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Is an era that occurred

before the 1700’s

Pre- Industrial
Age also known as the
prehistoric age
papyrus paper clay tablet cave painting
Were around since 35,000 BC

Served as a warning for danger or

instruction on how to kill wild beast

Also served as a record of history

and culture
Papyrus Paper

• Was used in ancient Egypt in 2500 BC

• Ancient Egyptians used the stem of the

papyrus plant to make paper
were used as a writing medium
especially for writing in cuneiform
People used steam power,
developed machine, tools and
manufactured various products such
as books through the printing press

Industrial Age Paved the way for mass production

of goods and products and became
responsible for the widespread
dissemination of information
printing press
motion pictures


typewriter telephone
Printing press
Allowed the mass production
of books, newspapers and
other printed materials
In the 1800s it allowed a more uniform
method of recording text without the
confusion of understanding the
handwriting of different people
Motion Pictures
Evolved from
1890s to 1926
Revolutionized long-distance communication upon its
telegraph invention around the 1830’s and this invention by Samuel
Morse and other inventors worked by transmitting electrical
signal over a wire laid between stations
It assigned a set of dots and This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

dashes for each letter of the

English alphabet and allowed a
simple transmission of
complex messages across
telegraph lines
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
It is an instrument designed
for the simultaneous
transmission and reception of
human voice
Transistor was

Electronic Age
Allowed the mass
media to take form.
Transistor radio television

First generation electronic computer mainframe

Characterized by massive
influence of the internet

Age Allowed real time
communication and ease of
access to information
Theories that explain
relationship of media evolution,
the social and cultural change.

• Is the belief that media and

communication have
affected and will always
significantly affect and
change our way of life
It is the culture and society
that shape technology

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