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● Define imperialism
● Acquisition of Alaska
○ How did the U.S. acquire it
○ Why did the U.S. acquire Alaska
■ Resources in Alaska
○ When did it become a state
● Acquisition of Hawaii
○ Importance of Sugar plantations and the planters
○ Why did the US want Hawaii
○ Bayonet Consittuion
■ What was it, why was it important
○ Queen Liliuokalani
■ Who was she
■ What did she do
○ Overthrow of the Queen
■ What led to the removal of the queen
■ When was Hawaii annexed
■ When did it become a state
● Spanish-American War
○ State of Cuba in 1895
■ Economy
■ Treatment of Cubans by the Spanish
○ Yellow journalism
■ What is it
■ What role did it play in the Spanish-American War
○ The Maine incident
■ What happened
○ Treaty of Paris and other results of the war
■ What did the U.S. gain
■ Insular Cases
● Does the constitution apply to territories controlled by the U.S.
■ Platt Amendment (1901)
● Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Policy
○ What was this
○ Roosevelt Corollary
● Taft “Dollar Diplomacy”
○ How was this different from Roosevelt’s policy

● When was the progressive era
● What was the purpose of this era
● Generally who were the progressives
○ What did progressives want
● Muckrakers
○ Definition
○ What did they uncover
○ Know the 6 introduced in class
■ What were their contributions to this era
● Progressive era presidents
○ Roosevelt
■ Bully Pulpit
● What does this mean
■ The Square Deal
● Three C’s
○ Be sure to know what each were about
○ How did Roosevelt deal with each part
○ Taft
■ Trust-busting
■ Split of Republican Party
● Election of 1912
○ Bull-Moose Party
○ Wilson
■ New Freedom
● “Triple wall of privilege”
○ What was this
○ How did Wilson attempt to reform each
● Reforms
○ Constitutional Amendments
■ 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
○ Local Level
■ Spoils/patronage system
■ Commission and City-Manager Plan
○ State Level
■ Problems with election of senators
● How were Senators elected prior
■ Oregon Plan
■ Changes
■ Terms to know
○ The New Women
■ Who were part of the “New women”
● Importance of women to the reform movements
■ Jane Addams
○ Work place conditions
■ Triangle shirtwaist factory
■ Problems in the workplace
■ Reforms pushed for
■ Importance of labor unions
■ Eugene V. Debs
○ Child Labor
■ Problem
■ Changes
■ Important people
■ Organizations
○ Women’s Suffrage
■ Problem
■ Changes
■ Important people
■ Organizations
○ Prohibition
■ Problem
■ Changes
■ Important people
■ organizations
○ Eugenics
■ Definition
■ Why was it promoted

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