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Facultad de Contaduría y

Yesterday & Today

Teacher: Torres Valdez Olga Janet

Student: Bailon Romero Kimberly Adilene

School enrollment: 358371

Fecha de elaboración: 08/03/2023

Up load a PDF file with the answers.
Don’t copy and paste texts, use your own words and experience.
Formal writing needs a cover.
Read the list of actions that people do when they are children or very young.
Add three more actions that you performed when you were young. (3 points)

a. Riding a bicycle
b. Watch TV
c. Play with dolls
d. Eat candies
e. Play hide and seek
f. Play board games

Choose five actions from above and write 5 sentences with them. Look at the
I used to ride a bike when I was 10 years old.
(5 points)

1. I used to ride my bike every summer afternoon

2. I used to watch TV when I got out of school

3. I played with dolls every day

4. I played hide and seek with the neighbors

5. I played board games with my friends

Complete the sentences with true information about you. Use Would. (5

I used to play soccer on the streets and I also hidden

I used to be afraid of ghost at night but I would turn on a light to sleep
My friends and I used to create dresses for our paper dolls and we would change
them every day.
I used to hide my personal magazines under the mattress and I would look at
everything they sold
My family and I used to watch cartoons on T.V. but they wouldn't let me watch
them for more than an hour.

What things people used to do back in the 80’s and that we do no more.
What other things, in your opinion, are different now than then? T.V sets?
Communication? Transport? People?
Write and essay about this topic. (7 points)

In general, everything was very different since there were other times and now there
is not the same as today, such as television programs, radio, transportation, and
Everything became and will return very different over the years because people are
very changeable.

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