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Nutrition Survey

1. Do you normally eat breakfast? Yes, there is almost never a day that i dont eat breakfast

2. Give a few reasons why you might skip breakfast. Your late for something, or there is nothing
to eat

3. Describe how you physically feel when you do not eat breakfast and compare it to how you
feel when you do eat breakfast. One time my bus was late and and i didnt eat, i was literally
staving and i couldn't focus on anything but my stomach, but when i do eat i feel just fine

4. Name two things you could do to make more time for breakfast. Sleep earlier and set an

5. Give three examples of a “grab and go” breakfast food. Granola bar, apple, and bagel

6. Name a breakfast that includes three or more food groups. Bacon, Eggs, And bagels

7. Name two breakfast cereals. Which one do you think is healthier and why? Cinnamon toast
crunch, and cheerios, i think cheerios are healthier because they lower cholesterol

8. Do you eat lunch on a daily basis? Yes

9. What time do you usually eat dinner? 6:30-8:00 O’Clock

10. Does your daily consumption of foods consist of three meals and a snack or less? I eat
breakfast lunch snack, and dinner

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