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people in Mexico
Description of
the conflict
It seeks to help our country become more inclusive. In the
past, Mexico has fought for equal rights for all citizens,
including indigenous tribes. Although from the beginning the
Mexican government attempted to criminalize and repress the
movement, international pressure forced a process of
dialogue between the two groups that resulted in the San
Andres Larrainzar agreement in February 1996 and the
recognition of the indigenous people as a group in the Mexican
Constitution, however over the years the Mexican government
has systematically ignored the San Andres agreement and the
indigenous community has been excluded from the rights they
have as individuals and collectively.


as an institution believe in preserving a patrimonial identity and for that it is vital to maintain a recognition of ethnic diversity in a way where
art, customs and traditions can be preserved alongside modern cultural views. For this to happen peacefully we must recognize equality
between ethnic groups and the nation as a whole. As stated in the vision statement from the cultural national secretary, we recognize the
State should promote and encourage patrimony and national identity to improve relationships ethnic groups and the state.

Indigenous communities
Constitution recognition is important to eliminate inequalities but it is

also needed. Respect, education and empathy is also needed, as well as

social recognition.. We understand that our world is changing so we are
willing to coexist and respect those who do not believe our same faiths
as long as we are respected. So yes it is possible for the recognition of
ethnic diversity to exist alongside the recognition of equality as long as
everyone respects each other.

International organizations
ONU (My role)
The UN has a United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which states Indigenous peoples and individuals are free
and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination in the exercise of their rights,
in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity. The social exclusion of indigenous women contributes to a permanent
situation of structural discrimination, which makes them particularly susceptible to various acts of violence.
The NU observe great areas of opportunity for both sides to benefit, the agreements are
made and new ones can be created to improve diversity, increase equality and equity, I
believe that intercultural dialogue can be used and improved by having international
organizations present to contribute to the development of these treaties and to seek and be
aware that the State complies with what it is promising to these indigenous communities.

Proposal for the

First, The State can first implement some laws and also with the help of organizations such
as PAHO where they support countries in the Americas region by strengthening capacities
and developing methodologies
Education of the people is a big part of the solution, for them to be more accepting and
tolerant of our diversities. Making cultural diversity a part of our day to day life through
festivities, literature, activities either during work or school that help to normalize our
diversity as a country will improve our familiarity and foster equality in our society As a
Governmental unit our role could be more focused on following through with concerns of
marginalization or even giving more active roles to ethnic communities in our programs
and celebrations.

Acuerdo de San Andrés, Derechos de los pueblos Indígenas. (n.d.). International Labour Organization.
Bermejo, C. G. (2021, August 5). Mexico: La permanente Batalla de los yaquis contra el despojo. Mongabay Environmental News.
COPRED.( 2019, August 09).Indispensable garantizar la inclusión de los pueblos originarios.
Cultura, (2016) Dirección General de Culturas Populares, Indígenas Y Urbanas, Available at: (Accessed: January 21, 2023).
Cultura, (2016) Radio Educación. Servicio Nacional de Comunicación Cultural, Available at: (Accessed: January 21, 2023).

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