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Exercise EventsSOs_01

health, attackDamage, defenseShield are hard coded values so all enemies have the same

* Ways to have different type of enemies?

Check: a different EnemyController() for each type of enemy. Have a base class
Enemy() and inherit from it to have different behaviours (EnemyController01,
Problems: values and behaviours are hard coded.

* What if we want to use the same EnemyController() component for all enemies while having
different types of enemies?
Check: ‘huge’ script containing all the enemy behaviours and select one using a value
contained in a public field. Using an ‘Enum’, for example, to easily select in the Inspector.
So, with a tick in the Inspector, the type is chosen. Or configuring it from outside.
Problems: hard to adjust the values. Need to expose too many parameters in the
Inspector or program a custom Inspector (not trivial). Moreover, these parameters will not keep
their values when stopping the playmode.

* Use SOs (Scriptable Objects).

For example, define an abstract base class for the enemy AI:
and create an asset for each enemy type (Bowser, GlaDOS, Ganon…), where specific
properties or methods can be defined:

And use a general ‘EnemyController’ to be added to each enemy GO:

where the private variables to be used are initialized using the SO values, instead of being hard

so the enemy type is easily changed just by dragging the SO in the Inspector’s field slot:
And then values can be changed and preserved while in playmode to adjust the game design:

Remember that you can hide a public variable in the inspector, to avoid accidental changes,
using the [HideInInspector] attribute. In the opposite, you can expose a private variable in the
Inspector, using the [SerializedField] attribute.

End of exercise --------------------------------------------

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