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STEM 11-4
Freedom, or simply the ability of a certain individual or group to perform such actions that extends to the possibilities of
infinite probabilities without restrains, is something that is rather abstract but also theoretical. We ask ourselves, are we
truly free? Are there such things as limits? how do we know whether we are free or not? Is it just a matter of words? or
does it apply to our surroundings? Simply I may answer that in my own understanding as For me, Freedom is something
that can be looked the other way around on both sides, being free and not free. When we are free to do something,
whether Physical, Psychological, or Moral, then we are also not free on another thing. For example, Physical Freedom is
attained by the absence of Physical restrain - meaning we are "FREE" from those physical restraints but are also "NOT
FREE" from not having Physical Restraint (Because hey, Physical restrains can be looked at as blessings as the
experience can bring lifelong lessons which are delightful). But that of course is my own personal opinion, for me, freedom
is not something that is not necessarily automatically good but is also something that can be bad. Society tends to look
subconsciously at freedom as being free from something which is "good" because according to the video, freedom is
indeed the ability given to a person to be who they want to be to take and perform actions. It can be in a negative way or a
positive next move. They didn't particularly say. So to answer the question "Am I really free?" I believe that we are always
free. That we are always free to do something even though we might think there are restrains because they can be looked
at the other way around. Yes we are free to do good, and yes we are free to do bad. The question doesn't necessarily
mean free to a particular thing but even if it does, then you are still free on that thing being negative because it can be
positive or negative freedom. If there is a negative, there is also a positive, you just have to find it. So for me, it is also a
freedom of bad consequences because just as it can be looked the other way around in good, it can also be looked the
other way around in bad. Is freedom a Freedom of choice? The decision is always there visible all along, we would just
have to make a move to execute it.
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The control we have in our lives depends simply on our MINDSET. We can do
anything we want but there are simply restrains such as the law, conscience,
morality, etc to limit us from doing completely everything that we want because if not,
it can affect others and result in horrid negative consequences. We should limit
ourselves (even though we can do anything) by means of control, discipline, and
contemplating on reasonable limits. We should have the knowledge and be prudent
to make a good judgment on what to do next. From my observation, I can see that
this applies a lot to religion as God is Omnipotent but he limits himself to doing
absolutely everything (bad things) due to his good moral nature - he voluntarily limits
himself and as humans, we should too limit ourselves to doing bad decisions with
voluntary discipline.

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Genetics, Privilege, Upbringing, accidents, and such choices that we experience
affect our future actions. Ever wonder why other people who face a particular
obstacle/conflict with others have different solutions? In my opinion, I believe that
this is something that is based on the situation that they used to belong to that
influences their way of thinking morally into facing future happenings. They were
trained individually and as individuals - of course, no two are alike, there are
different variations of obstacles that we face. From the benefits that we have to the
disadvantages, we would know our strengths and weaknesses. For example
Genetics: If you came from a family of tall people, and you yourself is one, then
you have the privilege of using that benefit on certain doings/activities that tall
people are good at like basketball - it affects our future CHOICE because due to
that, you were able to join a basketball team and be good at it based on your genetic
privilege. It affects future happenings/choices. So I would say that we owe them
(genetics, privilege, upbringing, accidents) a LOT because it can lead us to
deciding for our future or something that we would do for the rest of our lives.

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