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King of Wands: ENTJ

This is a Fire element and strong personality in the leadership style, a creative thinker and
problem solver at work. With a bit of strategic vision, they like long-term goals, even if they may
not be easy to achieve. This is an ambitious reader who is constantly looking for new
perspectives as well as knowledge of new philosophy and technology. On the negative side,
they could be a perfectionist, lacking in judgment about others, and could cut corners during
their problems with others.

Occupation: Lawyer or judge, a company employee, executive, business administration,

University professor.

Matching personality type: INFP (Page of Cups), INTP (Page of Wands).

King of Cups: ENFJ

This type of personality is quite sensitive to the needs of others and considers it their duty in life
– to help people reach their full potential. Instead of pioneering, they like to work “behind the
scenes”. An ENFJ transmits the intense feeling of loyalty – or, perhaps jealousy – from the life
that they touch, and an ENFJ can even be seen as a teacher (guru) or trainer (Svengali),
depending on their society. On the negative side, this kind of personality can be preached,
domineering, inflexible, sometimes greedy, and worst, being able to perform
obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

Occupation: Psychologists, social workers, clergy, teachers, diplomats.

Matching personality type: INFP (Page of Cups), INTP (Page of Wands).

King of Swords: ESTJ

Being practical and pragmatic, this type of personality avoids perfectionism in thinking and
solving problems. In society, this is a performer who is steadfast in their actions and interested
in the results. Being interested in justice more than fairness, they expect the same things from
everyone. On the negative side, they can be unethical, dishonest and cruel in communicating
with others and thus, they create a “two-sided” and unreliable impression.

Occupation: police, judges, military, science, management, sales.

Matching personality type: ISFP (Page of Pentacles), ISTP (Page of Swords).

King of Pentacles: ESFJ

As a sociable person, they are always looking for companions at work. This is the one who
shines in big groups and likes to be the center of attention without forgetting the contributions of
others. They believe in “the power of the crowd” and always praise others. Being a loyal friend
and an understanding colleague, this person aims for consensus and cooperation; In return,
they expect acknowledgment for their achievements. On the negative side, they may be rude
and even vulgar if they feel their generosity is being underrated or forgotten.

Occupation: physician, counselor, childcare provider, teacher, chef.

Matching personality type: ISFP (Page of Pentacles), ISTP (Page of Swords).

Queen of Wands: INTJ

Being reasonable and independent, this kind of personality bears many characteristics like their
companion, ENTJ (King of Wands), though they have hidden many of the qualities that the King
of Wands showed off. This is the kind of personality that holds themselves to the highest ethical
and professional standards and is consistent once theyr start a project or a relationship. Like
ENTJ, this person may tend to be a perfectionist, and on the negative side, they can ruin
themselves if they do not meet their own expectations. They can also be sly, intriguing and have
an ulterior motive in their actions.

Occupation: Physicians, technical staff, computer science staff, lawyers or judges.

Matching personality types: ENFP (Knight of Cups), ENTP (Knight of Wands).

Queen of Cups: INFJ

This type of personality is extremely sensitive to the interconnection and mutual influence of
things – material, moral, and spiritual. This is an avid student who is always curious to know the
inner origins of the world, and potentially is a person of philosophy and religion or the
“metaphysical” world. Although the Queen of Cups devoted to the development or
enlightenment of those around them, they also needed time for themselves, reflecting on the
mystery of life and their role in it. On the negative side, this kind of personality is introverted,
moody, unreasonable and even illusory.

Occupation: music and arts, traditional medicine/healthcare, clergy, medicine.

Matching personality types: ENFP (Knight of Cups), ENTP (Knight of Wands).

Queen of Swords: ISTJ

Like their companion, ESTJ (King of Swords), this is a pragmatist who has a natural ability to
organize and perform duties. They take great pride to be able to bring order from chaos and
harmony from discord, so they demands loyalty both at work and at home. This person may be
stubborn, but often for a greater benefit, and because they value behavior more than anything
else, they are willing to choose to take the detour to avoid conflict with others (though it is
longer) unless they are provoked. On the negative side, this person seems immoral when faced
with their own problems, sometimes domineering and even threatening, unless things go their
way in relationships.

Occupation: Attorney/judge, army/police, business administration, consultant/human resource.

Matching personality type: ESFP (Knight of Pentacles), ESTP (Knight of Swords).

Queen of Pentacles: ISFJ

Being concerned and sympathetic, this kind of personality is the nature of “motherland” who
cares for everyone and considers themselves a silent catalyst to help others to reach their full
potential in life. This type of person has a profound and eternal respect for family tradition,
friendship, and romance, and therefore, they are slow to adapt to sudden changes in those
structures, preferring predictable cyclical things that are in harmony with them. This kind of
personality is very emotional, but as an introvert, they are not easy to express unless perhaps
they needed a liberation. On the negative side, this is a person with a lot of moods and is prone
to depression and even abuses of alcohol and drugs.

Occupation: Nursing and childcare, social work/consultant, cook, and shopkeeper.

Matching personality type: ESFP (Knight of Pentacles), ESTP (Knight of Swords).

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