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1. Get motivated intrinsically to continuously grow: How do you distinguish a

program for teachers’ professional development that follows high standards from one
that does not? Quality professional development helps teachers to:

2. Off-site respites: Which of the following may generate interpersonal relationships

in the work environment?

3. All institutions of higher learning: In accordance with Section 5, article XIV of the
constitution, academic freedom shall be enjoyed in which of the following?

4. Infancy: In which developmental stage is rapid growth and change take place?

5. The process is continuous: The statement “Once a teacher, forever a student”

implies which of the following about the quality personal and professional development
for teachers?

6. Childhood stage: Complete coordination of motor activities is established at which


7. Drill: Which of the following activities would be of most help if more practice with a
particular skill is needed?

8. Businesslike: For a teacher to be an effective classroom manager, she must not

only be friendly but also:

9. TSNA: This tool / instrument was developed by the DepEd for self-assessment to
ensure high standards of the teacher’s personal and professional development:

Teacher Strength and Needs Assessment

10. Lifelong learning: Which of the following is best implied by quality and relevant
teacher development initiatives?

11. Combining them with many other kinds of instructional materials: Textbooks
are widely used in educational institutions. They can be used to best advantage by:

12. School-based: This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the
bases in planning the ___ training of teachers.

13. All stakeholders: The concept of total Quality School Model must be applied by
who among the following for an institution to be successful?

14. Tertiary: To ensure quality of education, teachers follow the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers. Which of the following level of educational institutions is not
covered by these code?

15. Drill: This is the repetition of facts and skills which the teacher wishes to reinforce
for mastery?

16. Contiguity: Which principle of association states that ideas, memories and
experiences are linked when one has frequent experiences with the other?

17. Responsive to the identified needs of the teachers: You are very much
interested in quality professional development program for teachers. Which of the
following characteristics should you look for?

Other choices were: Required for renewal of professional license.

Prescribed by top educational leaders.

Dependent whether funds are available.

18. Curriculum: Which NCBTS domain creates situations that encourage learners to
exercise high order thinking skills (HOTS)?

19. Remedial session: Which is being conducted when a reading teacher stays for
an extra 30 minutes daily after class and teaches the slow readers how to read?

20. I, ii, iii: For BEEd and BSEd graduates, which competencies are expected?

i. Higher level literacy and critical thinking.

ii. Principled understanding of the learning processes.

iii. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional growth.

iv. Acting as a change agent.

21.Evaluation : A goal-oriented curriculum culminates in:

22. Student, teacher and parents: Which among the following are the 3 most
important factors in the educative process?

23. The father sets 10:00pm as a curfew for his 16 year old son: Which among the
following situations exemplifies balance between rights and authority?

24. Essay: If Mrs. Buenavista wants to test her student’s ability to organize ideas, the
most appropriate test to utilize is:

25.85: What is the mean of the following scores: 88, 85, 77, 92, 96, 90, and 68?

26. ii and iii: To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional
development, which measure must be implemented?

i. A school head prepares the professional development of his/her teachers.

ii. Every teacher puts together his/her own professional development plan.

iii. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.


27. Exercise: The utilization of drills in the classroom is based on which of the
following Thorndike’s law?

28.Idealism: If a teacher asked the question, “What do you want to become when you
grow up?” She is using what philosophy?

29. Individual accountability: The following are features of cooperative learning


Group accountability for learning

Positive interdependence

Face-to face interaction

30. Feedback: The teacher’s performance results provide continual ___ to

professional development:

31. Idealism: The study of Rizal and his writing as well as the life and teachings of
other heroes in schools is based on what philosophy?

32.Rubrics are developmental: Which of the following statements is accurate about


33. Self: Teachers are required to make an individual Plan for Professional
Development (IPPD) which is based on the philosophy that the teacher is a lifelong
learner. The NCBTS provides the steps for which assessment in making the IPPD?

34. Define the instructional objective: A teacher is planning to create an

achievement test for her students. Which of the following should be her initial action?

35.Divergent: These questions would promote higher order thinking skills of students:

36.National Competency-Based Teacher Standards: The NCBTS are established

standards for good teaching in the Philippines which must be considered by teachers
for quality professional development. What is meant by the acronym NCBTS?

37.Mode: This measure of central tendency can be identified by mere inspection.

38. The test is very reliable: After statistical analysis, it was found out that the
reliability coefficient of a test is reported to be r=0.92. This could be interpreted as:

39. No, the superintendent has no disciplinary authority over teachers: Dr.
Aguilar, school division superintendent acted on the complaint filed by a group of
parents against the alleged misconduct of a particular teacher. He issued a
memorandum requiring the teacher to take a leave of absence for a week while the
complaint is being heard. Was the action of the superintendent legal?

40.Lifelong education for all: The new paradigm shift in education has which of the
following features?

41. Pensionados: The Filipinos who were selected in 1903 by the Americans and
were sent abroad to study were known as the :

42. Positively skewed: The graduating class were given an achievement test in
Mathematics. Majority of the students got low scores. The distribution would be
described as:

43. Makapamilya: Which among the following national values is not promoted by the
government in flag ceremonies every Monday?

44. Teacher Professional Organization: Teachers empowerment to attain economic

security can be best achieved through:

45. Plato: Who among the following suggested that competition and awards should
be used to motivate people?

46. Deviation: This is the distance of the scores from the mean.

47. Content: If a teacher is preparing a Table of Specifications for the periodical test
of the students, he is establishing which of the following?

48. Learning to DO: Which of the following UNESCO’S pillar of education focuses on
the vocational technology relevant to people-centered human development?

49. Act normally as if nothing happened and the student does not exist: In case
where the teacher fell in love with a student, which of the following must be done?

50. Pleasure felt in offering one’s hard earned grades to one’s parents: Which
of the following pleasures is considered morally good?

51. Culturally discriminating: The following are characteristics of multicultural

education, except:

Experiential and reflective; Personally empowering; Socially transformative.

52. Provisional for not less than six months: On what capacity can a BSE graduate
who has not yet passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers can be …

53. Social problem: The reconstructionist emphasized which of the following:

54. Back to basics: Which program is in line with Confucius’ assertion that there
should be no distinction of classes in teaching?

55. Experimental: Researchers can control certain variables in which of the following
research methods?

56. Taoism: Which religion advocates the ascetic way of life?

57. Basic Education (DepEd), Technical Vocational (TESDA), and Higher

Education (CHED). Which of the following comprise the tri-focalized system of
Philippine Education?

58. Coherence: This refers to the characteristic of a lesson plan where it must have
consistency and strong connection from start to finish.

59. Human dignity: What is the basic value that is central to human rights education?

60. The stem and the alternatives are on the same page: Which of the following
should be considered when creating multiple choice items?

61. Existentialism: The use of values clarification as a strategy in values education

flows from which philosophy?

62. Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools: RA 4670 covers who
among the following?

63. High degree of dependence on authority: Most Filipino students fail to study
independently. This may be attributed to which of the following reasons?

64. RA 9155: DepEd replaced DECS because of which legal basis?

65. The Pillars of Learning adheres to the instrumental and purely academic
view of education that focuses on the achievement of specific aims of education
such as economic productivity: The following are correct statements about the 4
Pillars of Learning except:

The rest are correct statements:

The Pillars of Learning stress the importance of closer linkage between education and
the world of work.

The Pillars of Learning To Be reflects a shift from an instrumental view of education to

a humanistic view that emphasizes the development of the complete person.

The Pillars of Learning stress the goal of contributing to social cohesion, intercultural
and international understanding, peaceful interchange and harmony.

66. Emerging competency and self-awareness: Which of the following can best
describe the preschooler’s readiness to learn new tasks and play activities?

67. Pre-operational: Teacher A uses images and language to represent and

understand her various lesson to preschool learners. What stage in the cognitive
theory of development explains this?

68. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood: What is
the most definition of the puberty stage?

69. Development proceeds from general to specific: A newborn infant moves his
whole body one at a time, instead of moving a part of it. Which of the following
principles is illustrated by this behavior?

70. Middle childhood: Maria develops concepts necessary for everyday living,
builds healthy attitudes towards self, and achieve personal independence. These are
among the attributes of an individual in what particular stage?

71. Concrete operational: Abegail is 8 years old, and although she understands
some logical principles, she still has trouble understanding hypothetical concepts.
According to Piaget, Alyssa belongs to what particular stage of cognitive

72. Maturation Theory: Which of the following theory can help Teacher A determine
the readiness of her learners by administering a readiness test?

73. Emotions: Teacher A conducts research on the psychosocial dimension of

development. In what particular area of the child’s development is Teacher A most
likely to be interested with?

74. Able to see relationships and to reason in the abstract: In Piaget’s theory of
Cognitive Development, which of the following statements would illustrate Edward who
is 11 years old?

75. A student has learned to operate the computer: Which statement below
describes development?

76. Conventional: Ana who is between 9 and 11 years of age is most likely to
demonstrate moral reasoning at which of Kohlberg’s stage?

77. The first 5 years of life are the formative years of the child: Which of the
following principles can be the basis of growth realizing the significance of the early
childhood education?

78. Maturation: Teacher A is now 69 years old and has been observing changes in
him as the aging process occurs. Which term refers to the development change in the

79. Electra complex: When a little girl who says she wants her mother to go on a
vacation so that she can marry her father. Freud believes that she is voicing a fantasy
consistent with?

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