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Student: Ximena Valdez

Course: 3rd
Date: 07-11-22
Teacher: Dayana Braga

Study: Democracy Declines Worldwide, Autocracies Grow
A recent study has found that democracy is growing weaker around the
world, and the number of autocracies is increasing.

The Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) measures political and

economic changes in developing countries and countries that are "in
transition" — so the list does not include Western Europe, the US,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Japan. The index aims to analyze
how countries are guiding social change toward democracy and a market

The 2022 index looked at 137 countries, evaluating their democracies

based on five criteria and giving each a score out of 10.

It was found that only 67 of the 137 countries could be considered

democracies, while the number of autocracies had increased to 70. Ten
years ago, 44% of countries on the list were considered autocracies —
but now it's 51%. This is the first time autocracies have been in the
majority since the BTI was started in 2004.

"This is the worst political transformation result we have ever measured

in the 15 years of our work," said BTI project manager Hauke Hartmann,
speaking to Deutsche Welle.

Even among countries that are still considered democracies, Hartmann

pointed to Poland, Hungary — and even the US, although it was not
counted — as examples of places where democracy has become
weaker in recent years.

A country was considered an autocracy if it did not hold free elections; if

there were no effective checks on the power of the leader; if leaders and
governments were not seen as having the power to govern their nation;
or if the nation's people were not free to assemble or express their views.

Uruguay was found to be the most democratic nation on the list, scoring
10 out of 10 in almost every category, for an average of 9.95 overall.
Other countries in the top 10 included Estonia, Costa Rica and Slovenia.

Yemen was found to be the least democratic country, scoring just 1.5
overall. Other countries in the bottom 10 included Somalia, Saudi Arabia
and North Korea.

Answer the questions

1- What are your thoughts on the Bertelsmann Transformation Index?

I think is a good measure to take the political and economical

transformations ahead, to créate justice in governments.

2- Do you find it surprising that there are more autocracies now than
there were just ten years ago?

Not at all, because humans thoughts and ideologists have change over
the years and peoples lifestyles or interests are not the same anymore.

3- Why do you think democracy has become weaker in some


Because of the lack of public support, the economic inequality and social
tensions, also the external influence from great power politics.
4- Would you say that your country has become more or less
democratic over the past few decades?

My country over the past few decades has become less Democratic.

5- Would you rather live in Uruguay, Estonia, Costa Rica or

Slovenia? Why?

Uruguay, for the justice and political transparency that they exercise,
also the freedom of expression.

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