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Name: Briyit Licet Romero Rodriguez

second semester
Date: february 24th, Friday 2023
School: Normal superior of Piedecuesta, Complementary Training Program

I get up at 4:30 a.m. Then, I take a
shower. Later, I get dressed,
After that, I have coffee and some
bread. Next, I brush my teeth.Then,
I then, makeup and Later I leave my house
at 5:30 a.m. then, I go to school and study
until noon. After that, I go home and have
lunch. Later, I take a nap. After that,
I exercise and do my homework.
Around 8:00 p.m.I eat dinner. Then, I look
at my cell phone.I finally go to bed around
11:00 p.m.

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