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Listening is tested in the first section on both thc paper TOEFL test and the computer
TOEFL test. This section consists of a number of different types of listcning passages, each
followed by one or more questions. The paper and the computcr listening sections are sim-
ilar in the following ways:
• some oj tlte PlLlsllges
• some oj the lang'uage skills
The paper and the computer listening sections arc different in the following ways:

• some oj tlte passages

• some oj the Im//,'1wge skills
• the use oJvisuals
• the number oj questions
• the am01wi oj time
• the control oj time between questions
• the procedures and stTlltf.l,'ies


On the paper TOEFL test, the first section is called Listening Comprehension. This section
consists of fifty questions (though some tests may be longcr). You will listen to rccorded
material and respond to multiple choicc qucstions about the material. You must listen
carefully because you will hear the recording one time only and the material on the record-
ing is not written in your test book.
\. Short Dialogues are two-line dialogues between two speakers, each followed by a
multiple choice question. You will listen to each short dialogue and question on the
recording and then choose tlte best answer to each question from the four choices
in your test book. The thirty short dialogues and thiny questions about them make
up Part A of the paper TOEFL test.
2. Long Conversations are 60-90 second conversations on casual topics between stu-
dents, each followed by a number of multiple choice questions. You will listen to
each long conversation and each of the questions that accompany it on the record-
ing and then choose the best answer to each question from the four choices in your
test book. The twp conversations and the seven to nine questions that accompany
them make up Part B of the paper TOEFL test.
3. Talks are 60-90 second talks about school life or academic subjects, each followed
by a number of multiple choice questions. You will listen to each lecture and each
of the questions that accompany it on the recording and then choose the best
answer to each question fmm the four choices in your test book. The three lectures
and the eleven to thirteen questions that accompany them make up Part C of the
paper TOEFL test.

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