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Colegio San Pablo

English – 4th year

Crash test: vocabular unit 2

Complete the sentences using the most appropriate words:

1. She is the descendant of a very rich and powerful __________________ who was part of the royal family.

2. Armor has been used in ______________________________ around the world by many different civilizations.

3. At its peak, the Roman Empire had a considerable number of _________________ to fight their wars for them -
around 500,000 in fact.

4. Many war traditions come from ______________ _______________, when wars were fought differently because of
technological and tactical restrictions.

5. The people did not agree with the new government measures so they decided to have a _______________ on the

6. At our museum, you’ll find more than 2,000 _____________________ on display.

7. The invention of the __________________ forever changed the way battles were fought. Now soldiers could attack
from a distance using bullets and powder.

8. The country had been divided, so there were two factions who disagreed with each other and this led to a
______________ _______________.

9. After the king died, the prince gained control over the entire _____________________, its people and territory.

Complete the sentences using the most adequate expression in the correct form:

10. Most grandparents are so _________________________________ that they don’t know how to use the Internet.

11. There is no need to rush things when you’re trying to do it right: ____________________________ and enjoy it.

12. At this pace, it’s _________________________________________________ before robots take over most jobs.

13. We don’t have a place of our own yet, but __________________________________ we’re renting this apartment.

14. It’s _____________________________ our government decided to go back to normal and remove the restrictions!

15. I don’t usually like to drink alcohol or go to parties, but ____________________ I like to follow what my friends do.

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