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Sara Price

Model UN

2 Feb 2023

United Kingdom Policy Paper

Although the United Kingdom is willing to give aid and stability to refugees from Afghanistan

and Ukraine, The United Kingdom has become overpopulated, unemployment rates are up, and the

economy is slowing down to a standstill, as of right now the United Kingdom can not take in any more


The United Kingdom has spent time and money to help support Afghanistan over the last 22

years. We have seen pain, scarcity, and violence. In 2001 war in Afghanistan arose and many afghans

registered for the United Nations refugee agency (this agency helps many people that are displaced due to

wars and breakouts of violence in nations). During the summer of 2021 when the Taliban’s ascent to

power an additional 2.6 million refugees applied to this agency and as of 2022 around 21,000 refugees

have been displaced in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has spent around 1.2 million pounds

providing housing for refugees from Afghanistan. Now, with the increasing number of Ukrainian refugees

(100,000), many of our citizens have committed to sharing their homes and hosting under a program

called Homes for Ukraine.

Our proposed solution is for other countries to provide and support refugees from Afghanistan.

We understand that not all countries are able to provide as much aid as others, but support from other

countries will provide a more stable home and greater opportunities for refugees to get back on their feet.

Many of our current refugee families have been living in hotels or are placed in homes many hours away

from close cities and jobs/ job opportunities. With the welcoming of 100,000 refugees from Ukraine,

numerous Afghans have been moved from their accommodations, and numerous refugee families have

been taken in by British families. The United Kingdom has given a lot and will continue to help support
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refugees in any way possible, however, our economy and people will not be able to provide these safe and

comfortable conditions much longer.

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Maizland, Lindsay. “Where Will Afghan Refugees Go?” Council on Foreign Relations, 8

September. 2021,

“Afghanistan: How many people has the UK resettled?” BBC. British Broadcasting Corporation,

12 August. 2022, .

Batha, Emma. “One year later, UK’s Afghan refugees hit with harsh realities.” The Christian

Science Monitor, 10 August. 2022,


Walsh, William, Peter and Sumption, Madeleine. “Afghan refugees in the UK.” The Migration

Observatory, 21 October. 2021,

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