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Name : Dian Hurul Aini

NIM : F081201055
Program Study : Sastra Jepang
Class : English 16

Document 43

1. The minute you climb in, you start feeling excited. There’s nothing so exciting for 1. Me,
not even a jet plane. You get in and start up and off you go. And then vou to pay
attention every minute. There’s always someone doing something crazy ot likely to end
up under your wheels. I sometimes think it’s a miracle if I can get all a way there with no
accidents. You’ve always got to be thinking ahead. There’s a lot c people in this job who
have stomach problems from the tension. They lose their be ing too, because of the
noise. You’ve got to be tough on this job, you know.”
Job: bus or truck driving

2. “My day starts at four o’clock in the morning. That’s when my feet hit the floor I’m at work
at five-thirty and I finish at two in the afternoon. In between I do a lot of walking. I wear
out a lot of shoes each year-maybe four or five pairs. And my poor feet, at the end of the
day they’re really hurting. The other problem is the dogs. Sometimes you can make
friends with them and they’ll follow you around. But other times, they can be mean. I’ve
been bitten a couple of times. I can’t say as I care much for dogs any more. But it’s not
all bad, my job. One thing I like is the way you meet a lot of people. You learn all about
their private lives, too. It never gets boring.”

Job: Mail Carrier

Document 44 :

A. The following selections are main ideas taken from different paragraphs in a college
textbook. Which pattern of organization doeseachone most likely suggest?
L-Listing S-Sequence CC-Comparison/Contrast CE - Cause/Effect

1. Parents tend to treat the oldest chikd differently from his or hersiblings.
2. The high t of college today creates several problems for many students in more ways h cost
than one.
3. Identical twins, event
4. There are a number of syrmptoms of drug abuse.
5. There are three reasons why Titanics
6. Her behavior was unusual yesterday in a number of ways.
7. Chimps are intelligent enough to make and use dinner utensils. Jane Goodall was the first
Scientist to study this behavior. One day, as she was observing several chimps plucked long
enwhen raised separately, have remarkably similar mannersims, c sank. blades of grass and
stripped of the leaves. Each licked one end to make sticky and poked the stem into a termite
nest. Each chimp then pulled the stem out covered with termite and licked them off much as a
child would a lollipop.
8. Recentresearchl hhas 5 shown that violence on television can cause violent behavior among
9. One sure way to create a poor reader is to put a child in front of television set all day.
10. Do your children watch too much television? Here are a few simple steps for limiting
television viewing without causing a major family battle.

Answer :
1. Contrast
2. Cause and effect
3. Comparison
4. Listing
5. Cause and Effect
6. Cause and effect
7. Comparison
8. Sequence
9. Listing
10.List (could also be seen as illustration) 11.Contrast
12. cause and Effect

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