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unity through literature and communication:

amidst the struggles of virtual learning

NAME: Lyka Nicole L. Escosia SECTION: 10- St. Stephen the Martyr

DATE: November 11, 2021 SUBJECT: English 10- Ms. Villena

”As a student in the new normal set up of education, how did communication and
literature help you in overcoming the struggles of virtual learning?"
Compose a minimum of 3 paragraph essay about the topic given below. Provide a suitable title for your finished essay. This output will be recorded as MINI-
PERFORMANCE TASK so make sure to comply.

Literature and Communication is major part of our lives. They had been around practically since the beginning. From
stories passed down to generation to generation, from the different languages from different countries, and how we
are able to connect with each other through these. These are essentially tools that allows us to better grasp specific
themes, particularly those that may be covered in online courses. It is a vital role in everyday life because it connects
people to society truths and values. It helps people to appreciate their thoughts and experiences in a way that is
valuable to others through fictionalized interpretations of the experience. Literature and Communication has helped
us through so many ways, whether it be trivial or a matter of utmost importance. And it will continue to do so, even
if it was faced against virtual learning.

Virtual Learning or online classes had since become the new norm after the pandemic struck us. Truly, virtual
learning has been a struggle not just for us students but the whole of the academe as well. As a student, I could say
that in terms of communication, virtual communication was able to bridge distance. But as far as socialization is
concerned, I feel that I was robbed of that chance to be able to express myself better when I am face to face with
people. Communicating virtually has its limits and one of them is the power of touch. Sometimes, we do not need to
say anything, but a simple hug will be able to say it all. I sometimes get frustrated if I do not understand the lesson
well, and feel the need to ask more questions, but then I am shy in taking more of my teacher and classmates’ data
time. Whereas, in face to face, we will have more time to ask questions as there is no data connection to think about.
I simply try and learn the lessons on my own using video tutorials. These times were very stressful for me, as someone
who’s very shy and afraid to speak out my mind, I found these very depressing, I couldn’t bring out my best and share
what I know whenever there are recitations because anxiety just seems to struck me every time.

When things get too much for me, I stop and read. As studies show, reading literature teaches one empathy and
other emotions. Having empathy for others helps people to socialize more effectively as empathy allows one into
another person’s shoes. It is also said that those who read more, can relate better with other people. In this way,
literature helps me in the struggles of virtual learning as it acts as my comfort whenever I feel frustrated. As I would
describe, reading takes me away from the shackles of reality and transports me into utopia, a world of euphoria,
where I don’t have anything to be worried about, and the delight reading gives you whenever you relate to a certain
character, and the sadness it gives you whenever your favorite character dies. Reading serves as a reminder and
inspiration for me that helps me cope with the struggles of virtual learning. Watching anime is also a big help for
me, since a good anime refreshes my mind and pumps me up whenever I see the main character doing their best to
achieve something. In a way, anime also helps widen the range of my vocabulary, the same way as reading does.
Plus, I get to learn a few Japanese phrases, which, of course, counts both in literature and communication. I feel like
literature helps me connect and relate with others without actually knowing each other, neither our experiences. In
terms of communication, although I’m still working on my communication skills, it certainly has taught me that
voicing out my opinions, thoughts, or questions, isn’t bad, and that the anxiety I get from communication is just a
result of the fears and scenarios I made up in my head. Communication definitely helped me release and relate with
others with the struggles of virtual learning, despite virtual communication having its own limits.

As an avid reader, I can relate with other students when it comes to struggles of our “new normal.” Thus, we should
try and come up with better solutions to our problems. By talking with my classmates, I know I am not alone in this
learning disadvantage. I know that I’m not the only one who feels sometimes frustrated, burnt out, stressed, and all
other feelings that comes to virtual learning. We never expected this, and we shouldn’t be thwart over adjusting in
virtual learning. We have never experienced virtual learning, so it is only sensible that we aren’t able to fully adapt
and swiftly, virtual learning. I just hope and pray that this will soon end so that we can still salvage some sense of
what schooling used to be. Though I also know that it will never be the same again. But with the guidance of our
Father God, I am hopeful that everything will be alright at the end.

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