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Group members:
Jenifer Frenita
Naila N. S. Komara
Ng Kara Sevania
Daniel Kenneth Cruz
Gian Levin S. Batac

Guide questions:


1. As women, what kind of roles do you think women should py in a medium-big

family business in today’s world? Why? Wha
○ Any role within their expertise
■ Management, Process Development, Auditing
■ Employee Relations (HR)
■ Marketing
○ 2nd to the CEO, the CEO should be a Man
2. What do you require from them?
○ Detail Oriented to improve the process of the organization
○ Communication abilities, women tend to have better communication skills
○ Social Sensitivity
■ Compassionate and Empathetic
■ Patient and Can Connect Easily to employees and stakeholders
○ Responsible and Dependable like women inside the house being a mother
○ Women tend to remember a lot of things not forgetting small important
○ Women find a way to earn a profit and manage it well.
3. As Women, will you ever let your future husband work in your family business?
(you as founder or successor and CEO) and have fewer roles than you?
○ If Unemployed, Yes.
○ If Employed, better not to join because of the potential conflict
○ Yes, probably more roles than women, and be the head
■ Because of women stereotyping.
■ People tend to listen more to Men
■ Women are sensitive and unstable

1. As men, would you allow your future wife and kids (especially daughters) to work
in your business? Making your business (or future business) larger? What role
will you provide them why?
○ YES - Family can uphold values and family culture in the organization
○ Roles and Responsibilities that would allow them to understand the whole
of the business
○ Given the right skills, knowledge, and experience, Daughters can also
lead the business
○ If members of the family take on bigger roles in the business
i. Exclusivity Trade Family Secrets of the Famly Business
ii. Mission and Vision will be preserved
○ Opening up positions to women family members can induce creativity,
openness, and innovation
○ Having different perspectives
○ Manages with emotions and empathy

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