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Script of the 2nd Order Initiation for the

Reformed Druids of Gaia

The 2nd Order is dedicated to the Goddess Boann, patroness of Waters.


Make or have made for you a **hooded robe. This can be of any design you like and
are comfortable with (You may just use a bathrobe with a towel for a hood, if funds are

The presiding AD should obtain a Seren Derwydd pendant, to be gifted to the initiate in
the course of the rite.

Note: This rite is inserted within the usual and customary Rite of the Waters of

The deities, (Boann, The Earth Mother and Dalon Ap Landu ) are in attendance,
represented by the AD, and two other Druids. Other gods and guardians are also in
attendance, as is the patron of the Grove (whomever they might be)


CLERK: O Gaia (or Anu, Eywa, etc.), bountiful and ever flowing forth; Boann, mistress
of the Waters; Dalon ap Landu, Lord of the Forests, we Thy children, invoke Thy
blessing upon this aspirant to serve thee.

DALON: "Arise (initiate), and stand before the altar.‖

(Initiate stands and faces the altar)


BOANN: "Initiate, ( name), have you come of your own free will? Have you?"

INITIATE: "I have so come"

DALON: ―Do you, in full consciousness, promise to serve faithfully the Earth-Mother,
ministering to Her followers, and accepting your responsibilities as a Druid of the
Second Order to the best of your ability? Do you?‖

INITIATE: ―I do so accept.‖

BOANN: Do you understand from whence comes the source of all life, and the nature of
the source of all life? Do you?

DALON: Do you understand the partaking of the waters-of-life, and the sacrifice of life
that we offer-up to our Mother? Do you?


BOANN: "Are you a God?"

INITIATE: ―I am a God.‖

DALON: ―"And so you are. Come forth (your name) and take upon yourself the Seren
Derwydd, the seven-pointed star of the Druids. Wear it proudly; wear it boldly. It
proclaims your belief in yourself, in your Godhood, and in your power over everything in
your influence. Thou art God."

(Dalon places the Seren Derwydd around the Initiates neck)

INITIATE: "I thank thee oh Gods, my equals. Thou art God, and I am God and all that
groks is God. So say we all."


BOANN: "Thou art God. Come forth (initiate and take upon yourself the garment of the
Gods, the robe of the Druid. Wear it proudly; wear it boldly. It proclaims your belief in
yourself, in your Godhood, and in your power over everything in your influence, and in
your service to yourself and the Reformed Druids. Thou art God."

INITIATE: "I thank thee oh Gods, my equals, for the privilege and honor of service to
myself and to you. Thou art God, and I am God and all that groks is God. So say we


DALON: Are you ready, then, to be sealed up to the service of the Earth-Mother? Are


Sealing to the Second Order

(Dalon dips His fingers in consecrated waters and makes a Seren Derwydd on the
forehead of the candidate every time the word “seal” is spoken in the following:)

DALON: ―In the name of the Earth-Mother…….‖

―I seal you to Her service in the house of the spirit of the South.‖
―I seal you to Her service in the house of the Spirit of the North.‖

―I seal you to Her service in the house of the Spirit of the West.‖

―I seal you to Her service in the house of the Spirit of the East.‖

―Finally, I seal you to the service of the mighty, the blessed, all powerful and fertile All-
Mother Earth, thus consecrating your life to Her cause. – SO SAY WE ALL!‖


DALON & BOANN: "Hail and welcome (your name) into the pantheon of Gods and into
the service of the Reformed Druids. Thou art God and we are God and all that groks is
God. So say we all."


(Hand the initiate all the remaining waters-of-life)

DALON: Take and drink—all of it!

(Return to the Order of Worship, usually at the Meditation. )

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