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Conceptual Evolution of

Makale mimari programın yirminci yüzyılın
ikinci yarısı boyunca kavramsal evrimini
izler. Mimari program nosyonunun mimarlık
söylemindeki evrimini ve mimarlıktaki
konumunu çeşitli kuramcıların farklı
görüşler sunan çalışmalarında gözden geçirir.
Analiz-sentez ve varsayım-yanlışlama olarak
Architectural Program
ifade edilen farklı iki ana paradigmatik epis-
temolojik pozisyon altında kategorize edile-
bilecek söz konusu yaklaşımları ilgili pozis-
yonlara referansla gözden geçirmek suretiyle
Through the Second Half of
Makale dört ana bölüm altında yapısallaştı-
rılır. Durumu ve problemi özetleyen giriş
bölümünü takiben ikinci bölümde ilk para-
digmatik pozisyon olan analiz-sentezin epis-
the 20th Century
temolojik kökenleri belirtilerek dönemin Ülkü Özten
program anlayışının söz konusu epistemo- Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi
lojik kökene referansla nasıl kavramsallaştı-
Mimarlık Bölümü
ğının yanı sıra program-geleneksel tasarım,
program-programlama-hesaplama gibi temel
tartışma alanları, problemi ele alan farklı
kuramcıların çalışmalarına referansla tartı-
şılır. Üçüncü bölümde, bir karşı paradigma
olarak gündeme gelen varsayım-yanlışlama
modeli epistemolojik kökenleri üzerinden
incelenir ve farklı kuramcıların çalışmala-
rında mimari programın nasıl değişip Acknowledgement: This article is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation completed at the Middle East Technical University – Ankara,
dönüştüğü; analiz-sentez modelinin eleştirisi under the direction of Mine Özkar.
üzerine kurulan varsayım-yanlışlama modeli
altında mimari program anlayışının nasıl First, the taking in of scattered particu- 1. Introduction
evrimleştiği araştırılarak tartışılır. Sonuç
bölümünde ise, makale, mimari programın lars under one Idea, so that everyone The discussion of program in the ield
yeniden kavramsallaştırılmasına yönelik understands what is being talked of history and theory of the Modern
mimarlık gündemindeki güncel “durumu”
ortaya koyar. about…Second, the separation of the Movement in architecture enters a new
Idea into parts, by dividing it at the period in the 1960s and 70s under the
This paper traces the conceptual evolution of
joints, as the nature directs, not break- inluence of the strong embodiment of sci-
architectural program through the second half ing any limb in half as a bad carver ence and technology in the ield of design
of the 20th century. It discusses the evolution of
the notion and its place in the architectural dis- might. research. Beginning with this period, the
course in the works of various scholars, while
idea of program arises both in a series
giving and reviewing essential views, with a —Plato, 265D
particular focus on two paradigmatic epistemo- of generations parallel to a specialized,
logical positions under which these views could
be categorized: analysis-synthesis and conjec- sophisticated understanding of design
ture-refutations. Aiming towards a reconsidera- and as an autonomous professional area
tion of the notion, it concludes with presenting
our present understanding and conception of the
It is not hard to see why the analysis- of study. While the concept was being
notion, namely the present “state” of architec- synthesis, or inductive, notion of design largely developed under the inluence of
tural program in the architectural agenda.
Anahtar Kelimeler
was popular with theorisers and even a scientistic, positivist epistemological
Mimari program, Analiz-Sentez, Varsayım- with designers as a rationalisation of framework called analysis-synthesis,
Yanlışlama, Mimari Epistemoloji their own activities. The architectural
since the mid-1960s, it had also become
Architectural program, Analysis-Synthesis, version of the liberal-rational tradition the focus of a parallel research campaign
Conjecture-Refutation, Architectural episte-
was that designs should be derived from for a Popperian counter-framework:
an analysis of the requirements of the conjecture-refutation. As an alternative
users, rather than from the designer’s to analysis-synthesis, the conjecture-
preconceptions. It is directly analogous refutation framework addresses a series of
to the popularity of induction with sci- issues and yields to new principles results
entists who were anxious to distinguish in a reconceptualization of program.
their theories as being derived facts in
the real world. 2. Architectural Program from the
Perspective of Analysis-Synthesis
—Hillier, 1972 In the Merriam Webster’s dictionary (1993,
p.1812), the word “program” is irst deined
as “public notice” in relation to social
performances and entertainment. Yet in
a further deinition, program is explained

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as “a plan of procedure: a schedule or elements. From this perspective, design is

system under which action may be taken assumed as a problem operated in a two-
toward a desired goal”. Then, in reference fold process: problem seeking and problem
to Sullivan, a further deinition was given solving. Pena and Parshall describe how
as “a statement of an architectural problem the irst one, programming, enables the
and of the requirements to be met in second:
offering a solution”. It is in this sense that
These are two distinct processes, requiring
the word program penetrated vocabulary different attitudes, even different capabi-
of the modern architecture in the early lities. Problem solving is a valid approach
twentieth century. to design when, indeed, the design solution
responds to the client’s design problem.
On the other hand, starting from the early Only after a thorough search for pertinent
information can the client’s design problem
1970s, architectural program has changed be started. “Seek and you shall deine!”
over from the traditional form-function (Pena & Parshall, 2001, 15).
discourses to a programming-oriented
rhetoric. Basic references of today’s The functional division of programming
architectural programming discourse were from designing entails a clearly separated
established along a line of thought initi- pre-design process where the aim is
ated by a group of American researchers “searching for suficient information to
including Pena & Parshall (1969), Sanoff clarity, to understand and to state the
(1970), Duerk (1993), Kumlin (1995), Cherry problem” (Pena & Parshall, 2001, 15).
(1999) and Hershberger (1999).
2.1 Epistemological Background of
The discourse is grounding on the argu- Analysis-Synthesis
ment that some of the worst examples of The ideas central to the conception of
architecture and planning had happened the growth of knowledge in the scientiic
in the period between 1945-1975 (Kumlin, method (or induction- a method of obtaining
1995, 1). In the broadest sense, the issue has knowledge through veriication) are mainly
evolved under the term “facility program- developed by Francis Bacon and Rene
ming” on a methodological critique Descartes in the 17th century. Assuming
of the existing situation that there is a the “highest” and “absolute” certainty
strong need to be systematic to overcome (Descartes, 1899), Descartes declares that
the faults of the earlier design. With its “all the laws of nature follow with neces-
emphasis on the idea of economy as well sity from the one analytic principle”
as simpliication of design, transparent (Popper, 2005, 451), and Bacon puts forward
and causal description of design process, experimental and rational examinations of
programming was highly preferred by things as opposed to the prejudice-based
commercial enterprises. As such, it has “dogmatical” method (Bacon, 1905, 76-77).
emerged as an area of expertise in the Analysis-synthesis as the method of
service of building industry. Then it inductivist thought (which is “the only correct
has become a professional research area mode of elaborating facts” (Windelband, 1901, p.
operating a set of analytical studies on 384)) lays out “a theory of science which
“establishing goals, collecting and analyz- holds that scientiic knowledge consists of
ing facts, uncovering and testing concepts, the laws or principles derived by inductive
determining needs and inally stating the canons from accumulated facts” (Bunnin &
problem” (Pena & Parshall, 2001, 24). Yu, 2004, p. 343). By rejecting the authority of
custom as the source of knowledge, such
Programming studies have emerged as position argues that intellectual capacity
an embodiment of analysis-synthesis. of the individuals has privileges over
Following the footsteps of the scientiic the scholasticism. The position has three
method, it leads researchers to focus on main points. First, it argues that scientiic
the “facts”, or the details of the user needs enquiry begins with observation, or facts;
by decomposing design problem into its second, it pursues the idea of a method of
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Conceptual Evolution of Architectural Program Through the Second Half of the 20th Century

discovery which conducts us in an orderly the basics of conceptual and theoretical

fashion, and third, it assumes that scien- agenda in a context. The book aims to be
tiic theories are in nature intolerant to “a living document of tools, techniques
possible errors inherent into the process in and guidelines for the future advanced
general. Analysis-synthesis represents sci- programmer” (Pena & Parshall, 2001, 9).
entiic discovery as an inductive rational Although it has been several times revised
process “where objective facts enter a and reissued by its authors its main struc-
passive mind and leave their traces there” ture has remained the same. In the book,
(Feyerabend, 1993, p. 152). Analysis-synthesis problem seeking (programming) is structured
method or naive inductivism as called by according to the ive levels in the act of
Bamford is the common traditional view programming. They are described under
of scientiic method. Starting from the ive key terms of goals, facts, concepts,
former to the latter it draws a straight line needs, and the problem (Pena & Parshall,
between veriication and theory (Bamford, 2001, 12).
2002, 246).
Parallel to the work of Pena and Parshall,
Program-biased perspectives in architec- from the early 1970s to the present, Henry
ture, especially the ones that comes after Sanoff played a key role in developing the
the Design Methods movement1, are usu- conceptual and methodological content of
ally put forth as vanguards of a scientiic, the discourse and strengthened the belief
progressive design research ideal and of in programming as the core operational
objectivity against tradition of design his- component for systematizing the design
tory and theory. The reason for such radi- process. In the foreword of Methods of
cal positioning is based on the assumption Architectural Programming (1977) Richard
that design must be systemmatic, rational Dober argues that “programming is a
and factual. The epistemological model in necessary activity in any design process
which the idea of program-biased architec- that claims to be responsive to user needs”;
ture appears is called analysis-synthesis. it “brings maturity to the architectural
The model mainly represents stages of arts” (Sanoff, 1977, vii). As opposed to the
Baconian analysis-synthesis as trans- early modern movement’s star architects,
formed to the design methodology (Jones, programming does not include any
1963) (Archer, 1965) (Broadbent, 1969) (Bamford, reference to even a single designer as ar-
2002). Coyne and Snodgrass explain the chitect. Sanoff emphasizes “prescriptive”
model as a low diagram where analysis nature of the program as a “communicable
-deining the problem- leads to a synthesis statement of intent” on both the design
-seeking a solution- and the evaluation of process and the designer. One of the
the results feeds back in a loop (Coyne & primary interests of programming studies
Snodgrass, 1995). is to make design socially valid instead
of personally. Therefore, terms program
The following section will focus on the and programming refers the whole idea of
key igures and key discursive components design settled around the issues of “par-
of the lineage of inductive programming ticipation” and “user needs” (Sanoff, 1977, 4).
(analysis-synthesis) in architecture as started
1 Design Methods movement refers to “a from the 1970s. Another basic reference is Donna Duerk’s
book Architectural Programming:
response to a world-wide dissatisfaction
with traditional procedures” and a critical
reexamination of methodological problems 2.2 Programming as an Alternative to the Information Management to Design (1993.)
in design at the second half of the twentieth
century. The ‘Conference on Design Methods’,
Traditional Design In the introductory part of the book, she
which was held in London in 1962 is regarded
as the launch of design methodology as a Programming enters into the architectural points out that programming begins to
field of enquiry aims at objective problem discourse as a novel approach previously show itself in architectural publications
posing and solving in design and application
of novel scientific methods (borrowed from not found in known prior art. William as a result of the disappointment of Pruitt
operational research and management), to
the problems of the post-World War II period. Pena and Steven Parshall’s book Problem Igoe Housing example, which is designed
The movement advocates systematic methods Seeking as the irst systematic study on the by Minoru Yamasaki at the end of 1960s.
of problem solving by focusing especially on
decision-making procedures in design. issue of programming in architecture sets
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Duerk explicates that in the USA, 1970s evolving phenomenon. Yet, on the main
represent the decision of demolishing the assumptions of programming, he shares
building blocks due to poor social and the similar perspective with the previous
behavioral quality, and to their becoming researchers.
crime scenes. The situation has an inlu-
ence on the determination of programming On the other hand, in the book, he also
as a standard service by the American remarks the importance of “re-structuring
Institute of Architects (AIA). According the entire program at the highest level of
to Duerk, coming after the Pruitt Igoe abstraction to achieve the true mission of
phenomenon, 1980s are the years that the facility”. He adds, “programming at
programming courses are embraced and this level is a very creative and exciting
willingly given by architectural schools process” (Kumlin, 1995, 192). With this posi-
(Duerk, 1993, 1). This new programming tion, he challenges the common assump-
atmosphere, which she underlines, also tion that programming does not address
involves an appreciation and admiration creativity. Under such condition, creativity
to the roots and values of the functionalist becomes a responsibility shared by both
architecture (Duerk, 1993, 1-2). analysis and synthesis. This perspective is
anchored on the notion that programming
Duerk emphasizes that the ield of pro- and designers are closely linked.
gramming must be in charge of building
the “pragmatic foundation of design in- Edith Cherry, as being another basic
formation for each design project”. In this reference to programming, focuses on the
way, programming is deined as a study epistemological values of programming.
area, which is supplied with a pragmatic She argues that architectural programming
point of view in structuring functional is inherent in our conception of the world,
basis of design (Duerk, 1993, 3). and it “has always occurred at some level
of consciousness”. To exemplify her claim,
Duerk’s introduction puts forward the fact she points out some scenarios:
that there are two kinds of approaches to
modern architecture within the program- 1) To inding a shelter for not to be wet
ming discourse in 1970s and 1980s. The under the rain, (unconscious behavior of problem
one is based on the assumption of modern solution);
architecture as a mere stylistic experi-
2) To adding a new room to a house for a
mentation, and the other is the assumption
newborn baby according to the traditional
of modern architecture as a rationalistic
local building techniques, (conscious behavior
experimentation. While the irst group
of problem solving, but unconscious design act);
severely criticizes the outcomes of the
modern period, the second group, includ-
ing Duerk, no matter how weak or naïve 3) To decide the need of a new school
the modern functionalist project was, ap- building and consciously prepare a
preciates it as a methodological approach program to build it step by step by various
and bears on the idea that programming is service providers and users (school board,
part of the functionalist lineage. architectural programmer, designer, contractor,
students and teachers…etc.) (conscious effort to
As in other programming sources design) (Cherry, 1999, 4-5).
published between the years from the
1970s to 1990s, Robert Kumlin’s book For Cherry, each scenario illustrates a
Architectural Programming (1995) ex- different approach to solving problems of
amines programming as the foundation shelter need. The main difference among
of the design process. Differring from them is the degree of consciousness for
the rest, it points out the emerging theo- the people who are involved in the design
retical framework of programming that process (Cherry, 1999, 5). In that sense,
entails programming as a dynamic and she assumes a closer, more conscious,

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Conceptual Evolution of Architectural Program Through the Second Half of the 20th Century

and a more interactive relation between wave (which is essentially regarded as the critical
programming and design. Her position is step in the evolution of a computational approach on
important in the sense that such relation programming) appears to be more a result of
might be a sign of the possibility of a computerization.
designerly framework.
2.3 Programming & Computation
Late 1990s saw the emergence of theoriza- Since the 1960s, design has been studied
tion and critical perspectives on architec- from the point of view of information
tural programming. As stated by Robert systems and knowledge-based approaches.
Hershberger architectural programming In the 1970s and especially in the 1980s,
differs from others in three points: in its “formalization, representation and
being educational, discursive, and espe- manipulation of knowledge in comput-
cially in its emphasis on “qualitative, or ers have made it possible to construct
value issues” (Hershberger, 1999, p. X). Similar knowledge-based design systems” (Coyne,
to previous researchers, he deines pro- Rosenman, Radford, Balachandrian, & Gero,
gramming as a deinitional stage of design 1990). Success of Allen Newell and Herbert
(Hershberger, 1999, 1). Yet, his position differs Simon on the issue in the 1970s show that
on the relation of architectural design. the new computationalist3 agenda has
In his book, programming is expressed been naturally internalized by behaviorist
through the motto of Calvin C. Straub: architecture as part of ongoing program-
“The program is the design!” (Hershberger, matic tradition. Despite their short history,
1999, 3). computers and their associated subject
areas are believed to have the potential to
Based on that framework, Hershberger’s produce fundamental changes in design.
Architectural Programming focuses on the
issue of architectural form. He does not There are numbers of reasons why the
exclude, ignore or despise architectural analysis-synthesis model proceeded to
form as commonly done by program- lourish as a part of the computationalist
mers. On the contrary, he underlines that agenda of programming. Firstly, at the
qualitative issues and especially form are beginning of the 1960s, computers had
the most vulnerable parts of architectural become more practical and personal as
programming. His hypothesis is that archi- opposed to their earlier forms –i.e. desk
tectural form “is not simply the result of calculators, punched-card equipments, and
physical forces or any single causal factor, analog computers. Since the programming
but is the consequence of a whole range of discourse was developed on the potential
socio-cultural factors seen in their broad- of these earlier tools, programming praxis
est terms” (Hershberger, 1999, X). has simply kept pace with their advance-
ment. Secondly, computers had reached
Although Hershberger points out a enormous storage and computation
2 In her “Building Programming: From
‘Problem Seeking’ to Architectural Values”,
dialogue between programming and capacity and started to implement process-
Pınar Dinç reviews the phenomena of design, his critique does not directly target ing of exceedingly complex data, which
“building programming” within the field of
architecture between the years of 1977 and its established methodology: analysis- are far too complex for human designers
1999 by examining the pioneering books of
the period. In her study, she points out a
synthesis. On the other hand, compared to to process. Such a capacity was in a way
change of focus in understanding the term the mainstream programming discourse, seen as a promise in contribution to a solid
over time from “having a practice based
narrow area” to “a broad spectrum that Hershberger has rather a holistic approach, progressive development within the ield
covers the whole constituents of the field of
architecture.” For a detailed information see
which combines design and programming. of design by means of programming.
(Dinç, 2002).
3 In the design research discourse, the term Short history of studies on architectural Design research as the title of a new “sys-
“computationalist” was first used by
Liddament in 1999 for expressing one of the
programming summarized on the above tematic search and acquisition of knowl-
most pervasive and influential paradigms shows that, irst wave of programming edge related to design and design activity”
operating in the contemporary design
research. It refers incorporating computation discourse focuses on a clear understanding (Bayazit, 2004, p. 16) established the grounds
as part of the problem solving process. The
term also reflects a critical perspective
of a new technical professional ield called for the foundation of design computer rela-
toward the positivist epistemology programming2. On the other hand, second tion in the early 1960s. Pioneering studies
(Liddament 1999, 55-56).

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of Gregory, Ward, Broadbent, Asimow, biased computational understanding of

Alexander, Archer, Jones, Gordon and design.
Osborn as well as conferences held by the
Design Research Society (DRS) in London In the 1960s computer was regarded as the
(1962), Birmingham (1965), and Portsmouth revolutionary element (instrument) of design.
(1967) shaped and determined the main Yet, unlike the optimism of the 1960s, in
problems and principles of the new frame- the second half of the seventies (at least
work (Cross, 2007). In addition to confer- in the academic domain) positivist program-
ences and books, journals have also played matic trend has slowed down following
a crucial role and encouraged development self-critical relections on the previous
of a computationalist perspective in 80s. “irst-generation”4 methods. Design
research journals, although relatively late
Since research on architectural pro- as compared to the other media, were
gram and computation has been mostly mainly launched in the same period when
conducted from a variety of partial critiques of induction and program-biased
perspectives at the background of the design were growing rapidly.
main discussion of the design research,
relation of the two has evolved rather As part of such a context, and being one of
implicitly. As an exception to this pattern the oldest in the ield, the Design Studies
and as one of the pioneering examples journal has been launched in 19795 to
in associating the mathematical, compu- serve a change from a purely positiv-
tational logic with programming in the ist orientation of the previous phase of
area, Christopher Alexander’s Notes on design research to a new, rather unknown
the Synthesis of Form (1964) focuses on a post-positivist phase. In consistent with
programmatic conception of architectural such refreshing atmosphere, the journal
design in detail. The study refers the was declared unique and pioneering in 4 The term “first-generation” connotes a

concept “design” as a “well-formulated” approaching the design research ield library of methodologies, which guides the
early years of the Design Methods movement.
goal and underlines the primary goal of (Cross, 2007, p. 3). By referring Toynbee’s It is based on the idea that the design process

the researcher as evolving a “language of “new country” in the editorial part of the (like any other industrial production process)
should be entirely explicable like machines.

design” based on the process rather than irst issue, Sydney Gregory pointed to a The main motivation of the model is the idea
of externalizing the design process (glass
the product. In his book, Alexander em- change of paradigm from Design Methods box approach). Its intention is to resolve the

phasizes the role of the program in design to a hopeful “uncertainty” (Gregory, 1979, “conflict that exists between logical analysis
and creative thought", and to keep "design

as fundamental. By following inductive p. 2). Yet it is seen that within the course requirements and solutions completely
separate from each other" (Jones, 1963). In
logic, he argues that form is the result of of its publication, especially on the issue this model, the logical and the creative parts

forces in the environment and “physical of computation and program, the journal are assumed to be reunited by the idea of
"finding" the solution within the synthesis

clarity cannot be achieved in a form until does not exactly follow this initial guide- part. However, contrary to the hopes of
many, due to the poor representation of
there is irst some programmatic clarity in line. It both embraces criticisms toward actual design activity, the model was later

the program-biased approaches (such as:

declared to have failed by those who came to
the designer’s mind and actions” (Alexander, be the “second-generation”.

1973, p. 15). With the help of set theory, he (Darke, 1979) (Archer, 1979) (Steadman, 1979) 5 The Design Studies journal was launched
as part of the foundational objectives of
pursues an objective to explore symbolic (Fowles, 1979))
and at the same time continue the Design Research Society (DRS) at the

conceptualization of the design problem as to encompass inductivist positions of end of a period of a joint journal project
titled Design Research and Methods

built out of mathematical entities. In such computer involvement in design as part of (DMG-DRS) and initiated in collaboration
with the Design Methods Group (DMG) in
a framework, the goal of program is to its agenda. In the Design Studies journal, the 1970s. As one of the first international

deine design problem as “decomposition” and in general in the design research, what institutionalized journals in the field,
Design Studies established the foundations

- that is, proposing “precisely deinable one will see when one trace the relation- of the design research. As such, together
with other pioneering media, it provides a
operations” via structuring “a hierarchical ship between computer and architectural representative view of design research and

nesting of sets within sets”. Program in program then is two counter-position allows us to study program in parallel to
the development of design research starting

this context is then “a reorganization of but mainly a good number of positivist from its early days. From the late 1980s until
today widening of the design research and
the way the designer thinks about a prob- computationalist articles. ease of accessibility of the information has
led to an increase in the amount of sources,
lem” (Alexander, 1973, pp. 81-83). Fitted well Between the mid-1979 and 1980, linking
whereas, because their length of life prevent
them from contributing to the preliminary
with the inductivist logic, such perspective computers to design by means of program- and foundational discussions, on the issue of
served as the locomotive of a program- the evolution of the concept program, such
material will be referred to as incomplete.

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ming clearly is one of the main missions of “Computer-aided Design by Optimization

Design Studies. By looking at the number in Architecture”, re-examines design and
of such articles in the very irst issues, analyzes how computer-aided optimization
it can be easily said that it demands a is relevant to design. In another article,
closer designer-computer relationship. For based on the idea that “any problem that
example, John and Carroll’s article, “The can be deined as computationally, can
Psychological Study of Design”, is a study be solved by optimization”, Gero, tries to
that is structured with the intention of re-deine decision-making procedures in
examining design in the ield of computer design from the perspective of program-
science. In a similar fashion, in 1980, in ming (Gero, 1980, 227). Cooley’s article in
the ifth issue, Sydney Gregory reviews the fourth issue claims the importance of
Yourdan’s book, Managing the Structured the contribution of computers to design
Techniques. He points out the importance and yet, warns designers of the possibility
of advancing programming methods in of their becoming Trojan horses, which
design via computation, and identiies invite Taylorism to design, and damage the
“structured programming” as having quite creativity grounded on human-centered
a potential for improving the ield (Gregory, tacit knowledge.
1980, 316).
At this point, it is important to note that,
Alwyn Jones in a book review at the up to the 1980s developmental progress
third issue in 1980 introduces to readers in computer-aided design studies have
computer programming as a new tool matched with the progress and advanced
and a component of “system analysis” to institutionalization of the design research
iniltrate participation in design. Jones community. After the second half of
claims that system analysis has potential the 1980s however, diversity of distinct
to contribute to design and it “is in fact positions in the area becomes noticeable.
truly a designer”. It deals with the problem Framed in this context, two positions
of “how to reach creative types within the have appeared. The irst one as upheld
framework of known procedures?”. It is especially by The Design History Society
then “a good-old-fashioned disciplined focuses on the post-positivist issues via
approach to work, with new logical tech- foregrounding traditional tools of art and
niques relevant to the science of computer architectural theory. The position is best
programming” (Jones, 1980, 180). exempliied with its journal the Design
Issues (1984). After the Design Studies
Charles Eastman’s article “Information journal, Design Issues broadened the
and Databases in Design”, in the same boundaries of inquiry into a neglected
issue, deines the link between design and area: history theory and criticism. From
computer from an information processing the revolutionary tones of pioneering
perspective. Eastman claims that “design- books and conferences launched in the
ing can be studied as an information pro- 1960s, Design Research Society has
cessing task”, and argues that the transfer largely came to defend a position where
of information storage, management, and researchers set themselves off from “over-
processing techniques, have a great value simpliied pragmatism” of the previous
to develop “manual” design (Eastman, 1980, decade. As part of this atmosphere, in
146). the editorial part of the irst issue, Design
Issues declared its commitment to solve
In the same year in the journal, Berger
the problem of poverty arises from the
published an article titled “Artiicial
previous reductionist perspectives nested
Intelligence and its Impact on Computer-
in design tradition and education in the
Aided Design”, in which he lists the
United States. It also declares vitality of
advantages and disadvantages of artiicial
reengagement with “history theory and
intelligence (AI) in design. In the next
criticism” in the sense of understanding
issue of the same year, Gero’s article

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design as “a signiicant social and cultural to knowledge of multiple types of soft-

practice” (Margolin, 1984, p. 3). The journal ware, knowledge of scripting languages,
takes into consideration areas that were and the manipulation and maintenance of
once repressed (i.e. history and culture) by complex data models, a new generation
asking questions such as “To what extent of digital design specialists is emerging...
can history contribute to the understand- The thought of the designer as digital
ing of what design is and what the designer toolmaker relects both the potential for
does?” (Dilnot, 1984, p. 5). Post-positivist customizing digital design media as it
background of the journal provides does the necessity for specialist knowledge
researchers to re-engage previous tools needed to operate such media. So pres-
and traditions, but it would not be correct ently, the idea of a class of ‘digerati’, or
to say that this contribution results in a digital literati as advanced digital systems
change in the concept program. The sec- designers appears to be an accurate
ond position on the other hand, is upheld description of the contemporary situation
by an extremely specialized younger study (Oxman, 2006, p. 262).
ield: “digital design”. As best exempliied
by studies of Rivka Oxman, theorization In a system such as this, the role of the
of digital design is a notable attempt in the designer is described as “digital design
last decade in describing a relationship specialist”, and “digital toolmaker”
between design and programming. which ensure a high level of specialized
knowledge to operate digital media (Oxman,
The term “digital design” refers to 2006, p. 262). As identiied at the center of
a unique phenomenon, an advanced every process in design, and by manag-
computational position, which radically ing, controlling, and manipulating it, the
challenges traditional means of designing/ digital systems designer, or as coined by
programing in architecture. It is a meth- Oxman “digerati”, reminds of a sophis-
odologically unique form of design “a new
ticated version of the programmer of the
set of technologies and unique media of
1970s. As explicated by Mark Burry in
design that are transforming our tradi-
detail (Burry, 2011), it is conceivable that
tional deinitions and concepts of design”
having the knowledge and power of script-
(Oxman, 2006, p. 238). In that sense, it is also
ing languages, the digital designer is an
an experimental research project, an effort
upgraded version of a programmer.
to test and improve our understanding of a
digitally based design process. Scripting is a rather loose term by any
deinition and in this primer can be taken
In digital design, the issue of program has
to mean computer programming at several
been shaped by the techno-utopian revolu-
levels. For the novice dabbling at the
tionary essence embodied by the evolving
digital design theory. In such a framework, more accessible end of the user spectrum,
program is based on a demand for a scripting is the capability offered by
“cultural transformation of root design almost all design software packages that
concepts” such as normative, static, and allows the user to adapt, customize or
typological aspects by offering alterna- completely reconigure software around
tive proposals (Oxman, 2006, pp. 232-233). As their own predilections and modes of
part of such perspective, digital design is working. At its most demanding for the
described as a complex organizational sys- emerging connoisseur, scripting can refer
tem at the high end of digitally networked to higher-level computer programming
environment. Hence, the question of what where, in the ‘open-source’ environment,
the relation between digital design and ‘libraries’ of functions can be combined
program is largely related to the network with preconigured routines (algorithms)
and the role of the designer. as a means to produce manufacturer-
independent digital design capability
As digital design media become more (Burry, 2011, p. 8).
complex and more demanding with respect
44 Say› 19, May›s 2015
Conceptual Evolution of Architectural Program Through the Second Half of the 20th Century

Yet, different from the expert program- a similar approach with its precedents,
mers of 1970s, digital design has taken the digital design distinguishes itself from
limits of programming a step further. For the typical form of analysis-synthesis. As
Oxman, digerati has two duties: “script- such, it claims to modify conventional
ing” and “manipulation and maintenance “analysis-synthesis-evaluation” scheme
of complex data models” (Oxman, 2006, p. by expanding it toward a “performative
262). For her, while scripting is a technical organizational systematic process” (Oxman,
skill, a specialty, as in ine use of a tool, 2008, pp. 107-108). The resultant change
manipulation and maintenance of complex redeines program as a continuous per-
data models is where the creativity and de- formative programming activity continued
sign comes. On the other hand, for Burry, throughout the design process and modify
the term “scripting” seems to involve both: synthesis with generation. Despite the
obvious emphasis on the newness and
‘scripting language’ is often synonymous uniqueness, hidden behind this framework
with ‘programming language’: it is the me-
ans by which the user gives highly speciic
there still lies a positivism and a danger of
instructions to the computer with which determinism. As in the classic inductivist
they are interacting. At a semantic level, it phrase “form follows function”, “the ac-
is possible that the designer is less likely to tual form emerges from a process seeking
linch at the term scripting than they might
at the term programming, for it is quite clear
for optimal performance” (Oxman, 2008, p.
that most of the designers who use compu- 107) is no different.
ters as a core part of their digital practice
do not automatically turn to programming to As having strong inluences on the
form part of their repertoire. By not doing evolution of the concept program, tradi-
so users at once place their entire trust in tion of computation in design results in
the software engineers in the expectation
that those anonymous collaborators have two main outcomes. The irst one is that
thought through all that might be wanted both handling much varied and complex
by the designers, just as they are conceding information and utilizing it towards a
that what seems on occasion endless manual inished product opens up a new unknown
repetition is an acceptable use of their time
when they could otherwise have been see-
research area in design. The second one is
king some degree of automation. Software that such a situation obliges the role of a
modiied by the designer through scripting, traditional architect to change (Broadbent,
however, provides a range of possibilities 1979) (Coyne, 1995, 31) (Oxman, 2006) (Oxman,
for creative speculation that is simply not
2008). Computer aided advancement
possible using the software only as the ma-
nufacturers intended it to be used. Because of analysis-synthesis seem to result in
scripting is effectively a computing program architecture’s profound alienation from its
overlay, the tool user (designer) becomes the own past. Since, such framework tends to
new toolmaker (software engineer) (Burry,
2011, p. 9).
describe design as a pure process of induc-
tion; it demands from designers a clear-cut
Idea of digital design that associates rejection of the so-called “traditional”
revolution and “systematic”, “scientiic” design methods and of the architectural
utilization of advanced technology is well design culture.
consistent with a typical analysis-synthesis
model. As part of the design research tra- In parallel to these ends, positions regard-
dition, whose roots still strictly anchored ing the role of computer in design fall
to the inductivist principles, digital design into two camps. While for the irst camp
describes and despises traditional design computer is taken as an advanced tool in
methods as “stylistic” and prioritizes handling design problems described and
“process” over “product” (form). It argues controlled by human designers (i.e. Cooley),
that in the digital age, “change in the pro- for the second camp it is taken as an im-
fessional culture of architecture” gives rise mature but powerful source of knowledge,
designers to “transcend stylistic agenda” a potential new research area on the way
(Oxman, 2008, p. 100). Yet, although it adopts
to challenge the whole design culture (i.e.
Oxman). Hoping to reach a “truly creative

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use of the computer” and a revolutionary “humanistic philosophical theories of 60s

description of design, this second position and 70s” (Terzidis, 2006, p. 55). Yet, despite
advocates exploring the “black box of the power of such theories, to grasp the
programming” as the main focus of digital “hidden mechanisms” of computation
computation (Terzidis, 2006, p. vii). one should focus on “actual implementa-
tion (i.e. programming)” rather than on the
With such a prophecy of revolution, humanistic problem of the relationship
position of computer in the ield of design set between the human mind and the
tends to propound a irm critical attitude computer. In accordance with this, since
toward architectural history and culture
not the users (or spectators) of tools but
advocated by program-biased computa-
inventors of tools have set the workplace,
tionalist approaches and a shift and dis-
the long been expected paradigm shift
placement of positions (a paradigm shift) in
occurred “not in the designer’s mind but
understanding the ield from the evolutio-
in the programmer’s mind” (Terzidis, 2006,
nary to the revolutionary. As emphasized
p. 54).
by Terzidis, while the goal of the CAD is
to “free the designers from repetitive, time From the late 1960s to 1970s, with an
consuming tasks” it is also having the aim emphasis on the pragmatics of the market
of opening up fresh, new, unusual design and experimental teaching, “the study of
experiences by endowing the designers design methods tended to give way to the
alternative, innovative, “frame braking” study of the principles for erecting and
pathways (2006, pp. 53-54). For him, due to manipulating models of the things or sys-
the unique “external” explorative nature of tems being designed” (Archer, 1981, 31). Late
digital computation, results of integration 1970s are on the other hand; set the scope
of computer (inductive logic) to design might of a new degree of understanding based on
be expected to associate with Kuhnian the academic studies those which intel-
concept of the “paradigm shift.” A para-
lectually supported by the newly emerged
digm shift is: a gradual change in the col-
postgraduate design programs. It is the
lective way of thinking. It is the change of
same period that design research “became
basic assumptions, values, goals, beliefs,
heavily involved in the development of
expectations, theories, and knowledge. It
computer aids to designing” (Archer, 1981,
is about transformation, transcendence,
31). Two decade of study embodied an
advancement, evolution, and transition.
intense background in rationalization
While paradigm shift is closely related
of design, which created a reverence for
to scientiic advancements, its true effect
program and study on methods of complex
is in the collective realization that a new
theory or model requires understanding programming. The pursuit for a systematic
traditional concepts in new ways, rejecting understanding and computer involvement
old assumptions, and replacing them with in design theory and practice in the late
new (Terzidis, 2006, p. 59). 1970s reshapes the main framework of
design research and, therefore, program.
In the digital design discourse, such an With this advanced stage of understand-
argument has been used in the comparison ing, previous structure of design research,
of the humanistic and non-humanistic which was built onto the Design Methods
design approaches. As argued by Terzidis, ideals (primarily the aim of handling complexi-
due to the distinctive capacity of digital ties in a truly systematic approach – which was
computation, the human understanding mainly based on operations research and systems
extends its limits towards unknown ields. approach), this time denotes integration of
As such, computer provides designers a academic, scientiic and computationalist
possibility to reach an external and foreign participation. As such, programmatic
perspective through which a paradigm content in the design research provides
shift might be happen. On the other hand, us continuous re-assembling of concepts
the concern is that issues of computation by the leading design research media,
in design seem to be stuck largely in which is part of a wider trans-disciplinary
46 Say› 19, May›s 2015
Conceptual Evolution of Architectural Program Through the Second Half of the 20th Century

meta-framework. Finally, digital design, and effect as modeled in well-formed

as presenting the representative view of problems in the early 60s “design sci-
the last step of the computational advance- ence” campaign advocated in the Design
ment in the 2000s, reviews the concept Methods movement. From the Popperian
program provided by the design research perspective, design is rather to deal with
and then modiies it toward a “performa- uncertain, “ill-deined” problematic
tive” organizational element. Despite all situations whose solutions are “implicit in
these developments, it is hard to claim that the artistic, intuitive processes” which lead
such advancement created an entirely new designers to “situations of uncertainty,
epistemological exploration of a program- instability, uniqueness and value conlict”
matic understanding, a revolution. On the (Schön, 1991, 49).
contrary, it seems that in the 2000s as in
the 1960s, on the concept program, design The changing of epistemologies in design
research discourse (at least in computational research resulted in both a novel concep-
studies) is still predominantly following tion of science and an alternative design
accustomed patterns of induction. model. As a consequence, despite the
apparent “scientiic” and programmatic
Although the idea of program and pro- bias associated with the Design Method
grammability of design processes (in the movement in the 60s, 70s were the years of
sense of describability and clariication) shape critical skepticism and awakening period,
the general trend of the design research and in parallel to Popperian epistemology,
tradition, late 1960s and early 1970s gave 80s were the active contribution period
birth to its counter alternative argument for proposing a more coherent model of
especially in architecture. Following the design accompanied by an alternative
post-positivist, and especially Popperian conception of program.
epistemology, in such framework the
architectural idea is prioritized as the The counter-paradigmatic line of evolu-
guiding element, or schema, of design tion on the concept of programming in
process. As such, after relinquishing the architecture is important in the sense that
authority of decision-making, architectural it provides foundation for current research
program has been redeined as a passive issues and agendas. For example, although
agent, which does not imply or point to theoretical groundwork and irst imple-
a certain solution, and does not demand mentation was laid many years ago, in the
a total control of the design process as early 2000s there has been a recent revival
opposed to its inductivist counterpart. of interest in inductivism and hence prog-
rammatic conception of design. The idea
3. The Birth of the Counter-Paradigm: of search for a program-based architecture
Architectural Program from the that could assist architects in their quest
Perspective of Conjecture-Refutation for the logical explanation of the design
Starting from 1950s both pros and cons of decision processes has been strongly
functionalism in architecture converged inluenced by the general euphoria as-
on the fact that the positivist epistemology sociated with computerized design and
behind the functionalist project failed. the super-analytical nature of computers.
Since then, a post-positivistic Popperian As architectural design became more and
framework emerged in design research more computerized, it has been reduced
and especially in architectural theory. It to a matter of a process whose structure
affected the design discourse by focusing contains: analysis, synthesis, and evalua-
on the following arguments that, design tion, or shortly, analysis-synthesis.
is incompatible with the model described
by the scientiic method, that design is not 3.1 Epistemological Background of
teleological and deterministic, and that, Conjecture-Refutation
design does not point to a process which is In The Logic of Scientiic Discovery,
described as an unbreakable chain of cause Popper warns the reader against the
Say› 19, May›s 2015 47
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existence of “myth of scientiic method” conjectures are not derived from factual
instilled in the explanation of Baconian understanding of the world. Induction
scientiic inquiry. He argues that on the makes design decisions only probable
basis of the problem there is the Baconian rather than certain. Yet, designing (and
conception of scientiic method which especially starting to design) requires irm
argues that scientiic inquiry “starts from decisions. Such decisions do not come
observation and experiment and then from probabilities derived from observa-
proceeds to theories” (Popper, 2005, 279). tion statements (analysis), they derive from
unjustiied anticipations, guesses, or
The Popperian view is basically grounded tentative solutions to problems.
on the idea of the falsiiable nature of
scientiic knowledge. It starts with the 3.2 Conjectural Programming as an
hypothesis that if we do not know, “we can Alternative to Analysis-Synthesis
only guess. And our guesses are guided by The approach has been advocated and
the unscientiic, the metaphysical (though experienced since late sixties by a hand-
biologically explicable) faith in laws, in regu- ful of researchers. As became visible
larities which we can uncover - discover” in 1970s, pioneers of the movement
(Popper, 2005, p. 278) and “if observation demanded a complete disengagement from
shows that the predicted effect is deinitely the Baconian paradigm. Unlike the strong
absent, then the theory is simply refuted” belief in analysis-synthesis inherent in the
(Popper, 1957, I). As such, in conjecture- Design Methods movement, and then in
refutation, the success of science does not the computational agendas, researchers
depend on rules of induction, but “luck, who has been working this area described
ingenuity, and the purely deductive rules the scientiic method and the design
of critical argument” (Popper, 1957, VIII). process as incommensurable. For them,
exercising Popperian paradigm opens up
By following Greg Bamford’s words,
a promising area for new interpretations
conjectural critique can be summarized
to untouched problems in the ield such as:
in three points: First, “The idea that
creativity, uncertainty, subjectivity, and
scientiic inquiry begins with observations
relation with past design knowledge.
or facts is false”. Because it is an attempt
for an “explanation about what we do not In general, the initiation of the post-
understand”, scientiic inquiry begins with positivist canon and especially the
problems. Second, “there is no logic or conjectural understanding of science
method of discovery that will conduct us, within design research was referenced to
and certainly not in the orderly fashion”. Broadbent (1969), who is the founder of the
Unlike the Baconian view, “scientiic title “third-generation” and harbinger of
theories are imaginative constructions the new conjectural approach, as well as
which go well beyond whatever they were to the notion of “Knowledge and Design”
designed to explain”. Third, unlike the by Hillier, Musgrove and O’Sullivan (1972),
analysis-synthesis, conjecture-analysis in- who are the pioneers of explicating the
cludes error. Thus, “criticism, or lushing possible conjectural methodology. Yet,
out error is the engine” of the conjectural the epistemological roots of the position
understanding of the science (Bamford, 2002, comes from a rather disengaged group
249-250). of Anglo-American academics who have
strong ties with the philosophy of science
In light of these three points conjectural
as well as modern art and architectural
understanding of program is shaped by
history and theory.
following arguments. A well-known
inductivist (program-based) assumption of In the spring of 1963, Royston Landau or-
“design starts from facts” is a myth. The ganized a symposium at the Architectural
actual procedure of science and therefore Association School in London on the
design operates with conjectures and subject of “the context for decision making

48 Say› 19, May›s 2015

Conceptual Evolution of Architectural Program Through the Second Half of the 20th Century

in the arts and sciences”. Symposium of transformations to become variously

papers were published in the AA Journal accommodated in a variety of forms and
in 1965. The event brought together young in a variety of contexts” (Fowles, 1979, 16).
academics from both the UK and the USA. In this period, the worldview of analysis-
synthesis was reviewed, evaluated and
As opposed to the inductivist, positivistic then labeled simply as unsatisfactory.
perspective dominant in those years, the
group preferred to discuss the issue of In 1972, a report for the state of the art
technology in the context of architecture of design research was prepared. In it,
and questioned the effects of rapidly Donald Grant points out that, starting with
increasing technologies -such as comput- the Portsmouth Symposium held in 1967,
ers- on architecture. They clariied the there is an emerging feeling that “archi-
role of technologies in decision-making tecture should begin to develop techniques
procedures of design and focused on and approaches unique to their own
epistemological consequences rather than problems and to depend less on techniques
methods. In the symposium decision- borrowed from other related ields like
making was discussed under four major operations research and engineering
headings, these are: art history and theory design” (Grant, 1972).
(Ernst Gombrich); mathematic, logic and
computation (Jack Cowan); history, philos- As part of such evaluations, in 1979,
opy and epistemology of science (William Broadbent announced Popper’s con-
Bartley); history, philosophy and epistemol- jectures and refutations as the new
ogy of architecture (Stanford Anderson, and “third-generation” methods. He severely
Royston Landau). criticized the idea of design as inductive
reasoning (as deined mainly by participation,
The symposium as such frames an earlier collaboration and user issues). He blamed
effort based upon the post-positivist chal- the approach for excessively involved
lenges to positivist rooted design research.
in scientistic methods and claimed that
It occupies a unique position between
non-participatory methods in design “have
two categories of decision-making. One
been remarkably successful”, on the other
category is distilled from the historical
hand, participatory ones are incompatible
cultural context of art and architecture
with the phenomenological approach. He
led by traditions (paradigms) which are
also argued that collectivist approach was
nearly completely avoided by the dominant
never intended to involve the architect in
design research literature. The second
the design process, but to exclude him/
category is distilled from rather abstract
her. Participation in planning is an ideo-
mathematical inductivist decision-making
logical tenet of left-wing political dogma
procedures (programs). The symposium is
important and should be foregrounded not founded upon “that 19th century version
just for its historical uniqueness but also of Utopia in which all men being equal
for its potential of stepping over epistemo- lived together in collaborative harmony”
(Broadbent, 1981).
logical and positivistic obstacles indoctri-
nated in the design research tradition. Broadbent simply reacts to the previous
The new paradigm came to prominence in era of design research and accuses its
architecture at a time when design re- positivist agenda as being reductionist
search was often threated skeptically and based on the shortsighted description
for a long while, modernist architecture of all aspects of design under the terms
has been the object of popular antipathy. participation and/or collaboration. Since in
Following Robert Fowles’s words, in the participatory/collaborative approach, the
70s we see, “the hard-edged, objective, decision-making process falls under the
rational, quantitative and systematic form control of “utility”, cultural issues are not
of design methods has undergone a variety considered. For him, this is a failure even
beyond the point reached by the model

Say› 19, May›s 2015 49

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proposed by Sullivan at the beginning of in response to unfolding discoveries and

the last century. Reductionist formulation problems throughout the design process or
of design as inductive reasoning exempli- a series of processes.
ied by irst-generation design methods
movement and then second-generation As opposed to the a-historical, a-cultural
participation/collaboration strategies dominant paradigm of the (naïve) scientiic
mainly fall short emphasizing and con- method, and its main proposals that
ceptualizing the place and importance of “architectural design should be changed
creativity in the making of form. all over!” “it should become science!”.
Anderson brings to the fore Lakatos
Beginning with an introductory article by and presents a post-positivistic counter
Jane Darke written in 1979, the leading argument in the context of architecture.
critiques were followed by a special issue For the Lakatosian perspective, since both
of the journal of the Design Studies. Based architecture and science are “construc-
on a research conducted under the editor- tions of culture”, they are not alien to each
ship of Purcell and under the governance other. In both ields”, research program is
of Schön (MIT), July issue of the journal built around a particular problem situa-
in 1984 has a particular importance in tion” which means that both are derived
the sense that it provides new initiatives strongly from “temporal and historical”
not only for design research but also for context (Anderson, 1984, 148).
programming. The issue brings an interna-
It is with this shift of understanding
tional research atmosphere to the journal,
that we saw the emergence of a new
which it relatively lacked before. It also critical conjectural contribution to design
incorporates areas, which the tradition of research. In the journal, Schön adapts
design research tends to exclude, such as Lakatos’ ideas of a research program to
history/theory and philosophy. However, the ield of design as follows:
the most striking of all, for the irst time
in the history of the journal, a group of Architectural designing can be understood
articles (including Schön, Anderson, Andreotti, as a kind of experimentation... Making a
and Metallinou) have been grounded their design move in a situation can serve, at
arguments on a phenomenological frame- once, to test a hypothesis, explore phe-
work, rather than on scientiic method. nomena, and afirm or negate the move...
The very invention of a move or hypothesis
Article of Donald Schön (1984), in the depends on a normative framing of the
issue represents a signiicant alterna- situation, a setting of some problems to
tive perspective in the ield due to its be solved. In the evaluation of a move,
tendency to re-engagement with the the designer asks whether he gets what he
master-apprentice structure, and with the intends and whether, on the whole, he likes
architectural tradition (as natural components what he gets. When moves function in an
of design), which was traditionally rejected exploratory way, the designer allows the
by design research and by the approaches, situation to ‘talk back’ to him, causing him
which are based on programming. The to see things in a new way - to construct
idea of program in Anderson, Andreotti, new meanings and intentions. It is only
and Metallinou’s studies is guided by an within the framework of an appreciative
advanced Popperian perspective. Their system -- with its likings, preferences,
works are also unique in the ield and the values, norms, and meanings -- that
journal since they deine architectural pro- design experimentation can achieve a kind
gram as a series of research programmes. of objectivity. Although a designer’s likes
As guided by a Lakatoshian hard core, and dislikes are subjective, and may even
here hypothesis/program is assumed to be be arbitrary, he can discover, independent
surrounded by a protective belt of aux- of mere think-so, whether his moves have
iliary hypotheses/programs, which vary produced something he likes (Schön, 1984,
50 Say› 19, May›s 2015
Conceptual Evolution of Architectural Program Through the Second Half of the 20th Century

132). emphasizes that what comes out of past

examinations can be used to produce new
Starting with a hypothesis, testing it, solutions (via reprocessing and reinterpretation).
exploring phenomena, and afirming or This leads researches to put emphasis on
negating to move… these steps are the issues such as evolution, transformation,
main structure of the paradigm of conjec- adaptation, and also reinterpretation and
ture-refutation. However, the most signii- reevaluation of design ideas.6 Though it is
cant contribution of Lakatos comes from lexible, the design idea is deemed holistic
his remarks on the critical conventional- and not conceived through bits and pieces.
ism involved in the nature of programme. For this view, this (preserving and protecting
By following Lakatos, Anderson states the core even it transforms, bends, and changes
that, the “conventional element of science is the essence of good
throughout the process)
has invaded the very core of the scientiic design which should be observed in the
enterprise. Convention is an aspect of works (and processes) of experts, and in turn
that which assures the maintenance of be followed in the design education.
the programme” (Anderson, 1984, 148). This
position of being opposed to the positivist 4. Conclusion: Towards a
roots of design research, being opposed to Reconsideration of the Architectural
starting from scratch each time, is not the Program
accustomed way of describing design; it is Throughout the evolution of the Design
even against the roots of design research. Methods movement, irst we saw program
Presumably it is this very shift in position, as a separate analytical pre-design stage,
which provides a link between archi- and then, as a meta-database and meta-
tectural knowledge and contemporary scheduling mechanism to control the
inquiries of design as well as link between design process from the beginning to the
architectural historians like Stanford end, and sometimes as a deterministic
Anderson and design research. experimental model, a meta-algorithm
for reaching out automated design ideals.
Overall, within the conjectural, phenom- However, neither of these solutions it well
enological framework of both design to the subject matter of a well-known cam-
decision symposium held in 1963 and the paign studied under conjecture-refutation.
special issue of design research published
in 1984, program is viewed as a core that Starting from the middle of the twentieth
controls the whole. On the other hand, it century, post-positivist theories of know-
is also taken as a lexible structure which ledge have provided a base for the criti-
is fed by a set of auxiliary hypotheses cism of the foundational Cartesian view
(protective belt) surrounding the main design of knowledge. For design research, which
idea at the core. In both cases, program is caught the tail-end of the positivist tradi-
deined as a decision-making mechanism, tion, the post-positivist third-generation
which provides observation and clariica- caused a traumatic (unexpectedly soon)
tion of the works of the masters. In this re-evaluation. Indeed, the crisis in Design
sense, researchers who work on conjec- Methods was triggered by the pride in the
tural paradigm do not conine design factual, analytical thinking and the wish to
within a frame of determinist program- make induction the main tool for design.
6 Emphasis on the design ideas motivates
conjectural understanding to create an ming but rather they reinterpret it in a new For the post-positivist perspective, design
epistemological perspective, a designerly
body of thought that pays close attention context to emphasize various aspects of as “congeries of conspicuously disparate
to the existing artifacts. In that sense, one
creativity. parts” was led to a quite problematic,
might see the similar issues as having been
studied by Formalism, which is one of the unitting, explanation (Rowe, 1982/83). Yet,
most fertile sources of post-positivist mode Conjectural studies focus on inal products the paradox is that despite the diagnosed
of thought. Although there have never been
a single unified identity for explaining (cases, exemplars, precedents, etc.) and try to de- problems throughout the 1970s, design
formalist tradition/s, they in general provide
design a rich conceptual library of tools such scribe design (processes) through previous research is still reluctant to continue with
as opacity, defamiliarization, literariness…
etc. For a detailed information on the issue,
knowledge (previous architectural works). In a more itting epistemology. Instead, it
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