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Bill gets hung 5 jiednich kategori, BEBE | eos razy do odpowiednich ie : Comprehension facts” > Rargpniestorzystalzestownita opie, do kazdej grupy. 1 Zdecyduj, czy podane zdani sq prawdziwe dwa wyrazy do 7 (True), czy falszywe F (False). Nastepnie Sprawdz odpowiedzi w podrecznikuna stronie 36, The children are in Danger Jungle. + Susie walks into a trap, They eat some sandwiches anda salad. There are alot of bananas on the trees, Susie doesn't like coconut milk. There is a lot of milk in a coconut. They see a shopping centre in the crystal ball. O There are a lot of people in the shopping centre, Noauswne Vocabulary @S 2 Rozwiaz krzyz6wke i odczytaj hasto. a | i} | Ve | ©) (a @ | eRe Vegetables: Which one is not fruit? 4 Wpisz litery ¢ (countable) lub u (uncountable) obok nazw produ wéwiczeniu 3, Grammar Po 5 Zakres! wlasciwe wyrazy. 1 2. There isn’t much / many /a lot of milk in the fridge, but there are much / many / ae alot of eggs. Dan: —_Look, there's (1) _2 lot of fresh fruit here. 3. [haven't got much / many /a lot of Kelly: Good, we haven't got (2)____ apples homework tonight, so I can play much / left. Let's buy some. They're 85p per kilo. many / lot of computer games, Dan: _ Let's buy some strawberries too. They're 4 Tomake this soup you need much / many / £1 fora box. alot of vegetables butyou don'tneed much/ | Kelly: OK, Two kilos of apples and two boxes many /alot of salt of strawberries, please. 5 Arethere any plums eft? Not much /many/ | womansHere you are alot of. |ate much / many /a lot of them 7 and now I feel sick! Dan: Mmm, delicious. Now we've got 6 There aren't much / many /a lot of appl % eet ee ee uch / many of apples, : ae but there are much /many /alotof bananas, | Kelly: But there isn’t (4) cream at home. Dan: No, but there's (5) ice cream. 6 Potacz wlasciwe czesci wyrazéw. Kelly: Mmm, yummy - strawberries and ice cream! Pokoloruj rzeczowniki policzalne na i6Ho, aniepoliczaine na czerwone. Grammar Guide cocviczesiag! = *7 Uzupeh Kod: ASMCTL ialog, wpisujac much, many lub a lot of. Nastepnie policz, ile pieniedzy Kelly i Dan wydali na owoce. There are much / many /@ lot aPtrees in the jungle. Total: £ San ad Write Pas) Peal 8 Wyobrad sobie dzungle i ja opisz. dnhee Derry as aoe cher per a oo am Communication GPe Py 9 Praca w parach. Uczen A: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 108. ine apple Uczen B: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 116. There isalotof... There aren't many... Comprehension ‘odpowiedz na pytani 1 Are your taste buds | 3. What do the messages from your taste buds tell your brain? 4 What happens to the smell of your food? ee Vocabulary @ 2 Podpisz odpowiednio rysunki. 1 Przeczytaj tekst ze strony 38 podrecznika your brain? No, they aren't, They are on your tongue. 2. Do taste buds send messages to your brain? 2 8 ia odpowiednimi i. miotnikami ; = isa lot of vinegar in this sauce, It tastes really sour, isps are very 5 These crisps are v' tohavea drink of water, tant to eat fish which is very t roe Look at the eyes. They wil tel you how old itis. / These oranges are really nice ~ they are vey —— ts My favourite is Hawaiian pizza with pineapple - it’s d___ . I don’t like chocolate much. It’s very a Ugh - put some sugar in my coffee. It’s too bo oe 'love breakfast cereal. It is really c. 3 Uzupetnij zdani pr 1 Ineeg Read 4P rzeczytaj teksty i wybierz poprawng odpowiedé (a-c). 1 Both messages are... 8 written to friends, b formal letters, € about the cinema, 2 Dave wants to... Bay athome on Saturday, B go out on Sunday, 3 Ellie would tike to Hi Steve thaveaiee weekend and | would tke to invite youto the cinema on Saturday, } Hi Kate Would youll to have an icecream | with me this week? here is @ new amazing My favourite favours Disney film outat strawberry, what abou the moment. 4 yours? Bye, Dave Take care, Ellie € Watcha film with Steve, @ have strawbern b meet Kate, © 90 oUt this weekeng, Y ice cream, g a soewtaninl Nod: ASHES 5 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazeniamiz ramki. Nastepnie odegraj go z kolega/kolezanka. Grammar ‘Grammar Guide Zadaj koledze/kolezance pytania i dowiedz sig, jakie jedzenie lubi. Zanotyj jego/jej odpowiedzi, you always eat - healthy food? Why /Why not? 7 3 What salty food, }do- Pete: Would you like to go to the pizzeria? you eat? Katy: (1) Oh, that's a good idea Pete: Which pizza would you like? Katy: (2) |_ vegetables do you eat? Pete: Would you like a drink? 6 Which food would Katy: (3) | polis we eaten Pete: And how about dessert? What would you like? MSY Partyh | Katy: (4) : Pete: Mmm, delicious! And what za Write would you liketo do now? ©8_Uzupetnij blog informacjami na temat Katy: (5) swoich upodobai zywnosciowych. Pete: OK, let's go. | My food blog ike Speak 6 Uzupeinij dialog wyrazamiz ramki. Sam: Julia, would you like to the pizzeria with me? ‘Oh, that’s a good idea! OK. Let’s go. Which pizza you _most? My favourite is Hawaiian pizza, with ham and ineapple. Ugh! | prefer something more ——___ with chilli and onion. i —like some orange juice, as well. How about you? Id like a large lemonade. Mmm, yummy! © Podrecznik: str. 39, éw.7 Julia: Sam: Julia: Sam: Julia: Sam: idon't like __ | because = ——7 Dicaisting foo dr sasseame ee RTA Uczeh A: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 108. Uczeli B: przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 116. Healthy food: Communication 9 Praca w parach, What food would What drinks would) Greg like? Anna like? Zak: Can we go to the park on Sunday? Lee: Sorry, Ican't.'m(1)__spending Sunday with my grandparents. We're (2)___ "lunch at the new pizzeria. Are you (3) Yes laterwere (4) to the 200 — and in the evening were (5) my mum and dad and ()___ my cousins, Zak: OK.We-can goto the park next weekend Zak: Lee: —anything else? 2 Uzupetnij dialog odpowiednimi wyrazami. Nastepnie odegraj go z kolega/kolezanka, Sally: What's for (1)___lunch today? pa Mum: Tomato(2)s <> Sally: Yummy! sit spicy? Mum No, its(3)d__ ~ it’s got fresh tomatoes. ()W____you like some? Sally: Yes, please. | love tomatoes, Mum: (5) you are. Sally: Thank you. » 3 Odpowiedz na pytania i odegesj zkolega/kolezanka. 1 Let's go to the café That's a good idea. _ 2 Would you like an ice cream? 3 Which flavour would you like? 4 OK. How much are they? 5 Oh dear. Ihaven‘t got any money. Can you 4 lend me some? a reo a Grammar : oor z it i si isz przy kazdym zdaniu, czy odnosi si op, : teradnijsoscl (now), czy do przysztosci (futy, See 1 mwriting an email to my friend. __now 2. OnMonday I'm visiting my grandma. aa 3 Mumis working at the office this 4 We're playing football at the stadium tomorrow. Beis a 5. Mysister is cooking lunch in the kitchen. ae 6 Ellie is meeting her friends at the | café this evening. eee 5. Uzupetnij zdania formami czasownikéw w czasie present continuous. 1 |___am playing (play) tennis on Saturday afternoon 2 Ie (not do) anything tomorrow. 3 We_______(visit) my cousins in the USA next year. 4 He — (not meet) his friend today. ® ~—— (not go) they are on holiday! Speak © Jak sobie wyobrazasz weekend marzen? Odpowieds na pytania kolegi/kolezanki © twoje plany. Nastepnie zanotuj jego/je) odpowiedzi, pce What are you doing as fn Saturday morning! Playing football. Saturday morning Sounds 7. Przeczytaj wierszyk i podkresl wszystkie formy czasu p continuous. Nastepnie powtérz gtogno rymowanke. What are you doing today? Tim meeting my friends to play. What are you doing on Monday? The same as I'm doing on Sunday! What are you doing on Sunday? Tim having a special fun day! Why? It's my birthday! Read 8 Przeczytaj e-mail. Ui6z pytania z rozsypanek wyrazowych i odpowiedz na nie. What are you doing on Saturday? Would you like to come to my birthday party? I'm having a party on Saturday in our favourite fast food restaurant. 1's starting at 3 p.m. and we're having burgers, chips and pizzas. And for dessert we're trying all the ¢ flavours. What would you like to e: flavour would you like? We're having a big cake too and fots of fur and games. Hope you can make it. Bye, HiTom, | How are you? I'm fine by the way. | | Justin Write 9 Opowiedz koledze/kolezance oe-mailu, ktory wystat Ju Tw6jkolega /Twojakolezanka | W 2) nie méwi po angielsku, zest _ wigc poinformuj go/jq (4) —_________ ‘0 szczegétach w jezyku polskim. | | (6) —____ Uzupetnij luki w e-mailu ” wjezyku polskim. Pozdrawiam, Rozpocznie sig 0 (3) réwniez, ze beda zabawy z (8) Jana pewno tam bede, mam nadzlee, 2 ty réwnie2 sie zjawisz, sent for /What /his /is / Justin / doing / birthday ? What is Justin doing for his birthday? He's having a party. the / time / starting? /1s /party / What he / Where /the /is/ party? / having Praesylam ci informacje na temat prayjecia (1) ktére organizuje Justin. Odbedzie sie ono w restauragii typu fast food. : Bedziemy jesé (oo Justin poprosit, abysmy wybrali lodéw, ktére lubimy. Obiecat ——————— | Grammar (es) Potrafie okresli¢ ct? 4 Uzupetnij zdania, wpisujac much, many Potrafie nazywa¢ réine produkty 2ywnosciowe, Odszyfruj i zapisz nazwy produktow lub alot of. mosciowych, 1 There isn't 1 cheryr eee food in the fridge. 2 bbacgea 2 There aren't __ 3 craeel ws apples on the tree. 4 Itecuet as theca. 5 snichap coconut trees in the jungle. i ee u got )) aan, <= ‘ee 8 prepep 5 Dads got__worktto do, (pee Bae ese) 6 Are there ___ students in your class? i eieeeacaa Scores (Score: __/6 opie wae Breymiotnikéw O} Potrafigcoé zapropanowes, stosujac (| Pytanie: Would you tike? 2 Podaj przyktady nastepujacych produkeéw i zywnosciowych, Ss Praectytaj zdania j zaresguj na nie, podajac fee : Fob onvsle. Zecznij stowami: Would you | 2 asalty dish | 3. aspicy dish | 4 ajuicy fruit | 5 atasty pizza 6 i 8 a delicious dessert acrunchy vegetable adisgustingdish = x Ona 4 Speak *3 Powiedz Pigé zdan, opi ujacych jakis produkt 5 | zywnosciowy. Czy kole, Ja/kolezanka potrafi odgadna¢ jego nazwe? 6 | | “Itssmall id red, Its delicious and juicy, Acherry! > Potrafig uzywaé czasu present continuous (_) do opowiadania o zaplanowanych czynnoéciach. 6 Spéjezna rysunki i uzupetnij zdania formami czasownikow w czasie present continuous, au 1 On Monday we Communication *8 Uzupetnij dialog. Nastepnie odegraj goz kolega/kolezanka. Mikey: What are you doing on Saturday morning? You: Mikey: And what about Saturday afternoon? Can you come to the park? 2 2 On Sunday afternoon we _ ze 3 After school |__ @ocseere 4 Atthe weekend we Scor mEyZy Write You: No, sorry. Mikey: Oh, OK. How about Sunday morning? You: = : You are really busy! Are you free on Sunday afternoon? Yor ‘Yes, I'm not — OK, see you then. We can You: Fine! (Score: __/10 #7 Spéjrz na rysunki i uzupeinij e-mail brakssigcyeni wyrazami, HiHelen, I'm just writing to tell you I'm having 2 (1) It's on Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m. at my (2). (3) 2p —__-and chicken of — ee of balloons and some music. See you on Saturday. Bye, Danny You know Ilike sweet things too, so we're having ice cream and (4) afl My mum is also making a fruit salad - it’s got lots of tropical fruits in it like © _—____ papaya and or} pet, ea On Saturday morning | am preparing some games - we're having (8) ‘And tomorrow I'm going shopping with Mum as there isn't (9) ae i a ll . Would you like to come? ________.. We're having pizza, with _- it’s yummy! left in the fridge! Total score: __/51

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