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Machicek 1

Aspen Machicek
Sara Price
Model UN

Policy Paper - Germany & Afghanistan

While the citizens of Afghanistan have been in derelict conditions for years, Germany

was able to recognize the main issues involving food scarcity, women’s rights and increased

poverty levels and stepped in to provide funding and protection while in a jeopardizing state.

Afghanistan has had a significant downfall in the past few years after the Taliban

regained control within the country, but Germany has been one of the highest contributors to the

protection and funding of Afghanistan's economy. The increased poverty rates and the

demolition of women/children’s rights in Afghanistan have caused millions of citizens to be left

without their homes, while others are forced to take drastic measures to earn money or even to

flee from the country. Germany has been a major partner with UNICEF even since the early

stages of Afghanistan’s struggles. Germany has supported and funded Afghanistan and a portion

of that was allowing Afghan women to work with UNICEF in the humanitarian organizations in

Afghanistan. Germany was the contributor of the 2nd largest percentage of funding in

Afghanistan. In 2022, Germany funded a total of approximately 140 million US dollars to the

UNICEF organizations in Afghanistan to support women and families. Although, In recent years,

the issues surrounding women and children have been climacteric. The Taliban enforced bans

against women’s universities and women were restricted from working paying jobs. Because of

this, the women’s job positions were revoked and a high percentage of those aid workers in

UNICEF were women, meaning that the humanitarian organizations’ abilities to provide

assistance were suddenly diminished due to the lack of workers. "By banning the employment of

female staff of nongovernmental organizations, the Taliban in Afghanistan have struck an

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irresponsible blow against aid to the Afghan people," (Schulze) In August of 2021, the security

council formulated resolution 2593. It was held up towards the Taliban as a way to enforce the

protection of human rights, build up the inclusivity of governing power, as well as to fight

terrorism, all in Afghanistan. When the Taliban returned and made various violations of women’s

rights, they universally trampled the expectations of resolution 2593.

In this case, it was a commitment that Germany would continue to aid the country if the

Taliban withheld the remarks of resolution 2593. The Taliban’s restrictions for women caused

disruption of the resolution agreements and Germany decided to defer their funding/aid in

Afghanistan in December of 2022. This solution deems very effective because Afghanistan

doesn’t have the resources to maintain a healthy environment for the citizens. Germany

contributed a very large portion to Afghanistan and without that assistance, the progressive

efforts that have been carried through the UNICEF organizations will begin to decrease.

Germany also made the decision to postpone aid rather than fully abolish it. It is at this point, up

to the Taliban as to whether they would like to gain Germany's trust once again by disregarding

the previously conceived laws and limitations of Afghan women, or they could continue on

without the help of Germany.

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Paragraph 1, Source 1

Paragraph 1, Source 2

Paragraph 1, Source 3

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