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● "OSTEO"- bones
● damage in the articular cartilage.
● If there's movement, damage in the bones, inflammatory cells will migrate.
● Too many Inflammatory cells, pain will ensue.
● Inflammation is always accompanied by pain.

○ARTICULAR CARTILAGE- white tissue that covers the end of bones, so that if there's friction
bones will not be damaged.


○Grating sensation- movement friction
○Bouchard's nodes, and Herberden's nodes- hard Gelatinous cysts in the fingers.
○Bouchard's nodes- proximal joints
○Herberden's nodes- distal joints

1. ○Acetaminophen- analgesic
2. ○NSAID- First line because of inflammation
3. ○Corticosteroids
● unresponsive to NSAIDS
● route- INTRA-ARTICULAR route- injected into joints
4. ○Capsaicin
● chilli patch
● component of siling labuyo
● Before, counterirritant, when applied, the Thinking of the px will divert. Instead of
thinking about the pain, the attention will divert into the warm sensation.
● Based on studies, it has ANTI-INFLAMM activity, inhibiting SUBSTANCE P-
involved in pain and inflammation.
5. GLUCOSAMINE- present in the fluid around the joint, when deficient, must be
6. CHONDROITIN- major component of cartilage that helps to retain water.
7. HYALURONATE (hyaluronic acid)- spreading agent, but for the joints, it is a lubricant
for joints.
8. NARCOTIC ANALGESIC- morphine- activate Mu receptors to cause analgesic property,
they mimic endorphins, they mimic endogenous opioids, such as endorphins and
enkephalins (natural pain relievers)

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