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This story is about a boy named Terrell amore and telling the story of how he lost his phone

at his
On the first day of school, Terrell begged his mom to make him bring his new phone to school.
But his mother told him no, he was so upset the next day Terrell had a surprise waiting for him.
When he got and put on his clothes his mom said “Terrell I'm not going to give you the new phone
But I will give you an old smartphone” said Terrell's mom he was still upset but he accepted his moms
Offer. When he got to school, he saw kids on their phones play games and watching YouTube.

Terrell did not want to show off his phone so it was in his bag, most of the time 2 weeks have passed,
But this was different from the rest. At physical education, Terrell lost his phone! Terrell was so mad how
they know the phone was in there but then he remembers that not all the students live on the block and
have to a taxi to get home.
So, someone saw him use his phone at the bus stop. He reported this to the den and she said “she can't
help me,
And I’m not even so posed to have a phone on school grounds using it” the den said with a face of

When Terrell got home, he told his mom she did not believe what happed and contacted the school. But
the principal said the what the den to his mother. His mom did not take that for an answer and tell them
to find Terrell's phone. The principal said nothing and hang up on her. The next day at school Terrell was
on the bus leaving school when he saw his phone with the thief. And Terrell was so shocked to see his
friend's brother holding his phone. His brother dos no go to his school so his new friend turned in to his
But he got a plan so Terrell asked his mom to go to his friend's house on a weekend she said “yes”
Terrell had to make sure it was his phone he tricked his enemy into playing Minecraft but lied about not
connecting so he went it setting and went to about phone this phone was his phone the phone name
never changed from Terrell 2.0he was so mad he went to his enemy's mom and told her she grounded
him and gave me back my phone.

The end

Story by: Terrell amore

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