimyō.
ence on and access to the Throne. They are, however,
A final important role played by the Miya is the
generally beloved across the Empire, so they wield
delivery of the Emperor’s Blessing, the name by which
their own brand of influence. Miya Heralds carry the
Miya’s original journey through the Empire came to be
edicts and pronouncements of the Emperor across the
known. The Blessing is now a formal event of rebuilding
Empire, while Miya Cartographers survey the lands in
and repair, an annual activity of carpenters and crafts-
order to create maps that properly delineate the vari-
people drafted for the purpose and deployed to what-
ous holdings of the clans. The Miya are, therefore, gen-
ever places in the Empire are deemed to most need it.
erally welcomed and trusted by all of the clans, which
This typically includes areas affected by the aftermath
means they have acceptance in places that would view
of war or natural disaster. Competition to receive the
a Seppun or an Otomo much more warily.
benefices of the Blessing is fierce among the clans, but
its final deployment remains solely at the discretion of
the Emperor, in consultation with the Miya daimyō.


Miya Cartographer School Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
MAPS OF ROKUGAN [Artisan, Courtier]
Culture Skill
As Rokugan lacks a Miya Cartographers travel throughout the Empire, Fitness Skill

system of coordinates gathering information to update the Imperial maps and
or other standardized Survival Skill
charts. Accordingly, they have standing authority to
method of recording
travel as they see fit, regardless of clan or other bound- Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
location, cartographers
use a variety of methods aries. Cartographers often travel to remote, inhospi- = Slippery Maneuvers  Technique
to measure distance and table, and largely uninhabited parts of the Empire to Threshold Barrier  Technique
direction accurately,
make their observations and measurements. They must
including pacing out Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
distances and using prom- be self-sufficient, but frequently travel with groups of
inent landscape features. retainers and yōjimbō. The cartographer school puts Games Skill
They also use methods great emphasis not only on the academic topics relat- Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

common to maritime nav- ed to gathering and recording information, such as
igation, such as noting Survival Skill
writing, drawing, and memorization, but on athletics,
the positions of stars, to Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
check and confirm their riding, and stamina. Cartographers must be prepared
measurements. As a re- to face long periods of privation and hardship, away = The Wind Blows Both Ways 
sult, Rokugani maps more from civilization and at risk from any number of threats, Feigned Opening  Technique
closely resemble works of
from bandits, to wild animals, to hostile spirits.
art than exacting, scaled Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
charts, and they may in- Rings: +1 Air, +1 Earth
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Com- Courtesy Skill
corporate a considerable
amount of variability. position, +1 Culture, +1 Fitness, +1 Government, Culture Skill

The margin of error tends +1 Seafaring, +1 Survival
to increase the farther a Martial Arts [Ranged] Skill
Honor: 50
place is from well- Rank 1–3 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
traveled and more densely Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
= Crimson Leaves Strike
populated parts of the Starting Techniques:  Technique
Empire—particularly the All Arts Are One  Technique
Imperial capital, Otosan $$ Kata (choose one): Striking as Earth, Warrior’s
Uchi, which is used as the Resolve Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
official origin point of
Courtesy Skill
all Imperial cartographic $$ Shūji (choose one): Artisan's Appraisal, Civility
measurements. Foremost Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill

Meditation Skill
Well Traveled (School Ability): You always know which
way is north, and you are always able to find a land- Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
mark useful for navigation. = Bend with the Storm  Technique
When making a check to recall or ascertain geo- Regal Bearing  Technique
graphical, political, or societal information,
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
you may add a number of kept  set to 
or  results equal to your school rank. Command Skill
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, Culture Skill

wakizashi (short sword), yumi (bow) Seafaring Skill

and quiver of arrows, knife, calligraphy
Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp.
set, traveling pack, personal chop, an
assortment of maps in scroll cases, an Awe of Heaven  Technique
attendant (see page 64 of the core rule- Bravado  Technique
book) or Rokugani pony (see page 326 of
Emerald Explorer (Mastery Ability, Action):
the core rulebook). Once per scene as a Support action, you may
make a TN 1 Survival (Earth) check targeting

one character in the scene. If you succeed on

the check, that character and an additional
number of characters you choose equal to
your bonus successes ignore all negative
effects of terrain qualities until the end of
the scene.

Social Skills Skl. Grp.

Culture Skill
In addition to their duty
Fitness Skill

of sharing Imperial proc-
Survival Skill lamations, Miya Heralds
also record and report
Rank 1 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp. their experiences with
= Feigned Opening  Technique strict objectivity. They
are intimately familiar
Courtier’s Resolve  Technique with the Empire and keen
observers of its goings-on.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
More than a few samurai
Courtesy Skill in positions of minor
power have attempted to
Culture Skill

deceive Miya Heralds or
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill conceal activities. Con-
gratulating themselves on
Rank 1–2 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp. their cleverness, they are
Miya Herald School [Courtier] = Ebb and Flow  Technique later horrified to find that
the Miya have dutifully
Miya Heralds are the messengers of the Emperor. It is Tributaries of Trade  Technique reported exactly what
their duty to move throughout the Empire delivering Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. transpired—including
Imperial edicts and messages accurately and succinct- the attempts to deceive
Command Skill or obfuscate made by
ly. Miya Heralds travel across clan and other boundar-
the hapless officials in
ies without question, and only a fool would delay them Courtesy Skill

in their duties. While they are able to defend them- Survival Skill
selves as much as any samurai, they employ speed and
Rank 1–3 Earth Shuji  Tech. Grp.
evasion to ensure that their messages are delivered to
= Awe of Heaven  Technique
those who must receive them. Miya Heralds speak with
the words of the Emperor and the authority of an Impe- The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique NEW TECHNIQUES
rial representative. Only the most influential or foolish Artisan Skills Skl. Grp. THIS BOOK
samurai would openly gainsay a Miya Herald's word.
Command Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water Most techniques found
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, Fitness Skill in the school curricu-

+1 Composition, +1 Courtesy, +1 Fitness, +1 Seafaring, Survival Skill lums here are detailed
in Chapter 4 of the
+1 Sentiment, +1 Survival Rank 1–4 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp. Legend of the Five Rings
Honor: 50 Roleplaying Core Rule-
= Buoyant Arrival  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () book. New techniques,
Starting Techniques: Pillar of Calm  Technique like Awe of Heaven, are
indicated with bold
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Shūji (choose one): Cadence, Honest Assess- type. These techniques
Culture Skill can be found on page
Sentiment Skill
Shūji (choose one): Shallow Waters, Weight of


Duty Survival Skill

Rank 1–5 Void Shūji  Tech. Grp.
Voice of the Emperor (School Ability): Once per
Sear the Wound  Technique
round, after a character at range 0–4 succeeds on an
Attack or Scheme action check, you may cause them to The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique
receive strife equal to your school rank.
Blessings of the Emperor (Mastery Ability,
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ceremonial clothes, Action): Once per scene as a Scheme action,
wakizashi (short sword), yumi (bow) and quiver of you may make a TN 4 Command (Air) check
targeting a number of characters in the scene
arrows or tessen (war fan), calligraphy set, traveling up to your glory rank. If you succeed, until the
pack, satchel of Imperial proclamations, personal end of the scene, the targets must forfeit hon-
chop, an attendant (see page 64 of the core rulebook) or equal to twice their honor rank and glory

equal to twice their glory rank before choos-

or Rokugani pony (see page 326 of the core rulebook). ing you as the target of an Attack action, and
increase the TN of their Attack actions target-
ing you by 2. This effect persists until the end
of the scene, or until you attack an affected
character or their allies.
+: Choose one ally per  spent this way.
The effects of this ability also apply to tar-
gets’ attacks against the chosen allies.

The Otomo Family Many samurai consider such ruthless and unabash-
edly manipulative actions to be unworthy of samu-
Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water
rai and the Seven Tenets of Bushidō, which they are
Skill Increases: +1 Culture, +1 Sentiment
expected to uphold. However, the Otomo see their
Glory: 43 Starting Wealth: 9 koku
role as absolutely essential, preventing the clans from
The Otomo family was the second Imperial family to
ever coming together against the Throne by keeping
be founded, after the Seppun. The original Otomo, the
them off-balance and, ideally, focused on one anoth-
younger son of a great tribal warlord, was glib, clever,
er as rivals and even enemies. There is no record of
and subtle. Thanks to his formidable powers of persua-
how many inter-clan conflicts during the Empire’s his-
sion and manipulation, he was an expert at defusing
tory may have had an Otomo hand nudging it along.
conflicts that threatened to destroy his tribe. His wit
The great danger, of course, is that some among the
and cunning soon proved of enormous value to the
Otomo themselves—also imperfect mortals—may
Kami Hantei as he sought to unite the disparate people
succumb to the temptations of ambition and power.
of the nascent Empire of Rokugan. Otomo was instru-
The Otomo, of course, deny that such a failure of duty
mental in establishing the Miya family as an Imperial
has ever happened, and they acknowledge that mea-
family, a move that only enhanced his standing in the
sures are in place to prevent it. It is certain that there
young Imperial Court. His subtle and indirect approach
are watchers among the watchers, leading some to
to not only politics, but just about every aspect of life,
imagine that life among the Otomo family is constant
has been the hallmark of the Otomo family ever since.
intrigue and glancing over one’s shoulder, to the point
The particular role of the Otomo family in the
of paranoia. The Otomo do not deny this.
Empire is to sow discord among the clans. Several times
The Otomo fulfill other duties for the Empire as
throughout the Empire’s history, conspirators sought
well. Many key positions in the Imperial bureaucra-
to gain control over the Throne. In order to prevent
cy are filled from the ranks of the Otomo family. The
the clans from uniting and gaining undue influence—
family rivals the Crane as a cultural leader for the
or even seizing control of the Throne altogether—the
Empire. Music, art, and literature created by members
Otomo employ methods that are often vexatious and
of the Otomo family are some of the most influential
harmful, sometimes even to loyal samurai of Rokugan.
in Rokugan. Like the Crane, the Otomo realize that
They are never malicious simply for the sake of it,
every note of every musical composition, every strike
though. The Otomo recognize a greater good, that of
of a mallet on a sculpting chisel, and every brushstroke
the security of the Throne, and they devote themselves
must serve a specific political purpose. To the Otomo,
utterly to it. They employ flattery and favors, but don’t
beauty is simply another tool for either gaining power
hesitate to employ underhanded tactics as well, such
or ensuring that power doesn’t go to those who should
as deception, bribery, and blackmail.
not have it.
One important Imperial custom is the adoption of
the Otomo name by those younger children of the
Emperor who are not expected to inherit the Throne.
Following the Ritual of Abdication, such young-
er Imperial siblings usually join the Otomo family,
undergoing gempuku regardless of their age and
taking the Otomo name. In this way, the Oto-
mo helped preserve the Hantei bloodline, such
that if an Emperor died without an heir, efforts
could be made to trace the bloodline back
to the most direct Hantei relative. Typically,
this would be an Otomo, who would then
reverse their abdication and assume the
Throne as the new ruler of Rokugan. This
is yet another subtle way in which the
Otomo maintain their tight grip on
power in the Empire.

Social Skills Skl. Grp.

Composition Skill
Culture Skill
RANK 1 Government Skill
Rank 1 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Civility Foremost  Technique
= Tea Ceremony  Technique
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Command Skill
Courtesy Skill

Martial Arts [Melee] Skill

Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp.
= Awe of Heaven  Technique
Otomo Schemer School [Courtier]
Prey on the Weak  Technique
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp. Otomo Schemers are consummate politicians. They
attend the various courts of the Empire, from the
Commerce Skill
Imperial Court in Otosan Uchi to those of the Great
Courtesy Skill Clans, and even smaller courts deemed worthwhile.

Sentiment Skill They advance agendas across the spectrum of Imperial

Rank 1–3 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp. politics on behalf of the Emperor, the Imperial fami-
lies, and other Imperial authorities. Successful Otomo
= Regal Bearing  Technique
Schemers are ruthless and manipulative, using their
The Wind Blows Both Ways  Technique considerable political acumen to earn favors, cultivate
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. allies, and destroy enemies. To the Otomo Schemer,
the ends—preserving the power and authority of the
Aesthetics Skill
Emperor and the Imperial authorities—almost always
Command Skill justify the means.

Skulduggery Skill Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire

Rank 1–4 Fire Shūji  Tech. Grp. Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Com-
= Buoyant Arrival position, +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Design, +1 Gov-
 Technique
ernment,+1 Sentiment
Wolf's Proposal  Technique Honor: 45
Social Skills Skl. Grp. Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Composition Skill Starting Techniques:

Culture Skill $$ Shūji (choose one): Courtier’s Resolve, Stirring


Design Skill the Embers

Rank 1–5 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp. $$ Shūji: = Slippery Maneuvers
Sear the Wound  Technique
Necessary Actions (School Ability): You never forfeit
The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique honor or glory in order to lie or deceive for the good
Majesty of the Throne (Mastery Ability, of the Emperor and Empire (in your opinion). However,
Action): Once per scene, as a Scheme action, you must forfeit twice as much honor or glory to lie for
you may make a Command (Water) check your personal gain (again, in your opinion).

targeting any number of characters at range

0–5 of you. The TN of this check is equal to When a character stakes or forfeits an amount of
the highest status rank among your targets. If honor or glory in order to act against your desires,
you succeed, all targets suffer the Dazed and you may force them to increase that amount by your
Disoriented conditions.
school rank.
Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, wakizashi (short
sword), any one weapon of rarity 6 or lower, calligraphy
set, traveling pack, a trustworthy attendant (see page
64 of the core rulebook).


The Seppun Family great skill in iaijutsu is intended only to allow them to
draw their blades quickly against sudden attack, rather
Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Void
than during formal dueling.
Skill Increases: +1 Meditation, +1 Theology
The Hidden Guard, on the other hand, is made up
Glory: 45 Starting Wealth: 6 koku
of bushi and shugenja who have devoted themselves to
Like the Otomo, the Seppun family can trace its ori-
understanding the kami and the teachings of Shinsei.
gins to the very dawn of the Empire. When the Kami
They are just as prepared to place themselves between
fell from the Celestial Heavens, the eight who landed
the Emperor and spiritual harm as the Seppun Honor
together did so at a place that came to be known as
Guard are regarding physical threats. Many members
Seppun Hill, named for the first mortal to meet with the
of the Hidden Guard are adept wardmasters capable
Kami after their fall, a woman called Seppun. Seppun
of crafting durable defenses to guard areas frequented
was so moved by the sudden arrival of the Kami that
by the Emperor and their family from magical intrusion
she offered herself and her followers as servants. The
or attack. There is a close relationship—albeit a very
Kami Hantei accepted her offer, making them the first
discreet one—between the Hidden Guard and groups
mortal followers of the Kami. As a result, while others
such as the Kuni Witch Hunters of the Crab, the Asako
may vie for the Emperor’s favor, the Seppun always
Inquisitors of the Phoenix, and the Kuroiban, or Black
have it simply by virtue of who they are. While some
Watch, of the Scorpion.
Seppun are courtiers, and many are functionaries in
Like the Otomo, the Seppun fulfill other roles aside
the Imperial bureaucracy, the Seppun are best known
from their primary one of guarding the Emperor. For
in the Empire as the Emperor’s protectors.
instance, many members of the Imperial bureaucracy
When the divine Kami fell into the Realm of Mortals
are from the Seppun family. More notable, however, is
from the Celestial Heavens, they took on some of the
the devotion of the Seppun to the teachings of Shin-
vulnerabilities of mortals. The Seppun therefore took it
sei. The original Seppun, having met Shinsei when he
upon themselves to guard and protect the Kami. This
appeared shortly after the Fall of the Kami, became a
devotion has continued ever since, leading the Sep-
fervent disciple of the “Little Teacher.” Seppun advo-
pun to become the foremost defenders of the Emper-
cated strongly for the teachings of Shinsei and after her
or. They are therefore always prepared to sacrifice
death, her children started four temples venerating his
themselves to protect the Emperor. This isn’t simply
philosophy in various parts of Rokugan. To this day, the
fanaticism: rather, this is their duty and their very rea-
Seppun remain among the most devoted adherents of
son to exist in the Celestial Order. To facilitate carry-
Shinseism and the most fervent guardians of its teach-
ing out their duty, the Seppun have established two
ings and records.
basic types of protectors: the Palace Guard, or Seppun
The Seppun also maintain a vast Imperial Library, one
Honor Guard, who form the personal bodyguard of the
that is less focused on the facts of history and more on
Emperor and protect the Hantei from physical threats,
the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of those involved in
and the Hidden Guard, who guard the Emperor against
past events. This Imperial Library contains many poems,
spiritual and supernatural threats.
stories, plays, journals, and diaries of those who lived
The Palace Guard are among the most accom-
at the times when certain historical events were occur-
plished warriors in the Empire. All of their considerable
ring. Such documents are, of course, very subjective,
skill is focused on a single purpose: protecting
but much can be learned about the people from
the Emperor. Defense and acting as body-
these sources: how they interacted, how they
guards are their ultimate purposes, and all
viewed and subsequently recorded events
of their combat tactics and techniques
from their own perspective, and how they
are designed to that end. Even their
judged events of history.


Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Seppun Astrologer School

[Shugenja, Artisan]
Composition Skill
Skulduggery Skill As the Palace Guard protect the Emperor and other

Imperial authorities from physical threats, the Seppun

Tactics Skill
Astrologers guard against supernatural and spiritual SEPPUN INVOCATIONS
Rank 1 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp.
harm. To this end, their specialized training in astrol-
= Heart of the Water Dragon  Technique ogy, practices of divination, and fortune-telling help The Seppun Astrologer
school teaches its students
Ancestry Unearthed  Technique to not only react to threats, but also anticipate and
invocations by Alchemical
even preempt them. Beyond astrology and invocations names, for they combine
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
of the elemental kami, they employ methods such as a number of practices in
Command Skill kawaru (the casting and discernment of patterns in their mission to protect
the Emperor from all
Composition Skill coins, stones, etc.), the reading of omens, and even

threats. (See Invocation

Meditation Skill more esoteric practices. The Seppun Astrologers also Names and Traditions
work extensively with wards and similar measures to on page 190 of the core
Rank 1–2 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
provide constant protection against magical intrusion. rulebook.)
= Ebb and Flow  Technique They work closely with the Palace Guard, coordinating
Symbol of Earth  Technique their efforts and complementing one another’s roles.
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Composition,
Sentiment Skill
+1 Government, +1 Medicine, +1 Meditation, +1 Sen-
Smithing Skill timent, +1 Theology

Theology Skill Honor: 40

Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
Rank 1–3 Earth Invocations  Tech. Grp.
Shūji ()
= False Realm of the Fox Spirits  Technique Starting Techniques:
Vapor of Nightmares  Technique
$$ Invocation: = Bind the Shadow
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Invocations (choose one): Dominion of Suijin,
Sentiment Skill
Jade Strike
Survival Skill

$$ Rituals: Divination, Commune with the Spirits,

Theology Skill Threshold Barrier
Rank 1–4 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
= Tomb of Jade Just as Predicted (School Ability): At the beginning
 Technique
of a game session or as a downtime activity, you may
A Samurai’s Fate  Technique make a TN 1 Theology check using any ring. If
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. you succeed, choose a number of kept dice up
Composition Skill to your school rank to reserve. Until the end of
the game session or the next downtime scene,
Skulduggery Skill

when any character makes a skill check using

Tactics Skill the chosen ring, you may replace one or
Rank 1–5 Water Invocations  Tech. Grp. more kept dice with the same number of
reserved dice of the same type.
Sear the Wound  Technique
Starting Outfit: Sanctified
The Soul’s Blade  Technique robes, concealed armor,
Foreseen in the Stars (Mastery Ability): wakizashi (short sword), bō
Once per game session, you may spend 1 (staff) or knife, calligraphy
Void point to reveal that you have foreseen
set, traveling pack, scroll

an event in the current scene. You may ret-

roactively declare one or more preparations satchel, divination kit.
you have taken, subject to the GM’s approv-
al. If any preparations would require a skill
check, such as the preparation of a ward, you
make the check when you use this ability.

Seppun Palace Guard School [Bushi] Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
The Seppun Palace Guard are the personal bodyguards Command Skill
of important Imperial family members and officials. The Government Skill

best of them are entrusted with the protection of the
Sentiment Skill
THE STEEL Emperor themself. Each Palace Guard is utterly devot-
CHRYSANTHEMUM ed to the welfare of their charge; they will not hesitate Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
to place themselves between their charge and danger, = Crescent Moon Style  Technique
Only once have the Sep-
even at the cost of their life. To carry out their sacred
pun Palace Guard turned Weight of Duty  Technique
their steel on the Emperor. task of protecting the Emperor, Seppun Palace Guard
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
When Hantei XVI, the hone their skills until they are among the most accom-
Steel Chrysanthemum, plished warriors in the Empire and able to react instant- Courtesy Skill
ordered the deaths of his
ly to any attack, no matter how sudden or unexpected. Culture Skill

own siblings, and then
his mother, he was struck Palace Guard are supremely patient, trained to stand
Games Skill
down by samurai who utterly motionless in their place of guard, yet remain-
believed that the fate of ing acutely aware of their surroundings and constantly Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
the Empire hung in the ready to burst into action at the first hint of any threat. = Crimson Leaves Strike  Technique
balance. The Palace Guard
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Void = Touchstone of Courage  Technique
in attendance either
assisted in this regicide or Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Fitness, +1 Martial
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
chose not to intervene. Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], +1 Martial Arts
[Unarmed], +1 Meditation, +1 Sentiment, +1 Tactics Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
All of the Palace Guard
involved then committed Honor: 50 Command Skill

seppuku, recognizing Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji ()
Skulduggery Skill
that no matter how right Starting Techniques:
their actions may have Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
been for the greater good $$ Kata (choose one): = Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing = Iron in the Mountains Style  Technique
of the Empire, they had
Blade, = Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade
personally betrayed their Threshold Barrier  Technique
ancient duty. $$ Shūji (choose one): Ancestry Unearthed,
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Honest Assessment
Command Skill
Speed of Heaven (School Ability): When you succeed Government Skill

on an Initiative check during a skirmish or duel, add

Theology Skill
bonus successes equal to your school rank.
Starting Outfit: Lacquered armor, sanctified robes, Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
daishō (katana and wakizashi), naginata or bisentō, = Soul Sunder  Technique
knife, traveling pack. A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Sentiment Skill
Skulduggery Skill

Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul  Technique
The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique

The Clouds Part (Mastery Ability): Once per


round, you may spend 1 Void point to add

bonus successes equal to your honor rank to
a successful Attack or Support action check.

Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. THE FORTUNES AND

Courtesy Skill
Labor Skill When creating a Fortun-

ist Monk character, you
Meditation Skill
should select a specific
Rank 1 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp. Fortune as the object of
= Crescent Moon Style your character’s vener-
 Technique ation. The Seven Great
Commune with the Spirits  Technique Fortunes are listed
below with some rec-
Social Skills Skl. Grp. ommended appropriate
Aesthetics Skill invocations. These are
only suggestions, and
Fortunist Monk Order [Monk] Meditation Skill a monk might choose

Theology Skill a lesser-known Fortune
Fortunist monks revere and worship the Fortunes, a or local kami as the
Rank 1–2 Water Shūji  Tech. Grp. object of their worship,
multitude of divine spirits ranging from the most pow-
= All Arts Are One or simply take other
erful—Lady Sun and Lord Moon—to the Seven Great  Technique
invocations that repre-
Fortunes who each embody an important aspect of Rushing Avalanche Style  Technique sent their relationship
humanity, to the myriad kami that exist in all things. This to the Fortune.
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
is a fundamentally outward-looking philosophy focused Benten: Call Upon the
on understanding the surrounding world. These monks Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
Wind, Ever-Changing
cannot see or hear the kami the way the shugenja of Meditation Skill Waves, Inari’s Blessing,

the samurai caste can, but they devote their lives to Path to Inner Peace,
Theology Skill Stride the Waves
understanding and serving them. Although they lack
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
access to the secret lore of the shugenja families, a Bishamon: Armor of
= Regal Bearing  Technique Earth, Biting Steel, Cour-
monk who earns the favor of a Fortune may find that
age of Seven Thunders,
kami heed their prayers and requests, answering them Ebb and Flow  Technique Power of the Earth Drag-
with powerful elemental effects. Social Skills Skl. Grp. on, Tetsubō of Earth
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water
Culture Skill Daikoku: Armor of
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture,
Radiance, Caress of Earth,
+1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Meditation, +1 Survival, Fitness Skill

Grasp of Earth, Ravenous

+1 Theology Theology Skill Swarms, Tomb of Jade
Honor: 40
Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp. Ebisu: Bō of Water, Hands
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () of the Tides, Inari’s Bless-
= Buoyant Arrival  Technique
Starting Techniques: ing, Suijin’s Embrace,
Pillar of Calm  Technique Token of Memory
$$ Kata: = Open-Hand Style
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. Fukurokujin: By the
$$ Rituals: Cleansing Rite, Threshold Barrier Light of the Lord Moon,
Composition Skill Cloak of Night, Fukuroku-
$$ Shūji (choose one): Shallow Waters, Stirring Meditation Skill jin’s Wit, Secrets on the

the Embers Wind, Symbol of Earth

Performance Skill
Hotei: Dominion of
Blessing of the Fortunes (School Ability): You have Rank 1–5 Earth Shūji  Tech. Grp. Suijin, Inari’s Blessing,
gained the goodwill of the Fortune you serve, who Matsu’s Battlecry, Path to
Rouse the Soul  Technique
grants you certain invocations. When you make a check Inner Peace, Sympathetic
to use an invocation you learned this way, add addi- Soul Sunder  Technique Energies
tional bonus successes equal to your school rank. Favor of the Fortunes (Mastery Ability): Jurōjin: Dance of Sea-
Select a Fortune to be the primary object of your Once per scene, you may importune one sons, Heart of the Water
invocation without making the sacrifices

veneration and choose one appropriate invocation usually required and without the usual TN
Dragon, Jurōjin’s Balm,
(see the sidebar The Fortunes and their Blessings) for increase. You use the Meditation skill in place Path to Inner Peace, Pow-
of the skill check normally required to use er of the Earth Dragon
which you meet the rank prerequisite. You learn that
the invocation (you must still use the ring
invocation (without paying its XP cost). required for the invocation).
Each time your school rank increases, you gain one
additional invocation this way.
Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, ceremonial clothes,
bō (staff), traveling pack, scroll satchel.


Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Composition Skill
Survival Skill
MONKS RANK 1 Theology Skill

Monks are holy people Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.

who act as advisors, = Riding the Clouds  Technique
teachers and spiritual
guardians. Many live their Earthen Fist  Technique
entire lives in shrines, Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
temples, and monasteries.
Many more, however, Aesthetics Skill
wander the Empire,
Courtesy Skill

learning about the world,

teaching others what they Meditation Skill
have learned, offering
Rank 1–2 Earth Kihō  Tech. Grp.
insights and inspiration,
and helping others. In this Rank 1–2 Rituals  Tech. Grp.
latter regard, most monks
= All Arts Are One  Technique
do not discriminate Shinseist Monk Order [Monk]
between samurai and Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
commoners. Shinseist monks are devotees of the teachings of Shin-
Command Skill
As a result, monks sei, “the Little Teacher,” an enigmatic holy man who
Games Skill appeared to help guide the Kami and the people of

are generally viewed

favorably by the common Theology Skill Rokugan through the turbulent times at the dawn of
people, but sometimes
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp. the Empire. Shinseism is more inward looking than
with wariness by samurai,
who view aiding and Fortunism, seeking Enlightenment from within. Shinsei
Grasp the Earth Dragon  Technique
teaching commoners a taught that all came from the Void and all returns to the
possible trigger for even- Way of the Willow  Technique Void—that the divisions between the elements, and all
tual discontent among things, are illusory. Monks who truly accept these truths
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
the peasantry. To support
can overcome the limitations of these illusions, utilizing
their ministrations, Courtesy Skill
monks focus on observing the Elements to create seemingly supernatural effects.
Survival Skill

and seeking to understand In truth, so a Shinseist Monk believes, to be one with

the world around them, Theology Skill the universe in this way is the most natural thing in
and on methods of lectur-
Rank 1–4 Water Kihō  Tech. Grp. the world.
ing and teaching those to
whom they are tending. = Pillar of Calm Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Void
 Technique
Because they are generally Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Aesthetics,
ascetic in their approach Way of the Falling Star  Technique +1 Composition, +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed],
to life, monks tend to be [Choose one skill group] Skl. Grp. +1 Meditation, +1 Theology
hardy and athletic so that
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill Honor: 40
they can withstand the
rigors of a life of long, Techniques Available: Kata (), Kihō (), Rituals ()
Meditation Skill
Starting Techniques:

hard travel and privation.

Their ultimate goal is to Theology Skill
achieve that elusive state $$ Kata: Striking as Earth
Rank 1–5 Void Kihō  Tech. Grp.
called Enlightenment.
= Rouse the Soul  Technique
$$ Kihō (choose two): Cleansing Spirit, Earth
Needs No Eyes, Ki Protection
= The Immovable Hand of Peace  Technique

One with the Void (Mastery Ability): Once Embrace the Void (School Ability): When you spend
per scene, you may use one kihō technique a Void point to Seize the Moment (see page 36 of the

you do not know. You may use the Medita- core rulebook), you may also treat your ranks in the
tion skill in place of the skill check normally
required to use the kihō (you must still use skill you are using as being equal to your school rank.
the ring required for the kihō). If your ranks in the skill are equal to or higher than your
school rank, or if you have 5 ranks in the skill, you may
add one kept  set to an  result instead.
Starting Outfit: Common clothes, bō (staff) or nun-
chaku (linked staff), knife, traveling pack.



Martial Skills Skl. Grp. Kitsune Impersonator Tradition HONORABLE

Performance Skill
[Courtier, Shugenja]
Kitsune who live as
Survival Skill Kitsune are fox spirits from Chikushō-dō, the Realm

samurai must adopt the

Theology Skill of Animals. On rare occasions, one of these tricksters Code of Bushidō and
chooses to remain in the Realm of Mortals and live as conduct their actions
Rank 1 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. in accordance with it,
a human. These kitsune may marry or fall in love with
= Fanning the Flames  Technique a human, and any descendants of such a union favor even if they never fully
accept its veracity. In
All in Jest  Technique their spiritual heritage to a greater or lesser degree. many ways, Bushidō
While in human form, kitsune often appear radiantly directly conflicts with
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
beautiful or youthful and handsome. They generally a kitsune’s nature as a
Skulduggery Skill can’t avoid an attitude of good humor, and they tend trickster, giving rise to
great internal struggles.
Survival Skill to be inquisitive, even to a point considered rude and

Accordingly, Kitsune Im-

Theology Skill prying by most. More potentially revealing than their personator characters
behavior are their tails, which sometimes reappear have an honor value
Rank 1–2 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
even in their illusory human guise. Kitsune gain addi- just like any natural sa-
= Dazzling Performance  Technique murai, and they follow
tional tails throughout their lives, and the oldest and
the normal guidelines
= False Realm of the Fox Spirits  Technique most powerful kitsune have nine tails. for gaining and losing
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp. Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire honor.
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Courtesy, +1 Games,
Culture Skill As a kitsune, you must
+1 Performance, +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Surviv- forfeit 1 honor to
Meditation Skill al, +1 Theology

appear as a samurai
Theology Skill Honor: 30 of higher status (in
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (), addition to any honor
Rank 1–3 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp. you must forfeit for any
Shūji ()
= Crashing Wave Style  Technique dishonorable actions,
Disadvantage: False Identity (see page 247) such as lying, that you
= Regal Bearing  Technique Starting Techniques: take under that guise,
as usual).
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Invocations: Nature’s Touch, Token of Memory
Meditation Skill
$$ Ritual: Commune with the Spirits
Sentiment Skill

Skulduggery Skill Fox Spirit (School Ability): Your true form is that of a
large fox with up to eight tails if you are a full-blooded
Rank 1–4 Air Shūji  Tech. Grp.
kitsune, or a human with certain vulpine traits if
= Disappearing World Style  Technique you possess human ancestry as well.
Bravado  Technique As a Scheme and Support action, you may
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. transform between your human and true forms,
or into another silhouette 1 or 2 natural crea-
Martial Arts [Unarmed] Skill
ture at the GM’s discretion (you cannot mimic
Meditation Skill specific individuals). Observers with vigilance

Survival Skill lower than or equal to your school rank plus

your ranks in Performance do not detect any
Rank 1–5 Air Invocations  Tech. Grp.
flaws in your façade. However, certain key fea-
= Soul Sunder  Technique tures persist across all of your forms. If you
Buoyant Arrival  Technique become Compromised, your disguise slips,
subtly revealing your true tails, ears, feet,
Ninth Tail Ascension (Mastery Ability): Your
true form now has nine tails. While you are in or shadow.
your true form, your supernatural resistance Starting Outfit: Take the starting outfit of
and physical resistance each increase by 2,
and when you make a skill check, you may any one other school, as appropriate to

alter the result of one die containing  to your false identity.

a result containing . While you are in your
true form, your Attack action checks gain the
following new opportunity:
 : After resolving this action, if your tar-
get is Incapacitated or Unconscious, you
devour or banish their body or soul, instantly
killing them.

Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Courtesy Skill
Performance Skill

Skulduggery Skill
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp.
= Deadly Sting  Technique
Kolat Saboteur Conspiracy [Shinobi] Shallow Waters  Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Kolat Saboteurs are known in the
Empire’s criminal underworld as some Commerce Skill
of the best assassins available for hire. In Medicine Skill

truth, these infiltrators and sleeper agents
Skulduggery Skill
are devoted members of the Kolat, a secre-
tive and subversive affiliation of sects devoted Rank 1–2 Kata  Tech. Grp.
to ending Rokugani reverence of the Celestial = Noxious Cloud  Technique
Heavens, and establishing humanity as its own Tributaries of Trade  Technique
ruler. The earnings from these criminal activities
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
provide a significant and largely untraceable income
stream for the cell leader. Kolat Saboteurs pursue Composition Skill
many different ends for different sects, but their over- Smithing Skill

arching agenda is to bring about the “age of humani-
Survival Skill
ty.” A saboteur's true purpose is to undertake missions
Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
for the Kolat, as instructed by their handler—another
individual within their branch of the conspiracy whose Ebb and Flow  Technique
AND IMPOSTORS identity may or may not be known to the saboteur, as Spin the Web  Technique
many members of the sect live under a cover identity.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
The Kolat Saboteur Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water
Conspiracy and Kitsune Commerce Skill
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Commerce, +1 Fit-
Impersonator Tradition
are not like other ness, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], Skulduggery Skill

schools; in fact, they +1 Medicine, +1 Meditation, +1 Skulduggery Survival Skill

aren't formal samurai Honor: 20
schools at all. Within Rank 1–4 Kata  Tech. Grp.
Disadvantage: False Identity (see page 247)
the game rules, they = Silencing Stroke
function as any other
Techniques Available: Kata (), Shūji ()  Technique
school, but narratively Starting Techniques: Wolf’s Proposal  Technique
they represent individu-
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
als from outside of ordi- $$ Kata: = Veiled Menace Style
nary samurai society. Command Skill
$$ Ninjutsu: = Skulk
It's not unusual for PCs Commerce Skill

in L5R to keep secrets

$$ Shūji: Cadence
Skulduggery Skill
from each other, and in
that regard introducing Professional Saboteur (School Ability): Once per Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
a kitsune or Kolat PC game session at the beginning of a scene, you may
into a group should not
Rank 1–5 Ninjutsu  Tech. Grp.
reveal that an NPC in that scene is the target of your
be disruptive. However, current assignment. The GM then decides what your Buoyant Arrival  Technique
these characters are
fundamentally different
assignment entails, such as sabotaging the target’s cur- Usher In the New Age (Mastery Ability):
from "ordinary" samurai rent activities, framing them for a crime, killing them, As a downtime activity, you may overcome
in unique ways, and or even making sure they survive to play their part in or bypass an NPC's guards or other security
measures in order to gain access to them.
may not be appropriate a long and sinister plot. Until the end of the session, Make a Skulduggery (Air) check targeting
for all games. As al- the NPC, with a TN equal to their highest
when you make a skill check targeting the chosen NPC,
ways, GMs and players conflict rank. If you succeed and the chosen
should collaborate to you may reroll a number of dice up to your school rank.
NPC is a minion or an adversary the GM
ensure that all PCs are Starting Outfit: Ceremonial clothes, common clothes, deems non-essential to the campaign plot,

suited to the campaign. traveling clothes, daishō (katana and wakizashi), knife, you accomplish your goal, such as assassinat-
ing the NPC or delivering an effective threat,
five shuriken, one vial of poison, traveling pack. in a method of your choosing (subject to the
GM’s approval). If the NPC is an important
adversary, you confront the NPC alone, likely
beginning a conflict scene.
240  : Your efforts go completely unnoticed by
anyone except possibly the target.
 : If you kill the target, their death appears
to be the result of an accident or natural caus-
es (although a skilled investigator may still
uncover the truth).

Martial Skills Skl. Grp.

Performance Skill
Skulduggery Skill

Survival Skill
General Kata Rank 1  Tech. Grp.
= Beware the Smallest Mouse  Technique
= Like a Ghost  Technique
Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
Fitness Skill
Martial Arts (Melee) Skill

Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill

Ninjutsu Rank 1–2  Tech. Grp.
= Silent Elimination  Technique
Veiled Menace Style  Technique
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Martial Arts (Ranged) Skill
Medicine Skill Mercenary Ninja Training [Shinobi]

Smithing Skill Without family, honor, or remorse, Mercenary Ninja

Ranged Kata Rank 1–3  Tech. Grp. move without a trace to ply their lethal trade in search
= Feigned Opening  Technique of fortune. Consisting of highly skilled commoners and
former Great Clan shinobi, they exist as disposable
Slicing Wind Kick  Technique
and deniable assets lying in wait among the shadows
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. of Rokugan. Daimyō and nobles purchase the loyalty
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. of Mercenary Ninja to have them kill and steal with
ruthless efficiency—for unlike shinobi who serve the
Seafaring Skill

Great Clans, they serve only their own interests.

Skulduggery Skill
When not otherwise engaged, Mercenary Ninja
= Hidden in Smoke  Technique generally live simple lives. No formal schools exist for
Breath of Wind Style  Technique such lawless individuals, but some Mercenary Ninja train
under a mentor, while others create their own cadres.
Silencing Stroke  Technique
Rings: +1 Air, +1 any one other ring.
Trade Skills Skl. Grp. Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Fitness, +1 Martial
Meditation Skill Arts (Melee), +1 Martial Arts (Ranged), +1 Martial Arts
Tactics Skill (Unarmed), +1 Medicine, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Survival

Honor: 20
Theology Skill
Techniques Available: Kata, Ninjutsu, Rituals
Ninjutsu Rank 1–5  Tech. Grp. Starting Techniques:
= Foreseen Need  Technique
$$ Ninjutsu: Skulk
Striking as Void  Technique
$$ Shūji (choose one): = Cadence, = Shallow Waters
One with the Shadows (Mastery Ability):

Disciple of Darkness (School Ability): When you per-

technique, you may add two kept set to
an  result to your check. You may do this 3 form a check to hide, move stealthily, or deceive others
times per session. as to your true identity, you may suffer a number of
strife up to your school rank to choose that many char-
acters targeted by the check. Treat each chosen char-
acter’s vigilance as 1 lower while resolving the check.
Starting Outfit: Kusarifundo or tekken, kama or nin-
jatō, 3 shuriken or blowgun, stealth clothing, peasant
clothes, 50 feet of rope, tenugui.


Trade Skills Skl. Grp. PLAYING A RONIN

Fitness Skill
The rōnin path provid-
Martial Arts [Choose One] Skill ed here represents a

character who was born
Performance Skill into one of the Great
Rank 1 Kata  Tech. Grp. Clans, but for reasons
that are up to you, has
= Open-Hand Style  Technique since left their clan to
Shallow Waters  Technique become a masterless
warrior. To make a
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. rōnin character, you
Command Skill should choose the clan
and family that your
Labor Skill character originated

from, then chose this
Medicine Skill
school (which, in this
Rank 1–2 Shūji  Tech. Grp. case, is more of a
= All Arts are One collection of worldly
Worldly Rōnin Path [Bushi, Courtier]  Technique experiences than a true
Iron Forest Style  Technique school).
Individuals may come to walk the rōnin’s path for many
Social Skills Skl. Grp. More on playing a rōnin
reasons. These “wave men” adrift upon the sea of fate
can be found on page
may be former clan samurai fallen from grace, unlucky Martial Arts [Choose One] Skill 306.
samurai whose master was killed or demoted, or even Sentiment Skill

children born to samurai parents out of wedlock or

Skulduggery Skill
under other contentious circumstances. Many do not
have a formal sensei anymore—if they ever did—and Rank 1–3 Kata  Tech. Grp.
so the world itself is their teacher. As they must adapt = A Samurai’s Fate  Technique
to survive, many rōnin rely on a particular skill to make Dazzling Performance  Technique
their way in the world, whether that be as mercenaries,
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
as traveling merchants or performers, or as guides or
guardians for specific roads, rivers, or mountain passes. Labor Skill
Rings: +1 any two different rings Martial Arts [Choose One] Skill

Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fit- Survival Skill

ness, +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts
Rank 1–4 Shūji  Tech. Grp.
[Ranged], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Skulduggery
Honor: 30 = Striking as Void  Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Crimson Leaves Strike  Technique
Starting Techniques:
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Kata (choose one): = Pelting Hail Style, Composition Skills
= Crescent Moon Style
Martial Arts [Choose One] Skill

$$ Shūji (choose one): All in Jest, Honest Assess- Meditation Skill

ment, Stirring the Embers, Rustling of Leaves
Rank 1–5 Kata  Tech. Grp.
School of Waves (School Ability): Choose one bonus Buoyant Arrival  Technique
curriculum skill; this skill henceforth counts as part of the Sear the Wound  Technique
Worldly Rōnin Path curriculum for you at all ranks. Each
time your school rank increases, choose one additional A Bottomless Ocean (Mastery Ability):

You can increase your bonus curriculum

bonus curriculum skill this way.
skills to rank 6 (paying 12 XP per skill
When you make a check using one of your bonus raised from rank 5 to rank 6 this way).
curriculum skills, you may negate 1  symbol.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, any one weapon
of rarity 6 or lower, katana (long sword) or yumi (bow),
wakizashi (short sword), any two items of rarity 4 or lower.


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