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The main character is Poppy Wyatt.

She is a physiotherapist and this girl is


getting married to an academic. A week before her wedding, while celebrating

with her friends an unfortunate incident happens. Poppy simultaneously loses her
engagement ring. She was passing it around at an event to a few friends when
the fire alarm goes off and when the chaos settles, no one seems to remember
who had it. Poppy desperately passes out her phone number to all the hotel
staff, begging them to keep an eye out for it, but then, when she goes to make
a phone call outside, a passerby nabs her phone.

But, just when all seems lost, she notices a cell phone abandoned in a trash
can in the hotel lobby. She gives the number to the front desk and then is
about to leave when the phone rings and a man on the other end begs her to
stall the businessman for five minutes until he can get down to the lobby. She
uncertainly agrees, eventually ending up doing a singing telegram delivery
of “All the Single Ladies” with the words swapped out for the businessman’s
name instead.

Sam, the guy on the other end of the phone, is NOT happy to discover a
stranger now has his personal assistant’s phone, but Poppy spills her sob
story about the missing ring and convinces Sam that he owes her for helping
out with detaining the businessman and he agrees that she can keep the phone
until her ring is recovered. Under the condition that she forwards along all
messages and emails that come in.

The phone is really the least of her worries at the moment, because her in-
laws do NOT care for her (they are both professors in obscure subjects and
mostly just seem bent on making her feel as stupid as possible), and that’s
even without knowing that she’s lost a priceless heirloom. And the wedding
is only about eight days away so THAT’S not helping matters either.
Of course, a nice distraction to all of this is reading someone else’s emails
and Poppy finds herself rather absorbed by reading all of Sam’s
correspondence. And because he seems so remote, she finds herself
occasionally texting him about her worries about the in-laws, the missing
ring, and also how he might improve his business.

It’s no surprise that some sort of romance is going to spring up between them
– the fun is watching it all unfold.

I can’t tell you the whole story, because there is a lack of time, but the only
think I can say is that the plot is very interesting. In addition, it’s easy to read
this book. What’s more, there are a lot of funny episodes. I like the style of
the author. There are a lot of common English phrases.

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