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Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary

University of the Southern Caribbean Site

Critical Review

Current Science and Ellen White

A Paper

Presented in Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Course

GSEM534 Issues in Ellen G. White Studies


Cordelle Williams

June 2022
Jerry Moon, PhD, served for many years as chair of the Church History

Department in the seminary at Andrews University and editor of Andrews

University Seminary Studies. He coedited The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia, His

dissertation, "W. C. White and Ellen G. White: The Relationship between the Prophet

and Her Son," was published by Andrews University Press in 1993.

God is the source of wisdom and should be considered the original Scientist.

Today critics of the Bible and more so Ellen White Writings are of the view that the

findings of scientific discoveries play a dominant role in whether Scripture is

authentic or not. They failed to realize that ancient archeological relics and the

advancement of modern science serve to corroborate what God would have inspired

long before.

Moon in his article on “Current Science and Ellen G White” presents three

important principles when applying the work of the prophetess concerning health,

nature of the earth, and physical nature of man pre-diluvian. He argues that

hermeneutics dictates that we consider (1) the value of Mrs. White writings in her

time and the 21st Century provided the same conditions existed, (2) statements

which remain partially accepted base on lack of scientific support and (3)

statements which remain as general knowledge among her contemporaries but are

unconfirmed by modern science.

The author defended his argument into twelve categories with a myriad of

references. On health, E G white warned about cosmetics; the dangers of

masturbation; consumption of pork and cheese and the essentials of sunlight. To

the first E G White links the symptoms of irritability, headache, and nausea to lead

poison. This is confirmed by Julian Chisholm, an expert on lead poisoning, cited in U.S.

News & World Report, Aug. 10, 1987, 56).

Whereas some statements cannot be supported from science such as the

connection between pork and leprosy, the subject of cheese grants a partial

understanding in respect to its preparation and preservation. There is still a danger

with cheese but not for the same reason given 150 years ago. Areas of genealogy

such as the formation of rock and its contribution to volcanoes are now respected as


Reading Mood except shows how important we as biblical students are to

appreciate the hermeneutical value of E G White Writings. Some of her works are

person commentary and should be use to discredit the prophetess on her fallibility.

I point to the thirty-eight rooms in Sanitorium which Mrs. white said there were

forty. A study of the author’s life and ministry must be considered for consistency.

Unlike everything I have heard, I debunked the ambiguous rendition of the

word ‘amalgamation” used by Mrs. White. This is horrendous in two ways. One if

the context was used to condemn bestiality and formation of new species, as a

student of science I have never heard of such a thing. Animal DNA clone animal DNA

and human-animal chimeras borders on the path of science fiction. However, if the

context was used in reference of condemning interracial marriage, then there is

some inconsistency with E G White as “the person”. To consider black less than her

ethnicity is unchristian-like. Furthermore, the article did not make reference where

Mrs. White gives clarity to this charge.

The reading present valuable information that contributes to my

understanding of Seventh-day Adventist “NEWSTART” initiative. It also clarifies my

personal view of the process of inspiration. The inspired writer’s message should

be considered firstly to the cultural and traditional context. Then where the subject

does not apply for today, it such be valued according to its principle.

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