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Explain how one gets the Golden Ratio.

Explain by giving an illustration or a drawing AND giving specific


In getting a golden ration it must sum the squares of any series of Fibonacci numbers, they will equal the
last Fibonacci number used in the series times the next Fibonacci number. Based on the following
progression and properties of the Fibonacci spiral, this property outcomes with in Fibonacci spiral. Just
like this ear I will show you how the sequence of square came up with a spiral. Using quarter-circle arcs
inscribed in squares of the integer Fibonacci number side, it approximates the golden spiral, as
demonstrated for square configurations. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

What would be the width of a Golden Rectangle whose length is 233 centimeters? Show your complete
Give two reasons why the Golden Ratio is present in a creation or a thing. Explain or discuss

Golden ratio appears because one of which is it has the ability to be used for artistic purposes.
In both 2D and 3D art, it is hugely useful as a technique for accurately representing the shape of
natural things. If there is a shape to be noticed, it appears that the golden Ratio will be present
as well. In the world of art, architecture, and design, the golden ratio has earned a tremendous
reputation just like the painting of Monaliza.

Aside from that, recognizing and actually understanding the golden ratio can simply help you
appreciate the beauty and aesthetics of both nature and the arts. The more you know about a
topic or technique, the more you'll be able to use it and understand the results.

What, to you, is the most fascinating occurrence of the Golden Ratio? Why? Discuss

The spirals in the pine cone are the most fascinating example of the golden ratio for me. The number of
lines will nearly always match a pair of continuous Fibonacci numbers as I count the spirals. It is indeed
interesting to observe that it works with any pine cone you select. This is only some example of how the
golden ratio may be found even in the tiniest of things, or even such microscopic ones.

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