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In the 21th century, people are living in a world of SNS, sharing

their life, especially their success and splendid travel experiences.
People often fall into fallacy that these are the path to be happy
and try to follow the same path that are socially regarded as
“happy”--such as wealth and social prestige. However, there is no
such thing as a fixed happiness, only a way to find happiness in
their individual path of life. First of all, happiness is subjective.
Since each person has different value, some person could not get
the feeling of happiness from things that others regard as
happiness. For example, for a person who regards spending time
with their family as the most valuable thing, luxury
goods might not bring as much amount of the happiness that
others feel. In addition, happiness is a thing that anyone can feel
at any time. There are always at least tiny things that can bring
happiness to people’s lives, and catching them is the way to feel
happiness. Moreover, happiness is a state of mind, not a thing to
achieve as success. That is, happiness is not a thing that one can
feel for particular things one has done and shortly disappears, but
rather a continuous feeling that people should seek for while living
throughout their life. In conclusion, there are three reasons to the
non-existence of path to happiness, and it seems important for
modern people to practice appreciating their own life instead of
comparing their own happiness with others. 

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