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Group members:
Jenifer Frenita
Naila N. S. Komara
Ng Kara Sevania
Daniel Kenneth Cruz
Gian Levin S. Batac

Proposition 6. FGM contributes to initiating the succession planning process.

● It can be a gateway of opening up to the family governance about having succession
planning to futureproof the enterprise
● It can aid the expectations of the family governance about the future of the enterprise
● FGM can provide guidelines and an overview of how succession planning conducts/build

Proposition 6A. FGM contributes to the success of succession.

● FGM can help successors to develop the necessary competencies and represent the
family’s values and interests
● FGM keeps the business standardized (?)
● FGM can provide guidelines and policies on how to conduct the succession planning
● FGM can increase family engagement and collaboration as the family undergoes
● FGM can also promote a sense of purpose in the family governance regarding the
succession. They will have the same perspective.

Proposition 6B. Family councils are particularly likely to contribute to initiating the succession
planning process.
● During family council meetings, they can openly discuss areas of the succession
planning process
● There will be a governing body overseeing the initiation of the succession planning
● Family councils bring the family togetherness to increase business opened
communication in terms of succession planning

Proposition 6C. Family councils are particularly likely to contribute to the success of succession.
● They can oversee the process by which the succession plan is conducted
● The family council will be able to discuss the strength and weaknesses of the potential
successors of the business
● Family councils can remove biases by having a vote about who will be taking charge of
the company.

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