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Grammar 1 Praeczytaj historyike na stronie 24 WPodreczniku i uzupetnij zdania formami dzierzawczymi, 1 Oh, a message on Are they 2 books? 2 oe 4 Theyare Uncle books, 5 Uncle Gordon is our _ _ brother, —~ © Podrecenik: str, 25,€w.6 GS 2 Potacz wlasciwe zaimki, Grammar Guide ocwiczeniap! Kod: AMEXIR 3. Uzupetnij zdania wyrazamiz ramki, (her 1ST my Our thee hign This is me. This is grandma, Dad and | are with __ dog Moose, This is Sally present. It's _birthdgy They are my cousins. This is ‘a Here's my rabbit. __ears are big) Tom is here, This is bike. © Podrecenik: str. 25, w.7 auawne Uzupetnij zdania formami dzierzawczymi, 2dog 3 Peter 5 Mike and Jimmy 6 Susie and Zara 1 - ee al 3 ——__ skateboard, ee skates. 5 That's 6 — camera. a Listen ocviczeriap| 7 Przeczytaj i podpisz: S (Sally), R (Rob). ed 4aZ8 5 {bPodpisz przedmioty na Lele Nastepnie postuchaj nagrania i zaznacz ulubione przedmioty dzieci, Vocabulary Communication 8 Praca wparach. Uczesi A: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 107. — © Podrecznik: str. 25, éw. 5 Uczeni B: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 115. 6 Odszukaj w diagramie dziewigé nazw przedmiotéw. Whose bag is it? | He danes G|B/A/G/Q/T/X/D/Q/s t[cle[s|Kla[tle|s[k Write iv S|] ha] VAS] NA AREA 9 Przeczytaj zdania. Wpisz is jezeli’s jest plojo|k|/s{ci{Bi[cliu[t skrétem od is. Kip R |G] AO} v PAL XE 1. This is Jim’s bike. x|N{mM[ct|t|o| Rimi Q\s 2. My mum's brother is my uncle, Ni F/[R/O/LIT|VIE]LIO 3. It's my book, —_ t|K|T/B/Z/E|ViRIC|A 4, My brother Tom's very tall. Nilq/H[elt|RiH/A|Y|R 5. He'sa very good friend, (cTo[m|plul[Tle}R|p|o 6. My mum’ really clever. =} Y Comprehension Pd 1. &)pPostuchaj nagrania ze strony 26 w podreczniku i uzupelnij zdania. Are you scared of __spiders _? 2 These spiders are not _ 3 Theglobe tells you about: rent 4 There isa__ Itcan help you with your 6 shoes are great fun. 2 WpiszT (True) obok zdani prawdziwych Usten ocwiezeniap! Kod: AaF2K2 pen with the globe. iF (False) obok zdan fatszywych. Nastepnie sprawdé odpowiedziz tekstem na stronie 26 w podreczniku. 1 These spiders aren't real. 2 The spiders are toys with moving legs. 3 You can write on the globe with a magic pen. 4 The globe can help you to find different countries. 5 In Moon shoes you can walk like an astronaut. 6 Moon shoes are not very interesting. Vocabulary 7 $10) Exciting things “6 4. Zakresi wtasciwe wyrazy- 1 2 3 4 5 6 scary. pider with talking / moving Itisn't a toy spider. It's (eal I've gota toy sI legs. - Computer games are very exciting / scary, Moon shoes are not real / typical shoes. The interactive globe is a talking / walking map of the world. I'm really scared / scary of spiders. 5 Rozwiaz krzyzowke. 3 Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz podano dodatkowo. Sharks are. animals! The talking globe is Don't be scared. This snake isn't awn a Walking in Moon shoes is. ! LO © Podrecznik: str. 26, éw. 3 Across 3 8 Down 1 Noauwan In Moon shoes you are like an Italy isn'ta big Work from your teacher for home is The interactive pen is A tarantula isa big The spiders aren't real, They are An astronaut walks on the ‘3D map of the world is a Grammar Guide docwiceriapl §~— Vocabulary Grammar eS Kot AAFA3S 6 Uzupetnij zdania formami czasownika tobe: 9 Wpisz nazwy krajéw i narodowosci. is, are, isn’t, aren't. 1. This spider scary. It’s fun! 2. The skateboard amazing! Look at the colours! 3 Te boos very interesting, Cool! the Czech Republic 4. These old ice skates myice skates. G jerman They're grandma's, —Geech_—__ \— © Podrecznik: str. 27, én. 4 7 Zakresl wtasciwe odpowiedzi. 1 Are you ten years old, Tom? a No, you're not. (®)No, I'm not. 2 Are Susie and Bill friends? a Yes, they are, b Yes, we are, rh Great Britain Greek 3. Hey girls, are you sisters? a No, wearen't. b No, they aren't. 4 Are you afraid of spiders? a Yes, we are! b Yes, they are! Tl i Lithuanian Russian 5 Isblue your favourite colour? a. No, itisn’t. b No, they aren't. 6 Are these your brothers? a No,wearen't. b No, they aren't. Slovakia Spain 8 Potaczi uzupetnij pytania i odpowiedzi. 1 Are you from Poland?~\ a No, he 2 ___you scared b Yes, we of spiders? pa or a friends? 4 —_heyourbrother?\d Yes,l_am.. 5 __welateforclass? No, they oe _ - 6 __theyyourfriends?f No,1___not. — Polish All things big and small Let’s play together! Vocabulary 1 : Popatrz na obrazki i wpisz w dymki wyrazenia z ramki. Can thi lave ago? Gatch itSmyturn! Welldone! Throwthe ball. I missed! 2. Uzupetnij dialogi wyrazeniami zramki. Ganihaveago? it’smyturn! Hurray!lwin! Well done! Catch! Bill: Great computer game! (1) Can I have a go? Jake: Okay. Here you are. Ben: (2) Jane: Oh! I'm sorry. You play now. Kay: I've got 300 points! Tina: That's very good. (3) —____ Jim: Here's the balll. (4) —_____— Kate: OK, I'm ready! Sue: That's check mate. (5) —_____— 1 rt 5 4 i Dad: It's your turn now. 26 3. Uzupetnij wyrazenia. Write 1 Canthave — ? 6 Uzupetnij w formularzu informacje o sobie. 2 Wsmy/your__— Nastepnie napisz krétka notatke, jak w éw. 5. 3 Hurray! ah vol seseseestaureiey 5 Well ae Sounds Age: 4 Przeczytaj na gtos zdania. W kazdym znich zakresl te litery a, ktére wymawiamy taksamo. || Nationality: ___ Favourite things: Hi, my name is Read and I'm from ________so I'm 5. Przeczytaj i uzupetnij informacje wpaszportach. (1 Hi, my name is Olympia. 'meleven and im | | fromGreece, som Greek Myfevourte and | things are my mobile phone - it's pink - and ___ myice skates - they're new and really cool. - My favourite things are Nationality: Favourite things: Communication 7 Pracaw parach. Uczeti A: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 107. Uczent B: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 115. What's Rob's favourite thing? Nationality: What's Katy’s favourite thing? Favourite things: | itoldornew? : } ior a Vocabulary { Potrafienazwae Sauber przedmioty. (1) } 1 Nazwij przedmioty, ames m__ p. ao) "2 3 Przeczytaj zdaniaiuzupein ry w brakujacych przymiotnikach. 1 This story is s____— Pacaecoaingisane sport. 3. This dog can ride a scooter. __. Its about ghosts, 4 Itisn’tar_____ flower. It’s a paper flower, This board game is very w eihsisntatse book. Ita talking book. Podrecznik: str.26, éw.113 | Score: Potrafie nazwaé narodowos¢ i kraj oO pochodzenia oséb i rzeczy. Potrafie opisywaé przedmioty, uzywajac (_) meee | przymiotnikow. cp L Lithuania 2. Odszukaj dziesieé przymiotnikow. : i Russia S|TIRILIFIUININ| Y\V/sS ST — m[BlelalultiifFjulifc pee Alzle[xi[c[i{tii[n[ela He : Spain LIX/Y/A/M/A/Z/)1TIN/G/R LIX/K/J/R/E/A\LIBIN/Y Greece Ni[tTlE[R/E|s|tli [iG ee | Tly[e[t[claleleKle poral Score:__/10) — (?)Pecrgcnit st. 27, ew. 5 Grammar Potrafie uzywa¢ form czasownika be w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej do opisywania oséb, przedmi ie} rw i miejsc. 5 Zakresl wtagciwe wyrazy. 1 2 3 4 5 The game is / isn't really cool. These books are / aren't very interesting. They're boring. They are / aren't family - they'te friends. We are / is really good friends. These are / aren't my shoes. They are yours! 6 Zrozsypanych wyrazéw utwérz pytania. 1 2 6 | | | Q) Podrecanik: str. 27, w. 4 “Score: _/6 | irzeczy. from / where / are / you? your / what / nationality / is? Poland / are / from / you? spiders / scary / are / very? teacher / is / from / your / Sweden? ae do opisywania przynaleznosci oséb Potrafie stosowaé zaimkidzierzaweze (_) 8 Uzupetnij zdania formami dzierzawczymi. 1. There are my two cats.___ names are Flora and Tom. 2 Look, this is ____ family in the photo. 3. Look at my brother. __ hairis short. 4 That's my dog. ____ ears are long. 5 Here's my sister. It's __ birthday today. 6 Inthis photo me and my friends are in —__dlassroom. (2) Podrecznik: str 25,éw.617 ( Score: __/6 Communication [ i¢ stosowaé typowe zwroty (ea) Mark: Your skateboard is cool. 0} 2 Jill: OK. Mark: Great! (2) 1 2 James: (3) —, Jimmie. Jimmie: OK. One, two, three, four, five i lurreyl (4) es na) ® Claire: Check mate! Grandad: (5) __! You're very good at chess, Claire. Claire: Thanks, grandad @ ‘Susan: 4(G)iiiic va Seerieibenn Tommy! Tommy: Oh no! | missed. Susan: It's OK. )Postreczni

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