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Name: Rizzabelle Q. Rodelas BSE-Fil 2 ED 5.

The video talks about the teacher who publicly announced the names of her
students in front of her class. The reason why, it is because the two students are cheating.
We all know that cheating is wrong in any ways, but putting your students in shame
special in public is different. As teacher we should not let there privacy life, specifically
their names shouted around social media platforms. Yes, they are cheating it is wrong
but teachers are the responsible for his/her student data privacy. The teacher should not
posted any videos about those students who cheated in exam. She must not drop the
name of the students if she want to post it on social media. It is sad that because of single
click the students might be traumatize on how the people on the social media platforms
judge them.
If we take a look on the website of The Educator’s Role; Privacy, Confidentiality
and Security in the Classroom written by Ming Scheid in 2019 that the “Teachers are
responsible for holding every student’s data in confidence and sharing it only with
necessary parties such as parents, other teachers, and administrators. Finally, teachers
can keep student data both private and confidential by establishing clear security
practices in their classrooms.” That clearly says that teacher is the one who is responsible
of the students data. Uploading a video of you saying the name of students who is
cheating is not right. We should only disclose the students data in school premises, not
in the whole world. Let us think about on what are students feel when they were posted
on social media just for your own content. We should think not only ourselves, we should
also be mindful in uploading videos in any social media platforms.
As a reminder, teachers all know the code of ethics about data privacy of the
students. We also know that breaking the law equivalent to a punishment. As for now the
view has been deleted in TikTok and in Facebook. It is a lesson learned for us to be
mindful as always, put are students first. Confronting them because if what they did is
okay but take note that we should do it in private where no one can judge and criticize
them. Again, cheating is wrong, but putting them in shame is definably not right. It scares
when we think that the students involve in video be bullied and some people will make
fun of them. As a teacher we should not impressed the people who watch our videos, we
should make our responsibility clear and effective. After all, a teacher is the second parent
we should not late our students hurt emotionally, mentally.



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